EA Sports UFC News Post

With E3 on the horizon, we’re likely going to hear a lot more about all of the usual suspects in the sports genre. One of the outliers to this standard cycle is the EA Sports UFC franchise, as EA has admitted that the game won’t have a standard annualized release schedule. This has become obvious by the fact that June is nearly here and we know nothing about the next game in the franchise. Random message board posts and tweets from the dev team have confirmed that development is underway on the next game (EA Sports UFC 2? EA Sports UFC 2016?), but it’s hard to say when we’ll hear more about it.

Read More - EA Sports UFC: Five Things The Sequel Needs to Include

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
EA Sports UFC Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Battle4MY @ 05/11/15 11:05 AM
Great suggestions. I have a feeling the next game is going to be a home run.
# 2 PhiPsi1 @ 05/11/15 11:28 AM
My personal wish-list:

1) Tournament mode!
2) A mode similar to 'Universe mode' in WWE 2K15 where we can take the role of a promoter and make UFC our own, personalized UFC events...
3) A mode similar to 'Showcase mode' in WWE 2k15 that features specific fighters rise up the ranks...Would be great for 'newbies' like me to re-live and learn about how fighters made a name for themselves through the fights/events they took part in...
4) Allow the user to use 'real' fighters in career mode and not be forced to create a fighter...Would be awesome to use Conor McGregor (yes...I'm a FANBOY! LOL!) in a career mode!
5) All the necessary gameplay adjustments that our OS community has proposed in the past by aholbert and crew!
# 3 Fedor_52 @ 05/11/15 12:09 PM
would love to see more than 5 ko animations in the next game
# 4 LingeringRegime @ 05/11/15 07:29 PM
Event Mode/Matchmaker Mode

Bigger Roster.

Gameplay animations need to be more physics based, so that hard strikes will look realistic.

Fine with the submission systems as is.
# 5 ClassActFan @ 05/11/15 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by PhiPsi1
My personal wish-list:

1) Tournament mode!
2) A mode similar to 'Universe mode' in WWE 2K15 where we can take the role of a promoter and make UFC our own, personalized UFC events...
3) A mode similar to 'Showcase mode' in WWE 2k15 that features specific fighters rise up the ranks...Would be great for 'newbies' like me to re-live and learn about how fighters made a name for themselves through the fights/events they took part in...
4) Allow the user to use 'real' fighters in career mode and not be forced to create a fighter...Would be awesome to use Conor McGregor (yes...I'm a FANBOY! LOL!) in a career mode!
5) All the necessary gameplay adjustments that our OS community has proposed in the past by aholbert and crew!
I like your ideas. EA needs to hire you!
# 6 jinth0688 @ 05/11/15 10:28 PM
some ground and cage transitions, like in undisputed 3, would be nice.
also wouldn't mind being able to rock your opponent on the ground instead of going straight to the ko.
and also finishing the fight standing over an opponent or in side control instead of always landing in full mount.
# 7 fishingtime @ 05/12/15 01:52 PM
Career Mode

Career mode needs to be worked on, but mainly in the way it is executed. Get rid of the cut scenes. These were overdone and felt generic. These guys aren't actors, they are fighters. Dana White every once in a while okay.

Career mode really needs to follow a path. Each fight needs to be different, and the training games based around that fight. No random training games with no purpose other than for the sake of having them. Don't give us points to allocate like the first one did. Give us the ability to temporarily increase a stat(s) we will need for the upcoming fight. Keep the (best thing ever in a career) points we earn from our fights in there. Stats for fighters are based on their fights, not their training.

As for sponsor, we all know Reebok is going to be the main sponsor. So instead of using sponsors right away, give us cash to use for training and camps. We also know that the UFC will be allowing some other sponsors they get to be on fighters. So make those sponsors something that you earn from being a champ or high rated fighter. Unfortunately the two sponsors we know of right now that will also be a part of the fighter's shorts and can sponsor fighters are Monster and Bud Light Living. Not sure putting Bud Light as a sponsor is something they will do. So hopefully more of these sponsors will be announced before the final game is released.

Career mode they need to try something new. I think a co-op career mode would be cool. Offline and/or online. Give the option to finish the career without the other person if they bow out or quit playing with you. Make both of you fight in separate classes, but with the possibility of a super match where you can face each other. Train together as well. As you should be in the same camp.

Fight cards in career mode must be able to be watched. You can simulate to your match, but only play your match. Also allow each match to be simulated in case you only want to watch a couple fights on the card besides yours.

Let us save our CAF at his peak for offline/online play. We get our CAFs how we like them in career mode, so having to go in and redistribute stats is just a pain.

