Uniquely, MLB: The Show '15 seems to grow on you as you play it. The benefit of having such a strong, consistent core is that players are less likely to find bugs that may not seem like a huge deal at first, but begin to grate on you after the ninth or tenth game.
Fortunately, The Show doesn't have this problem. Little details that occasionally pop up keep things feeling like every game is its own entity. For instance, I won a late game challenge against the CPU that secured the winning run. Where else can you experience that kind of weird variable in a game? I was elated and couldn't wait for my next rare experience. The series is famous for "the little things" for a reason: they change the experience in a much bigger way.
After spending time with various game modes in MLB: The Show '15, here are some brief impressions on both Franchise and Road to the Show...
Read More - MLB 15: The Show: Impressions After Four Days of Playing