MLB 14 The Show News Post

Sony Computer Entertainment America has scheduled the MLB 14 The Show online servers to close on June 18, 2015 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita systems. The game was released just over a year ago for PlayStation 4 users on May 6, 2014, while it released on April 1, 2014 for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita users.

For those of you that are curious, SCEA terminated the MLB 13 The Show servers on November 6, 2014.

MLB 15 The Show is scheduled to release on March 31st.

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 sbauer318 @ 03/21/15 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by cusefan74
It's a justification if it saves them time and money not having to keep them going. Instead of complaining that they are shutting the severs down in June, you should be thankful. They could shut them down a lot sooner, like they have done in the past.
This is great. We should thank them for not screwing us as bad as they've done in the past. We all paid for the game. If they need the money bad enough to shut the servers off 13 months after the PS4 version launched, then something is wrong and they need to look elsewhere for the answer.

13 months of online support is not good enough, I'm sorry. I don't care what the game is and how much I love it.
# 62 Ghost Of The Year @ 03/21/15 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by UrbanMerc
...Sports games are, in my humble opinion, the truest example of what is wrong in gaming today. They offer the LEAST amount of value of all the genre's that exist today... What sports games REALLY are is a subscription model. To be quite frank, $60 is just too high of a price for new sports games as a subscription... Sports games have become a joke in the value department since the beginning of the LAST generation... There is just no value in sports games anymore FOR ME to justify buying a yearly release. In fact, that is not only true with sports games, that goes for games in general.
I can agree this holds true for some people, just not all of us. I'd rather play a sports game than any other genre, & if a game is $65, at 18 cents a day, I certainly get great value for my dollar for a year. My 2 cent opinion.
# 63 CurlyDub34 @ 03/21/15 11:20 PM
While I understand why those who are upset are angry about this, I just can't see how it makes sense from a business perspective to keep them open longer. It makes sense to give higher priority to customers who are paying for your product year in and year out as opposed to those who buy it once and don't get next years version or even the following years version. I would think that a vast majority of users upgrade to the next years game, especially since SCEA does a great job improving this game every year.

Assumption, shutting down the servers allows them to improve the online experience for MLB 15. If this assumption holds true, why would they dampen the experience of their current and more loyal customers by keeping the old servers open longer? Especially since there was a lot of backlash from the community about the quality of online play last year, another year or two of poor online playability could be disastrous for this product. More than likely they have done analysis on how much more money in stubs purchases they are losing by not keeping these open and I'm sure they found it more profitable to shut it down.

And frankly, as really the only option for a baseball game out there, you can't exactly boycott them if you want to play an up-to-date baseball game.

Just my two cents.
# 64 Jimmydm90 @ 03/22/15 01:56 AM
In response to the people saying that shutting down the 14 servers is ok because it will help 15's online capabilities, if it really made that big of a difference why would Sony wait over 2 and a half months after MLB 15's release to do it?

Surely those two months are when the game has the most online traffic. Bad online was something they were skewered for last year so surely they'd want give themselves the best opportunity right out the gate.

I don't know for sure but I strongly doubt shutting down 14's servers will have much of an impact on MLB 15. There probably aren't even that many servers running MLB 14 as it is, right now.
# 65 cnh2os84 @ 03/22/15 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by rman
Hello, I'm I the only one that cares about the cross play feature? Who cares about online play? Really, it has been garbage IMO forever. Once the servers goes so does the cross play for PS3, Vita and PS4. The big feature that was the highlight this year is carrying over your franchise, season and RTTS from 14 to 15. If you own a PS3 or Vita you are SOL you will not be able to carry it over to the PS4 after they shut down the servers unless you did before hand. That is some bad bad stuff in my book.


Skip to 11:50 once the severs get shut off the cloud is gone just like in MLB 13...right Ramone? I'm really upset that my MLB 13 franchise is obsolete to play between the PS3 and Vita because the cloud is gone.

This is a BIG deal for me too! They need to find someway to make it that you can transfer saves from vita to PS4 with the usb cable instead of using the cloud if they are going to be shutting down servers.

The claim was that you can play the same franchise or RTTS on BOTH ps4 and vita and you should be able to do this longer than a year! Having usb file transfer support would allow this to be possible while still shutting down the servers.

Also, a new big feature was supposed to be that you can continue your franchise from MLB 14 with the new game. Well if you don't get MLB 15 till after the 14 servers are down you won't be able to do this, to my understanding.

Know that I do plan on purchasing MLB 15 for BOTH ps4 and vita and I should be able to play the same OFFLINE franchise on both for more than one year!

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# 66 My993C2 @ 03/22/15 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by cnh2os84
This is a BIG deal for me too! They need to find someway to make it that you can transfer saves from vita to PS4 with the usb cable instead of using the cloud if they are going to be shutting down servers.

