08:58 AM - May 14, 2015 by Steve_OS
Madden NFL 16 News Post
Madden NFL 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 21
reverend_heat @ 05/14/15 12:29 PM
Just like to give a big thanks to EA for completely ignoring year after year after year after year the pleas of your fanbase to update the equipment. This is the second year in a row the player on the cover, THE COVER! will be lacking the mouthguard, shoes, gloves, arm sleeve, etc that make us identify said player as unique (its called player likeness EA). Other games give weekly equipment detail updates as real life players update theirs. We cant get one in going on a decade now? Does EA have dedicated people who are responsible for this? If so what did they do between 15 and 16? this was the first time you had a full next gen development cycle between releases and it appears literally nothing was changed. is EA not embarrased by this?, they damn well should be. Im to the point where im getting sick of saying im getting sick of this. We line your pockets every single year and are ignored for our good faith. Hey ea, since you love micro transacting your fans to a bloody penniless death, do this, charge $50 for the ability to edit mouthguards on the players, I will pay it, at this point I dont know any other possible way to ask for it, so I will speak the language you understand, charge us out the *** for something that should have been in place ten years ago, HELLO?
Based on how many complaints there are about equipment right now with the current screen shots, I'd fathom to guess that it just hasn't been touched since; I would fathom to guess that the new consoles could handle it now if Tiburon dedicated the time to changing it. I assume, however, that Tiburon doesn't really view hand towel refactoring as a high-priority thing compared to any number of core gameplay changes they made.
What the heck is wrong with Luck's arm. It looks disfigured These graphics look like they could be done on last gen systems..
# 24
SolidSquid @ 05/14/15 12:35 PM
Besides I'm certain the guys making those gameplay improvements are not the same guys as the people who do uniforms and equipment.
When I think about all the money Madden makes for EA between normal sales and the My Team mode I can't help to feel like we get insulted every year. I'm not saying I expect them to reinvest all their earnings but other sports games do so much more in a year and make far less money.
# 26
trey2k198003 @ 05/14/15 12:58 PM
i love it 24 hrs and the hate is already pouring in no one has the complete info or played the game to see if the under the hood stuff has been tuned up or changed to be better just complaints about how gear is bad and lighting cause yea they are important but damn madden was a solid game last yr once you got the sliders right it was not better or no worse than 2k or mlb (which btw both of those games look alot like there previous versions too) mlb the show was pretty much a complete under the hood upgrade and it was great and there isn't nearly as much hate in there forums about the limited upgrades to it.
I know no one cares what im typing and that's fine just hate that every time madden has something they are trying to improve people don't even wait to the dev videos or the damn demo videos for it to be harshly critiqued. i cmon and to the guy that said 2k and mlb improve EXPONENTIALLY EACH YEAR REALLY????? check there forums at least maddens servers work for online season play and 2k online association?oh wait that still inst a thing oh and the shows road to the show hasn't changed in yrs also there franchise mode is very flat and not a lot of customization. AND THIS IS COMING FROM A GUY WHO LOVES THE SHOW!!!! LOL i really do but no game is perfect all dev teams have a budget and limited time and do what they can. Oh and this competition argument is garbage too all of the major sports t games have no competition (NBA live you say really? getting better but no competition yet for 2k) i don't hear that crazy argument about the other games lol clowns.
Ok done ranting later haters see you online lol !
I know no one cares what im typing and that's fine just hate that every time madden has something they are trying to improve people don't even wait to the dev videos or the damn demo videos for it to be harshly critiqued. i cmon and to the guy that said 2k and mlb improve EXPONENTIALLY EACH YEAR REALLY????? check there forums at least maddens servers work for online season play and 2k online association?oh wait that still inst a thing oh and the shows road to the show hasn't changed in yrs also there franchise mode is very flat and not a lot of customization. AND THIS IS COMING FROM A GUY WHO LOVES THE SHOW!!!! LOL i really do but no game is perfect all dev teams have a budget and limited time and do what they can. Oh and this competition argument is garbage too all of the major sports t games have no competition (NBA live you say really? getting better but no competition yet for 2k) i don't hear that crazy argument about the other games lol clowns.
Ok done ranting later haters see you online lol !
Ugh. Nighttime and indoor stadium lighting is still just too dark. It's like they are playing under minimal stadium lighting. Same as last year. And the "sheen" (shininess) on the uniforms is just way overdone.
