NBA 2K16 News Post

There were quite a few game winning buzzer beaters over the weekend in the NBA playoffs. In case you missed any of them, check out the 6 second Vine below.

Shady recreated the Paul Pierce buzzer beater yesterday in NBA 2K15. Today he checks in with the LeBron James game winner, which helped the Cleveland Cavaliers even up the series with the Chicago Bulls at 2-2.

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Member Comments
# 1 coolcras7 @ 05/11/15 11:52 AM
He missed the part where the Cavs coach tried to call a time out when he had none which should have been a technical and then the refs giving the Cav a free time out to set up a play.
# 2 The 24th Letter @ 05/11/15 12:14 PM
Players are allowed to go to their benches during a review, this isn't a new thing....don't understand the whole "free time out" deal....

anyway, nice video as always Shady
# 3 coolcras7 @ 05/11/15 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Players are allowed to go to their benches during a review, this isn't a new thing....don't understand the whole "free time out" deal....

anyway, nice video as always Shady
That's the point, the rule has to change during a review teams should have to stay on the court with no interaction with the coaches, they turned a play that should have started immediately because the Cavs used all their time outs into a set play.
Nice video
# 4 WaddupCouzin @ 05/11/15 12:56 PM
Good video Shady!
# 5 jeebs9 @ 05/11/15 01:16 PM
hahaha OH please... If it was another team it wouldn't be a issues. But it has helped the LeBron twice now.

By the way... I'm a little shocked in that a few details were missing from the video that Shady didn't use. He didn't use the jump cut that freed LeBron for the corner. He just ran to the corner in the video.
# 6 coolcras7 @ 05/11/15 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
hahaha OH please... If it was another team it wouldn't be a issues. But it has helped the LeBron twice now.

By the way... I'm a little shocked in that a few details were missing from the video that Shady didn't use. He didn't use the jump cut that freed LeBron for the corner. He just ran to the corner in the video.
If it was any team it would be and is an issue, it gives teams an unfair advantage, but since its a Lebron team you will look the other way, ooo and i guess my statement about the Cavs coach calling a time out was all but forgotten as well.
# 7 jeebs9 @ 05/11/15 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
If it was any team it would be and is an issue, it gives teams an unfair advantage, but since its a Lebron team you will look the other way.
Dude.... Are you saying that LeBron James is the only one that gets an unfair advantage from this small loop hole? Because I'm pretty sure both teams get in the huddle.

I'm pretty sure the Spurs had an illegal sub after it happen in the finals.
# 8 coolcras7 @ 05/11/15 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
Dude.... Are you saying that LeBron James is the only one that gets an unfair advantage from this small loop hole? Because I'm pretty sure both teams get in the huddle.

I'm pretty sure the Spurs had an illegal sub after it happen in the finals.
SO let me get this straight are you trying to say that the time out had no effect on the final play.
# 9 jeebs9 @ 05/11/15 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
SO let me get this straight are you trying to say that the time out had no effect on the final play.
No it didn't..... Because both teams got a chance to huddle up. They both got the same time to set up their defense/offense.
# 10 NC12 @ 05/11/15 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
Dude.... Are you saying that LeBron James is the only one that gets an unfair advantage from this small loop hole? Because I'm pretty sure both teams get in the huddle.

I'm pretty sure the Spurs had an illegal sub after it happen in the finals.
Exactly what I was thinking
# 11 coolcras7 @ 05/11/15 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
No it didn't..... Because both teams got a chance to huddle up. They both got the same time to set up their defense/offense.
Wow....guess talking logic to a Lebron fan is futile.
# 12 jeebs9 @ 05/11/15 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
Wow....guess talking logic to a Lebron fan is futile.
That's your way out of an argument? It's one thing to say I'm a LeBron fan. And then run away. But come on.

Breath in. Breath out. Remove yourself from the situation and think about it without having any bias.

