MLB 15 The Show News Post

As good as Sony San Diego’s MLB franchise has been for the last decade, the one consistent struggle has been the online portion, specifically connecting to another player and trying to play a simple head-to-head game. While results will vary greatly depending on who you talk to, the one description that rarely changes when describing MLB The Show online is inconsistency. When asked about the struggles, the developers have offered up multiple reasons why different people have varying degrees of moderate success to simply complete failure when attempting to play online, but I have yet to hear one that credibly explains why one can connect to a person eight states away and have a decent experience, but when that same person attempts to connect to a friend eight blocks away, they get the dreaded “connection failed” message.

Read More: MLB 15 The Show Online Impressions

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Detroitfan4life1993 @ 04/01/15 05:22 AM
I have played 2 league games so far and both games felt like I was playing offline. There was no lag and it was a great experience, I'm very impressed with online this year and it will be very fun playing online leagues all year long.
# 2 Artman22 @ 04/01/15 05:58 AM
I experienced the connection failed message today while trying to play a friend of mine. The game is way better than last year playing online. I saw twice last night the ball doing a weird glitch and movements while batting. The ball looks like it's coming high and then last second it appears on a different spot. I also noticed a few delays while fielding, but these are things I feel can be patched. The game is a lot of fun and can't wait to start playing the league I'm in.

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# 3 MrOldboy @ 04/01/15 06:16 AM
One game had some lag, but not on the pitching interface. There was just a delay with some inputs like baserunning and throwing. I've found baserunning a bit weird online so far. I've had multiple runners stop for no reason or one runner decide to not advance even though R1 is being held and all the other runners are advancing.

The only issue with hitting for me so far is that I am early on a lot of offspeed pitches. Maybe the pitch speed is lower online or something, but for the first few games I felt like I was right on changeups, but was way early.

Huge improvement over last year though. Other than the weird visual things like fielders sliding into place and things like that it has been smooth.
# 4 Artman22 @ 04/02/15 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
Do you use a wired connection or wi fi? Just curious.


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# 5 kackle85 @ 04/02/15 02:48 PM
I have played roughly 10 games so far and other than 1 disconnect mid-game it has been incredibly smooth and lag free especially compared to the show in previous years.
# 6 johnlnames @ 04/02/15 03:24 PM
Overall, I'm very pleased. The connection is much improved and runs a lot smoother. But after every game I play, I get a server error message and I don't receive any rewards.
# 7 johnlnames @ 04/02/15 03:27 PM
Also, is anyone having trouble with stamps? I got the game at 9pm Monday and logged in everyday since, but I've only received one stamp.
# 8 bbulls96 @ 04/02/15 09:07 PM
I installed MLB 15 the Show and the Play by Play doesn't work. Vasgersian, Lyons, and Karros cannot be heard. Only crowd noise and players on the field can be heard. I have tried changing the settings, reinstalling the game and still cannot get the play by play to be heard. Anyone else have this problem?
# 9 Houston @ 04/02/15 11:37 PM
I first want to say I love all the little things about MLB THE SHOW and I applaud the SCEA team on the great job they did this year with MLB 15. This is not a personal attack on any developers or SCEA.

I like seeing batter walkups, Homeruns, pitching matchups at the beginning of the game, defensive lineups, the next 3 batters up with the 3 little photos, dugouts with showing managers etc

Now I also want to add I only buy this game to play online and run a successful online franchise. I noticed right away when creating my online franchise this year that FAST PLAY is the only option we have as it was locked. So my first thought was well maybe it was not meant to be locked. So I contact the developers I know on shownation and they have confirmed that all online games will use FAST PLAY this year.

Now dont get me wrong I understand why they did this for online games the same thing in 2008 that another MLB game the developers did the same thing and you got no presentation online either and killed the online experience for a lot of us then you had no idea who you were pitching to. I am not saying the MLB 15 THE SHOW is this way we do see the display of who the batter is but all the "little things have been removed due to FAST PLAY and I just feel like I paid for half of a game right now. I cant begin to tell you how disappointed I am that they did this.

Again I understand why they chose to do this for online games mainly rank matches, regular lobby games but to lock it down for online franchise just does not make any sense to me it should be our option to have fast play on or off as I never thought the games in OF had any major issues, I had no lag or glitches with previous show titles in OF.