Don't let the career stop. Let us play as long as we want. However, after about the 35-40 matches like this career has, have our stats decay. This will make the fights even harder the further in to the career you go. This could be a badge of honor type of thing to say you got to 70 fights on Pro. So many losses in a row, and face being cut. End of your career.

Roster fighters would be great, but like Undisputed they will be limited to what you can customize. The UFC is pretty strict with things like this. We should still be able to do it though.


Instead of the challenges I would like to see an interactive central gym where you learn to play the game, be able to spar with opponents online and offline, have camp fights, train specific situations, and basically just learn the game.


Controls were an issue when the game initially released. However, changing them now would be the wrong thing to do. You already got people used to them. So any changes need to be very subtle. Like putting the sway on the block button as well and getting rid of the ability to block when lunging. Fighters are more at risk doing this anyways, and their bodies can't react the same while in motion. So taking that away would be realistic and would take away the bunny hopping animation that is really annoying when someone is lunging and holding block at the same time.

Pride Mode

Although it would be great, let's let them focus on getting the game to a state where they can devote more time to something like this. Yes, it would be cool. However, this would take a lot of development time and resources that are needed for the core game.


There really isn't much that needs to be done here in terms of additions. Maybe an OWC for CAF lovers. Definitely bring back the fight cards from EA MMA. I want the fight cards to be made Event Modes though that are playable online, as well as having Event Mode for offline.

For quicker match making, let us set defaults. What I mean by this is to have an options menu for online where we go through and set our classes we like to fight in and the fighter for the classes we like. Ex. I like playing HW, LHW, and FW. I like using Werdum, Gus, and Faber. So I set these as my defaults. I go in and all the correct boxes are checked and I proceed. My fighter is the first fighter on the selection screen. Now this would be for quick matches and rivalries as well.

Tournaments are tricky for online, so leave that for offline. Make the online Event Mode a tournament in itself if you want to do tournaments as well. Have a setting for "Fight Card" or "Tournament Card". If you have 10 players, that will go down to 5 after the first round. So have the fighter with the quickest finish have a bye for the next round, or have him face the guy that came in last to keep it going. I think the top seed (fastest finish for each round) vs the bottom seed each time would narrow it down right to where there are two players fighting for the tournament win. This also gives an underdog element to it.

Change the "Invite to session" and "Search for Session" around. Search for session should be the default. If I am looking to invite someone, going down on to do so isn't an issue. It is though when I just want to search for people to play in quick matches and have to go down every time to do so. Not to mention it taking you out of the menu altogether. If I want to do quick matches, let me stay in there. Also, get rid of the cancel in quick match. Just let me hit circle or B to exit out of that menu. I shouldn't have to scroll down to leave. A single button press and maybe a "Are you sure you want to leave?" would suffice. I don't even think you need that.

Online has replay value on its own, so we don't need a ton of things for it. Not to mention, the more online things you add, the more split up the online player base will be. So condensing those would be best.

Add a rematch option for quick and ranked matches. Ranked would automatically take you to a quick match for obvious reasons, but give us that option.

Add in a random fighter selection. Make sure the probabilities weren't like THQ's to where you almost always did mirror matches, or used the same fighters. Make the random have some sort of knowledge of your most used fighters and give them lower priority. If both select random, make sure no mirror matches can be made.

Split up the divisions. Being able to search as many as we want will keep people finding matches.

Use the ELO system for ranking and give multipliers for using lower rated fighters and winning.

Make the belt system determined on your rank and not your season. Winning your season should just be like it is where you earn the belt for that division. It shouldn't move you up to the next belt level. This way we can have a better idea of our belt level. Just because I can make it to red belt doesn't mean I am a red belt.

Add in competition settings that eliminates the random aspects in quick and rivalry matches as this is where league matches are done and league matches are about competition and who fought best. Not who got lucky.

Gameplay Evolution

From the feedback I have seen and the dev interaction and what they are looking to do, at least with the ground so far, I feel they will be going in the right direction. Can't wait to hear from the striking team/devs to hear what they have in mind or are looking for.


Each fighter needs to feel unique.

The arenas need to feel different. Even if that means adding an outside cut scene as the loading page. Try to get the crowds to feel more authentic for the arenas. Especially the ones in Brazil.

Add walkouts for all fights, but give us an option to search for matches with them off. Make sure that the game uses the host's settings for this so you don't split up the player base, and as always be able to skip right to the fight and only have to watch your opponent's intro if he wants to.

Just keep improving the game like you did with this one. The game we have now compared to the game we had at release is night and day.


Please add in game polling in an "Online Feedback Section" for big changes you guys are looking into. Not everyone who plays the game gets on websites to give feedback, so bring the feedback to them.