The claim was that you can play the same franchise or RTTS on BOTH ps4 and vita and you should be able to do this longer than a year! Having usb file transfer support would allow this to be possible while still shutting down the servers.

Also, a new big feature was supposed to be that you can continue your franchise from MLB 14 with the new game. Well if you don't get MLB 15 till after the 14 servers are down you won't be able to do this, to my understanding.

Know that I do plan on purchasing MLB 15 for BOTH ps4 and vita and I should be able to play the same OFFLINE franchise on both for more than one year!
I have less sympathy for people complaining about online game play with last year's servers. But this is definitely an issue if people are unable to transfer save files between their PS devices. If people have not voiced their concerns about this to the game maker, they need to do that now. Hopefully future releases of the game could be restructured to ensure the save files can be transferred either through supported cloud saves or through a USB thumb drive. Otherwise what is the point of hyping the cross platform year to year saves if they only support the feature for people with the latest release.
# 67 Ghost Of The Year @ 03/22/15 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by NYGiants4Natic
...why are we not making a bigger deal that a sports games which are mainly played online vs friends and randoms or online franchises is getting away with having a terrible service and removing it from the previous years game while not improving the new version at all.
Because games are mainly played offline, not online. If they were, we'd hear a far louder outcry.
# 68 HustlinOwl @ 03/22/15 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by NYGiants4Natic
Base on some of the answers I am seeing here which are not shocking considering the rep that the MLB The Show forum has on OS I am shocked that many are not saying that SCEA should charge double for the game because it is a reason for living.

If the online servers are such a disgrace which they are then why don't they try and use those resources to improve the game more then just a coat of paint year after year.

So we must let them remove the online portion of the previous years game and say is ok because it sucks and those resources can go to this years game? really? Do any of you really feel that the game this year will have better online performance? I dont think so and so if that is the case then why are we not making a bigger deal that a sports games which are mainly played online vs friends and randoms or online franchises is getting away with having a terrible service and removing it from the previous years game while not improving the new version at all.
The rep lmao MLB The Show is heavily criticized for their online portion here on OS what are you talking about??? Never knew this many people cared about online here, but think some are simply making it a bigger deal than it really is
# 69 Knight165 @ 03/22/15 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by rman
Correct! The features (cross play and year to year saves) that they pimp us are obsolete when the cloud is turned off. I have PS+ and I back up my games, but there is no way to transfer from PS3, Vita and PS4 without the cloud.
For vita to PS3 .....and now that ps4 has USB support.....can you transfer usb( I guess you would need a sd card reader for the vita) for the files?

# 70 sbauer318 @ 03/22/15 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
The rep lmao MLB The Show is heavily criticized for their online portion here on OS what are you talking about??? Never knew this many people cared about online here, but think some are simply making it a bigger deal than it really is

13 months of post release online support is not good enough for any game. They need to figure out how they can support it longer within their budget. 2014 support should end with the 2016 game. That's not too much to ask.

Meanwhile the game is still $40 on PSN. What a joke.
# 71 Ruffy @ 03/22/15 03:54 PM
The Show loyalists really don't need to be defending SCEA here but they shouldn't be allowing no critical criticism on this decision to be swept away.

Decisions like these are not great for gamers...others may look at how quickly servers are being shutoff and will follow suit. In the end not good for any of us. Even if you don't use online features or play online...many do and I imagine many buy to play it that way solely.

In the end if we want a better game we want as many copies sold every year as possible. I don't think many would complain if servers laster 2 full years on most sports games. Any shorter without disclosing it upon purchase is not good. And yes the fine print I am sure they can turn of the servers on MLB 15 a month into release if they want to.

I'm not a big online guy for MLB as it has been a below average experience over the years at best.

I feel for those who are affected the most by this decision and would understand if they decide not to make a purchase of 15 as a result.

Most of the people upset are long time Show supporters...so ease off a little....its ok to criticize when warranted.

P.S. I'm praying huskerfan4life will like this post
# 72 Keirik @ 03/23/15 12:45 AM
Honestly, i dont care if i only play 5 minutes online per year. It doesnt somehow excuse it because it might not affect me personally. We arent talking about some small mom and pop small company here where online support is from some kid's basement lol.

If nothing else, what we as a fanbase should be is ahell of a lot more pissed about something like this just because of the sheer fact how little they are putting into the online portion of this game in every aspect. I wonder how many people are like me that bought a ps4 in he first place because of The Show. Sure you can say "well if u did that, you're the type that sould buy it every year" and that may be mostly correct. However, that doesnt excuse a large company from turning their back on a one year old product that soon.

