MLB 15 The Show News Post

Flyers4208 already has a copy of MLB 15 The Show and he is currently livestreaming on Twitch. Click the link or hit the spoiler button below and post your thoughts. If it gets archived, this post will get updated.

UPDATE: The stream has ended and he has no archive, but plans to stream much more before the game releases.

UPDATE #2 (3/25): He's currently streaming again.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 121 agentlaw13 @ 03/24/15 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
Not like those updates mater. Compared to The K the other AL Central stadiums are ugly.

Ohhh snap! Lol, gotta give it to you, the K is a nice stadium. But actually my 2 favorite parks to play in the AL Central are US Cellular and Target Field. Go figure 😐
# 122 cubby blue @ 03/24/15 11:57 PM
Looks like we're stuck with same commentary. It doesn't really bother me as much as some people, but it wouldn't have hurt either.
# 123 HozAndMoose @ 03/24/15 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by cubby blue
Looks like we're stuck with same commentary. It doesn't really bother me as much as some people, but it wouldn't have hurt either.
There is new commentary added in. You just arent going to hear new commentary for every single play.
# 124 cubby blue @ 03/25/15 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
There is new commentary added in. You just arent going to hear new commentary for every single play.
I was just going by whoever the guy that is streaming. It would be nice if they changed it up a little. I know it's not going to be a major overhaul.
# 125 eaw913 @ 03/25/15 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by MythicalGnome
Are there any new MLB stadiums coming in 16, or does the team have the full year to polish existing ones and whatever else they might add to minors and stuff? I thought a couple were being built but maybe those plans are not to fruition yet.
The Braves new stadium isn't until 2017. Not sure if there are any others.
# 126 eaw913 @ 03/25/15 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by MythicalGnome
Ahh, nice. I always thougth Oakland was going to do something for some reason. Is the Braves stadium looking good? I know I was ecstatic what The Show team did for Target Field compared to the dump we had before.
Based on what they've shown so far I'm really excited. It's almost like an entire community being built for it. Tons of bars, things to do, etc. It's also in a great part of town and traffic will be so much easier to manage. It's also not in the ghetto anymore lol. To me it seems like it'll be kind of similar to Nationals Park, which to me is a good thing. I'm excited to see more as it comes along.

I think the A's will definitely get a new one soon, too. But I don't think they've gotten the money or permission to do so yet.
# 127 Skyhook71 @ 03/25/15 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by markus48
Snapped a couple of screenshots of the soundtrack for those interested.
Thanks for this post, I've already bought 2 songs from this track list.
# 128 Jimmydm90 @ 03/25/15 02:05 AM
Don't hold your breath on the A's stadium. San Jose is trying to appeal to the Supreme Court to allow the A's to move there but odds are the S.C. won't agree to hear the case since they only hear 75 to 80 cases a year.

As long as the Giants block the A's, I doubt we'll see a new stadium. Unless the A's are willing to move FAR away.
# 129 eaw913 @ 03/25/15 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by Jimmydm90
Don't hold your breath on the A's stadium. San Jose is trying to appeal to the Supreme Court to allow the A's to move there but odds are the S.C. won't agree to hear the case since they only hear 75 to 80 cases a year.

As long as the Giants block the A's, I doubt we'll see a new stadium. Unless the A's are willing to move FAR away.
What do A's fans want?
# 130 mlblover15 @ 03/25/15 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by kehlis
So your saying the consumer is breaking the law by obtaining the game early from a seller? Other than the equality thing at the end he wasn't talking about retailers at all.
sorry it was late and i was in reactionary mode... i was in my tired not thinking clearly mode
# 131 mlblover15 @ 03/25/15 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by eaw913
What do A's fans want?
we want to have a time machine so we can go back and keep the raiders in LA so that Al Davis doesn't come back and puke all over our beautiful stadium and ruin it...

we want territorial rights to be banned. now that the giants have their AAA team in our old AAA town Sacramento i dont see why we cant have San jose...

Indiana could use a pro baseball team. Indianapolis A's sounds great to me. heck we could even tear out the fair grounds and park on Hwy 41 and build them a stadium there right here in Terre Haute.

i can think of a hundred city in states that have no teams that would love to have the A's. we are the unwanted step child in the bay area. we have one of the richest owners in our group of owners in all of baseball but wont spend money. he is treating this team as a business.

he needs to be a fan first and a business man second... what would the Yankees be now if Steinbrener would have been a business man first and a fan second. they wouldn't be the team they came to be over his time as owner.

ok im done i could go on about this on my soap box for hrs... and days and forever...
# 132 texanzrule @ 03/25/15 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
he is treating this team as a business.
This just in: IT IS A BUSINESS!
# 133 texanzrule @ 03/25/15 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by eaw913
It's also in a great part of town and traffic will be so much easier to manage.
Seriously???? That is NOT a great part of town, granted Cobb County is better than where Turner currently is but definitely not a great part of town. Furthermore traffic is going to be TERRIBLE. I lived right where they are building the new stadium and it was almost impossible to get through that area without a stadium. Your gonna have to leave at 2 pm to make a 7 pm start where they are building it.
# 134 eaw913 @ 03/25/15 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by texanzrule
Seriously???? That is NOT a great part of town, granted Cobb County is better than where Turner currently is but definitely not a great part of town. Furthermore traffic is going to be TERRIBLE. I lived right where they are building the new stadium and it was almost impossible to get through that area without a stadium. Your gonna have to leave at 2 pm to make a 7 pm start where they are building it.
I don't see what's not so great about it. The area is decent and very little crime. A lot of stuff to do, and highway all around it. I've been through the area many times and while traffic isn't great (where in Atlanta is?) it's not horrific. It won't be worse than where TF is now by a long shot. Also, if they manage traffic like they do for concerts up 400 at the Verizon Amphitheater (yes I know traffic isn't nearly as congested there) it could be much better.

I think people are being too negative about it. I'm excited, and I think it's gonna be way better than TF if they do it right.
# 135 Rob_NYY @ 03/25/15 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by The Kid 24
Not sure what that dude was talking about before... Tanaka's delivery looks damn good... Really cool that Alex Wood's weird delivery is in.
Ugh, did I miss Tanaka's delivery again?!
# 136 bobloblah1980 @ 03/25/15 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by eaw913
The Braves new stadium isn't until 2017. Not sure if there are any others.
Rogers announced recently that the conversion to grass for the concrete convertable is do-able but that won't be until 2017 either
# 137 The Kid 24 @ 03/25/15 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Rob_NYY
Ugh, did I miss Tanaka's delivery again?!
Yes you did... Dude was showing off edit player stuff and showed a few deliveries.

I think Tanaka's delivery looked good but some other guy didn't like it... I don't watch the Yankees but from what I've seen of Tanaka's delivery IRL compared to what's in the game, I think it looked really good.
# 138 aguero90 @ 03/25/15 12:04 PM
# 139 ghostofsparta15 @ 03/25/15 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by aguero90
Can you show tigers uniforms and ratings
# 140 aguero90 @ 03/25/15 01:09 PM
Hopefully my game got archived for you guys! Sorry I'm taking a break, want to see Tanaka in the spring game! Will stream more later!

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