
Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

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Old 05-14-2015, 11:50 AM   #25
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

It's so frustrating that they have the nerve to not only NOT add the one armed sleeve that Sherman and many others wear, but they are so lazy and satisfied with where they're at, that they will just give sherman a black wristband and hope we don't notice that he's actually wearing forearm sleeves. It looks insanely ugly and no one is falling for it.
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Old 05-14-2015, 11:53 AM   #26
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

These don't look good.

The lighting, body models, and textures all are sub-par to me.
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Old 05-14-2015, 12:29 PM   #27
reverend_heat's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

Just like to give a big thanks to EA for completely ignoring year after year after year after year the pleas of your fanbase to update the equipment. This is the second year in a row the player on the cover, THE COVER! will be lacking the mouthguard, shoes, gloves, arm sleeve, etc that make us identify said player as unique (its called player likeness EA). Other games give weekly equipment detail updates as real life players update theirs. We cant get one in going on a decade now? Does EA have dedicated people who are responsible for this? If so what did they do between 15 and 16? this was the first time you had a full next gen development cycle between releases and it appears literally nothing was changed. is EA not embarrased by this?, they damn well should be. Im to the point where im getting sick of saying im getting sick of this. We line your pockets every single year and are ignored for our good faith. Hey ea, since you love micro transacting your fans to a bloody penniless death, do this, charge $50 for the ability to edit mouthguards on the players, I will pay it, at this point I dont know any other possible way to ask for it, so I will speak the language you understand, charge us out the *** for something that should have been in place ten years ago, HELLO?
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Old 05-14-2015, 12:30 PM   #28
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

Originally Posted by FaceMask
Peyton Manning is still not wearing his towel in the middle like he has since, what, 1994 while at Tennessee perhaps?


I'd love to hear their technical excuse for that.
When the hand towels were originally added, if I recall correctly the thing was that there wasn't enough processing power on the XBOX 360 / PS3 to do collision between the player and the towel properly if it was centered over the belt buckle, so the towel got moved to the side.

Based on how many complaints there are about equipment right now with the current screen shots, I'd fathom to guess that it just hasn't been touched since; I would fathom to guess that the new consoles could handle it now if Tiburon dedicated the time to changing it. I assume, however, that Tiburon doesn't really view hand towel refactoring as a high-priority thing compared to any number of core gameplay changes they made.
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Old 05-14-2015, 12:33 PM   #29
tsbmolina's Arena
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What the heck is wrong with Luck's arm. It looks disfigured These graphics look like they could be done on last gen systems..

Last edited by tsbmolina; 05-14-2015 at 12:36 PM.
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Old 05-14-2015, 12:35 PM   #30
SolidSquid's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Screenshots

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
When the hand towels were originally added, if I recall correctly the thing was that there wasn't enough processing power on the XBOX 360 / PS3 to do collision between the player and the towel properly if it was centered over the belt buckle, so the towel got moved to the side.

Based on how many complaints there are about equipment right now with the current screen shots, I'd fathom to guess that it just hasn't been touched since; I would fathom to guess that the new consoles could handle it now if Tiburon dedicated the time to changing it. I assume, however, that Tiburon doesn't really view hand towel refactoring as a high-priority thing compared to any number of core gameplay changes they made.
But they have to be aware that as the hand towels are now they are constantly clipping/phasing through the player models. It's a little thing sure but from a quality stand point at some time you need to take some pride in your craft and little things like that do matter.

Besides I'm certain the guys making those gameplay improvements are not the same guys as the people who do uniforms and equipment.
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Old 05-14-2015, 12:40 PM   #31
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When I think about all the money Madden makes for EA between normal sales and the My Team mode I can't help to feel like we get insulted every year. I'm not saying I expect them to reinvest all their earnings but other sports games do so much more in a year and make far less money.
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Old 05-14-2015, 12:58 PM   #32
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i love it 24 hrs and the hate is already pouring in no one has the complete info or played the game to see if the under the hood stuff has been tuned up or changed to be better just complaints about how gear is bad and lighting cause yea they are important but damn madden was a solid game last yr once you got the sliders right it was not better or no worse than 2k or mlb (which btw both of those games look alot like there previous versions too) mlb the show was pretty much a complete under the hood upgrade and it was great and there isn't nearly as much hate in there forums about the limited upgrades to it.

I know no one cares what im typing and that's fine just hate that every time madden has something they are trying to improve people don't even wait to the dev videos or the damn demo videos for it to be harshly critiqued. i cmon and to the guy that said 2k and mlb improve EXPONENTIALLY EACH YEAR REALLY????? check there forums at least maddens servers work for online season play and 2k online association?oh wait that still inst a thing oh and the shows road to the show hasn't changed in yrs also there franchise mode is very flat and not a lot of customization. AND THIS IS COMING FROM A GUY WHO LOVES THE SHOW!!!! LOL i really do but no game is perfect all dev teams have a budget and limited time and do what they can. Oh and this competition argument is garbage too all of the major sports t games have no competition (NBA live you say really? getting better but no competition yet for 2k) i don't hear that crazy argument about the other games lol clowns.

Ok done ranting later haters see you online lol !
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