In terms of the whole package I felt a little duped by Madden 15 (after not having bought it in 4 years). I think 16 may be another 'pass'
However, given how tightly development time and resources in franchised AAA games are budgeted, if it wasn't planned at the outset to refactor hand towels, it doesn't get done.
# 29
iNolaNightmare @ 05/14/15 01:20 PM
I know it's been said a hundred times already but how can they leave out the armsleeve? I'm not even an equipment junkie but that is just so stupid! It is being worn by TONS of NFL players and it looks weird not seeing them wear it on the game. If RG3 can have it, then it's possible to implement.
Ugh. I usually don't comment on stuff like this but I can't stand how dark and dull Madden looks. I thought for sure FOR SURE they would finally redo the lighting this year, but it appears identical to last year. Turn on some damn lights and move that brightness slider up EA come on.
# 31
SolidSquid @ 05/14/15 01:27 PM
# 32
Big_Mig_11 @ 05/14/15 01:43 PM
well....15 looked good, so I agree with most that I'd rather them use the "graphical" resources on facial scan and equipment; I know tattoos were trademarked by Kaep which is why they were in last year so can't blame EA. Just gotta see this puppy in motion before I can really critique....
On a positive, I do like that all of the night screen shots are being played on the "Super Bowl 50" field so I like the skin along the lower bowl at Levi's. I know they aren't giving too much away, but I;m hoping they make the effort the NFL did by pumping the heck out of it...
On a positive, I do like that all of the night screen shots are being played on the "Super Bowl 50" field so I like the skin along the lower bowl at Levi's. I know they aren't giving too much away, but I;m hoping they make the effort the NFL did by pumping the heck out of it...
# 34
JKSportsGamer1984 @ 05/14/15 02:45 PM
I said this last year when the Kaepernick screenshot dropped, it's stupid for them to add tattoos for some players (in this case one player) & not all players smh. Either have tatts for all players who have them or none at all. Looks more awkward to only have tatts on certain players than to have none in the game. If they can't "get the rights" for all players, just scrap the whole idea.
# 35
@marcusjiles @ 05/14/15 03:24 PM
Dont wanna be the that guy that slams the fist ounce of anything we get but... damn. The little details that are little in consequence to the game, but are easy updates (gloves, towels, player models in to muscular build) is largely not just the same as M15, but the same since in 2011.
Not a deal breaker, not even close, but it is worth noting.
Not a deal breaker, not even close, but it is worth noting.
the problem we have is the NFL, we need the encourage the NFL to end the exclusive license and open the door for third party developers to make games to force competition on EA, but the prospects and chances of that is slim to never....this is why the show and nba 2k are kicking their butts.
The background looks the same as Madden 15...They need some realism coming from the fans area, you cant event see the fans faces in the stands.. All they did was highlight the fans clothing to match the teams colors...
# 38
RogueHominid @ 05/14/15 03:46 PM
What they found was that to make white uniforms look like real life, they had to be a little blue, actually--that, and tons of other really interesting stuff.
The net result was a game that REALLY looks like what you see on TV when you watch a game (though player models could be better).
Given that this tech exists, I think it's sorely needed in Madden. I have not been able to play as a dome team for years because the lighting is so bad indoors in Madden and looks so little like a real life broadcast. I pretty much only think the 1 PM games look decent. The 4 PM games are alright, but still not realistic looking.
The team should try using this tech and leave off attempting to render lighting and color as they're doing it now, since it doesn't appear to be working.
But man madden is completely the opposite, its like each year it's buzz word features, year of the running back, year of the defense, year of the qb, year of the wr/db. And year after year we are right back to square one which is that this is the same broken game at its core. And it seems like they truly don't care to fix the little things which is unfortunate
I love MLB the show but is it really a fair comparison, The show is an exclusive game for the PS4 and PS3, Madden is an exclusive license game thats on all consoles and the NFL is a lot more popular. I appreciate everything the Show brings to the table, but I can go without playing a baseball game for a year.
Madden on the other hand I cant stand most of the time but I cant fight the football itch I get every year that makes me buy this game that I know doesnt meet my standards, so basically its guys like me that keeps allowing things like no graphical changes to not be a big deal for EA because they know guys like me will breakdown and buy it eventually anyway.
Madden on the other hand I cant stand most of the time but I cant fight the football itch I get every year that makes me buy this game that I know doesnt meet my standards, so basically its guys like me that keeps allowing things like no graphical changes to not be a big deal for EA because they know guys like me will breakdown and buy it eventually anyway.
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