I am just wanting to see what everyone else thinks and vote on the POLL please. I mean no close play challenge, you dont see any long foul ball complete, the HR challenge of the unpires is gone as well in FAST PLAY. I love those close games 2-2, 1-1 and even 0-0 in bottom of 9th you hit a walkoff or even in extra innings to see the team celebrate at home when this is done and to enjoy your guys running the bases is exciting to me and in FAST PLAY all this is taken away from us.
# 10 lVlAtlZiX @ 04/03/15 07:03 PM
Did three online DD games and got disconnected on the last 2 by the 3rd inning. Lag on pitching/hitting seems fine, but the fielders are warping everywhere and half the time the ball lands in a gap, then I watch the game freeze for a bit, then all of the sudden the ball is caught in the infield, and all of my baserunners have warped backwards.
# 11 Commercial Seal @ 04/03/15 07:16 PM
MVP Baseball had this online gaming down packed!! U would think within 365 days they would have fixed the issue by now.... I'm conducting my own survey before picking up a copy....
# 12 rickypro @ 04/03/15 07:31 PM
Just played my first online game in about 3 years.
Very pleased and surprised at how smooth the game went. No disconnects, no lag at all while I was batting. I literally could not tell a difference in online and my RTTS guy.
There was a little lag every so often while I was on defense but not much at all and still very playable and enjoyable.
# 13 Bradbaseball123 @ 04/03/15 10:18 PM
Has anyone else try to start an online franchise and try to upload a roster but it ends up taking a long time. It says it just failed.
# 14 sbauer318 @ 04/03/15 11:38 PM
I've played five games online and two of them have ended with a completely frozen screen. No players move, I can't do anything. I see fans walking in the stands and all the sounds but nothing else is happening. I can't even access the pause menu. I have no choice but to kill the application. In one game i was winning 7-1 in the ninth inning and the game froze. Somehow I got the loss! So much for my diamond dynasty team. I don't even want to play online now.
# 15 rickypro @ 04/04/15 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by sbauer318
I've played five games online and two of them have ended with a completely frozen screen. No players move, I can't do anything. I see fans walking in the stands and all the sounds but nothing else is happening. I can't even access the pause menu. I have no choice but to kill the application. In one game i was winning 7-1 in the ninth inning and the game froze. Somehow I got the loss! So much for my diamond dynasty team. I don't even want to play online now.
Sorry to hear that sbauer. After a certain point if anyone gets a loss in a frozen game it should be the person behind in the score for sure.
I had good luck my first game but I don't play online much so I hope my good luck continues.
# 16 sbauer318 @ 04/04/15 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by rickypro
Sorry to hear that sbauer. After a certain point if anyone gets a loss in a frozen game it should be the person behind in the score for sure.

I had good luck my first game but I don't play online much so I hope my good luck continues.

Thanks. The other guy said his screen was frozen too. I just wonder why I got the loss and he didn't if both of our screens are frozen. Am I supposed to leave the game open all night and hope that he closes his game first?

So yeah, my team is now 2-3. two of those losses were because of freezes and I was winning in both games. Just a frustrating waste of time.
# 17 Artman22 @ 04/09/15 08:00 PM
So now as of late the online experience has gotten worse. Now I'm getting frozen games and given the lost and some lag too. Will they ever get this right? I wonder when the show will be on the level of the other sports games online?

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# 18 HustlinOwl @ 04/09/15 11:53 PM
streaming and playing online smooth without issues GOAT
# 19 Artman22 @ 04/10/15 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
streaming and playing online smooth without issues GOAT

It was very smooth when I played you, but lately some games have froze on me.. Also, I have trouble playing with friends that live near me.

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# 20 Armor and Sword @ 04/10/15 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
streaming and playing online smooth without issues GOAT
Ranked games and private games have been really great.

Online franchise and DD this past week though.....it has crumbled fast. The first week was amazing. Since MLB opening day though I have had constant freezes, lagging, glitches galore.

I hope it get's resolved. This is league wide too (Online Franchise). I gotta believe they will work out the kinks here and drop a solid patch.

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