That is all for now. Thanks for reading.
# 8 RonRac1 @ 05/13/15 02:09 PM
I would like for them to have an online career mode, similar to what they had with the last Fight Night game.
# 9 jeremym480 @ 05/13/15 03:18 PM
Career or MyPlayer modes doesn't really do anything for me in any game. I mean, maybe I would go through them once or twice, but the replay value is minimal at best.

All I really want is a League or Universe mode... complete with belts, stats, records, injuries, etc basically everything that other sports games have.

I guess I would settle for an Event Mode. Which means I would have to track everything with spreadsheets and end up fooling with those more than playing the game.... and it shouldn't be like that in 2015.
# 10 Pappy Knuckles @ 05/13/15 06:21 PM
I agree with the person who said that they don't want to see a major overhaul to the control scheme. Hopefully they don't do anything too crazy.

Originally Posted by jeremym480
All I really want is a League or Universe mode... complete with belts, stats, records, injuries, etc basically everything that other sports games have.
Ditto. I'd preferably like one that I could populate with both real and A.I. opponents. I'd love to get a handful of guys and have a go at something like this.
# 11 The JareBear @ 05/13/15 09:16 PM
I love a lot of these ideas. Great stuff so far.

A big thing for me is the roster. Imagine only being able to use 12 teams in Madden. I know it's a lot of work but I think at LEAST the top 20 should be represented in each division
# 12 SharonTate @ 11/08/15 03:40 AM
***REPLAY*** <---- this is the only thing I care about... to make a game this beautiful and not include a replay system is criminal. And before anyone says it's built into the ps4/Xbox so they didn't need to is just as criminal. Thats putting your job/pride in your work to someone else. There is no way to rotate, zoom, etc. This was my only grievance with this game (and don't get me wrong I love it and play it all the time). The sequel NEEDS a built in replay system. And while we're adding cameras some multiple angle optiona during gameplay would be nice... just my thoughts

# 13 pdandy @ 11/10/15 06:43 PM
My wish-list:

1) Customizable fighter AI tendencies. Think NBA 2k's system. Having the fighters fight like their real life counterparts is super important to me as I play offline most of the time.

2) More moves and better out-of-the-box movesets. Perhaps make this customizable by the player as well. I felt the adding of more moves and locking down of movesets done from UFC 2009 to UFC 3 did wonders for that series. No cookie cutter fighters.

3) Ladder mode similar to UFC 3's Title mode. Played that mode to death. However I would like it if they made the difficulty constant. UFC 3's (and most fighting games for that matter) first 3 or so matches were always at a lower difficulty than what you had set.
# 14 Money99 @ 11/11/15 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by jeremym480
Career or MyPlayer modes doesn't really do anything for me in any game. I mean, maybe I would go through them once or twice, but the replay value is minimal at best.

All I really want is a League or Universe mode... complete with belts, stats, records, injuries, etc basically everything that other sports games have.

I guess I would settle for an Event Mode. Which means I would have to track everything with spreadsheets and end up fooling with those more than playing the game.... and it shouldn't be like that in 2015.
The career modes in UFC/Boxing are boring (for me at least) because it's the same structure that's been followed since 1985.
Train, collect points, spend points, fight, wash-rinse-repeat.
You start as a 50-OV fighter fighting other 50-OV fighters. By the end, you're a 90-OV fighter taking on other 90-OV fighters.
So did anything really change as you moved up the ladder?

Fighters are born with natural abilities. Some guys can spend hours in the gym and weight room and never develop KO power.
Just like some guys can work their tails off and never had natural hand-speed.
Or a granite chin.....

Give me the ability to create a 99OV fighter from the hop. I paid $70 for this freakin' game, let me do what I want with it!
To make the game interesting and challenging on the way up is by facing fighters with various skills.
Your first opponent might suck, but maybe he's got a great chin.
The next guy is great on his feet but terrible on the mat.

Where your guy CAN improve is on things like stamina and learning new disciplines.
With each fight and training camp, your guys (or gal) may learn a new submission. Or a knew combo. Or better ground defense.

So while your natural abilities like chin, speed, power... are static, you can still improve and build on your fighter.

Another area that needs to be included in these games is diet and training.
Why not have to control a fighters weight? It's a HUGE part of the fight game and one that can mean the difference between winning and losing.

Now, if we're given a Managers mode where we have to oversea the career of a stable of fighters, put all of the above into play and you have a very engaging mode.
You have to manage their weights, their training, their matchmaking. Make sure you don't put a guy into the cage with a beast too soon.
Pick wisely as you move him or her up the ladder.

I've been dying for something like this for years now. It's 2015. Evander Holyfield boxing is still on par, or better, than most current boxing/MMA console career modes. That's pathetic.

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