Both teams gets to huddle. Now if one team gets to huddle. But the other doesn't. I would totally understand your displeasure for what happened yesterday. The Cavs didn't even run a play.

Nite if your complaining about "calling a timeout". If the refs don't see it. They can't call it. Same thing goes for a loose ball.
# 13 HowDareI @ 05/11/15 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
That's your way out of an argument? It's one thing to say I'm a LeBron fan. And then run away. But come on.

Breath in. Breath out. Remove yourself from the situation and think about it without having any bias.

Both teams gets to huddle. Now if one team gets to huddle. But the other doesn't. I would totally understand your displeasure for what happened yesterday. The Cavs didn't even run a play.

Nite if your complaining about "calling a timeout". If the refs don't see it. They can't call it. Same thing goes for a loose ball.
People wanna argue against Lebron using the refs as easy ammo. If the game was so easy for Lebron they wouldn't have called that charge against him and they would have called a foul when Noah hit him lol.

And it's simple as this, both teams got a chance to huddle up. Bulls are a defensive-minded team with a great defensive coach. He got a chance to talk to them about defense lol but that's "fair" right?

And let's not forget Lebron even said the play wasn't for him he called a different one. So everything they talked about in the huddle meant nothing.

Lebron haters gotta try harder/
# 14 coolcras7 @ 05/11/15 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
That's your way out of an argument? It's one thing to say I'm a LeBron fan. And then run away. But come on.

Breath in. Breath out. Remove yourself from the situation and think about it without having any bias.

Both teams gets to huddle. Now if one team gets to huddle. But the other doesn't. I would totally understand your displeasure for what happened yesterday. The Cavs didn't even run a play.

Nite if your complaining about "calling a timeout". If the refs don't see it. They can't call it. Same thing goes for a loose ball.
I am not running away from anything, both teams should no have been put in that situation to prepare for that last shot, none had a time out because they used them all, those are the consequences teams have to deal with if they don't use timeout wisely, but once again the refs inserted themselves into the final play of the game. 1.5 seconds should not turn in 61.5 seconds, and saying it did not affect the outcome or the final play because both teams had the opportunely to set a play is insane, i would be arguing the result even if lebron had missed.
# 15 NC12 @ 05/11/15 02:30 PM
# 16 jeebs9 @ 05/11/15 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
I am not running away from anything, both teams should no have been put in that situation to prepare for that last shot, none had a time out because they used them all, those are the consequences teams have to deal with if they don't use timeout wisely, but once again the refs inserted themselves into the final play of the game. 1.5 seconds should not turn in 61.5 seconds, and saying it did not affect the outcome or the final play because both teams had the opportunely to set a play is insane, i would be arguing the result even if lebron had missed.
Your saying the refs... Who were trying to see who the ball went out of bounds on (so that they could get the possession of the ball and right time on the clock). Tried to change the game some how.

By the way, Shady... I'm so sorry I hi-jacked your awesome video. (But I still think you could of used the jump cut to free LeBron for the corner.)
# 17 coolcras7 @ 05/11/15 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
Your saying the refs... Who were trying to see who the ball went out of bounds on (so that they could get the possession of the ball and right time on the clock). Tried to change the game some how.

By the way, Shady... I'm so sorry I hi-jacked your awesome video. (But I still think you could of used the jump cut to free LeBron for the corner.)
They already confirmed the ball went off the bulls, come on man, what yesterday proved is that there is a huge flaw in the replay system.
# 18 VGC KoMiCz @ 05/11/15 04:22 PM
Hey Guys! I'm new to the site it is SWEET! Also nice video Shady00018 i don't if you know this, but i found it on my Facebook through the Bleacher Report Good **** once again man.
# 19 RBUDD88 @ 05/12/15 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
He missed the part where the Cavs coach tried to call a time out when he had none which should have been a technical and then the refs giving the Cav a free time out to set up a play.
Stop crying!

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