Just my humble opinion of course and its not any more valid that any orger opinion.
# 73 extremeskins04 @ 03/23/15 12:50 AM
I really don't understand what all the fuss is about. In a week everyone is going to be playing MLB 15 so what does it matter? Maybe I don't understand the problem fully.
# 74 HozAndMoose @ 03/23/15 12:51 AM
I couldnt care less. When it comes to sports games. I dont expect the servers to work past the release of the next years game.
# 75 cardinalbird5 @ 03/23/15 12:58 AM
They probably do not have the money to do so. If the have a "money grabber" mode like MUT then maybe they could afford to keep servers up longer, but I don't see DD turning into anywhere near the cash cow that is MUT.

It is unfortunate for those who use the cloud services and online franchise, but I think it is the best move for them as a business.
# 76 extremeskins04 @ 03/23/15 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by cardinalbird7
They probably do not have the money to do so. If the have a "money grabber" mode like MUT then maybe they could afford to keep servers up longer, but I don't see DD turning into anywhere near the cash cow that is MUT.

It is unfortunate for those who use the cloud services and online franchise, but I think it is the best move for them as a business.
But aren't people going to be playing MLB 15 in a week anyway? Like I don't understand why this is a big deal. Why would anyone still play MLB 14, online franchise or not. A new game is out. Make a new online franchise?
# 77 HozAndMoose @ 03/23/15 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
But aren't people going to be playing MLB 15 in a week anyway? Like I don't understand why this is a big deal. Why would anyone still play MLB 14, online franchise or not. A new game is out. Make a new online franchise?
While i agree its not that big of a deal. Not everyone has the money to go buy a new game.
# 78 Ruffy @ 03/23/15 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
While i agree its not that big of a deal. Not everyone has the money to go buy a new game.
It's a bigger deal than people think. It's setting a horrible precedent as well. I'm not sure but that has to be the shortest server support on any PS3 or PS4 game since they have been out.

Many people buy sports games every other year...so they can actually finish franchises etc. 162 games for some with kids and life etc are hard to complete in a year of release.

A lot of guys upset were using cross platform saves to play games etc...a huge selling feature that will not work when the servers go off for good.

Online is what The Show really could improve. Most of us are hoping that this isn't a sign to slowly scale back most online features etc.

SCEA's decision doesn't personally affect me in any way...I just think its fair to let them know we don't like seeing them shut servers on a game that will be 15 to 16 months old at the time of shut down.
# 79 cardinalbird5 @ 03/23/15 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by Ruffy
It's a bigger deal than people think. It's setting a horrible precedent as well. I'm not sure but that has to be the shortest server support on any PS3 or PS4 game since they have been out.

Many people buy sports games every other year...so they can actually finish franchises etc. 162 games for some with kids and life etc are hard to complete in a year of release.

A lot of guys upset were using cross platform saves to play games etc...a huge selling feature that will not work when the servers go off for good.

Online is what The Show really could improve. Most of us are hoping that this isn't a sign to slowly scale back most online features etc.

SCEA's decision doesn't personally affect me in any way...I just think its fair to let them know we don't like seeing them shut servers on a game that will be 15 to 16 months old at the time of shut down.
When you say many you still realize it is the minority? Most gamers are buying the new sports games each year. If you can't afford it then buy it used or game share it with someone via digital. If your friend or relative gets a digital copy then you don't need to spend 60 bucks.

If the online play (which had over 330,000+ users log on and play) is improved due to the servers being shut down then I am for it. Unfortunately, I am not a computer science expert or anything and am not sure this will solve some of the server's problems 14 had.

I understand it kind of stinks, but it makes sense for SDS to do this. Besides this happens every year and do not remember people complaining this much lol.

I actually don't understand why the cloud service would no longer work. Can someone explain to me why you cannot use the cloud service? I did not realize the servers had to stay on in order to upload and retrieve files from the cloud.
# 80 extremeskins04 @ 03/23/15 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by rman
I have more then enough money to buy the game, I just happen to like MLB 13 better. I also don't think the game is worth more then a $20 upgrade each year IMO. I may or may not be in the minority.

This is not about being able to play online. Like I said online play is garbage IMO. The servers being shut down is about losing the cloud saves that allows you to continue your offline franchise, season and RTS between all Sony systems (Vita, PS3 and PS4)

So let me recap, if you enjoy playing Diamond Dynasty, Online Franchise, Online Play, The Show Live, Cross Play Season, Franchise, RTTS and new for 15 Year-to-Year Saves...YOU CAN'T once the severs goes, those features go.

Only PS4 can do the new Year-to-Year Saves without the cloud. Can you not see a pattern here, I would spell it out for everyone, but...well you know.
With all due respect, I think you're grasping for straws. People that want to have the online servers for MLB 13 and 14 are in the minority and it's too expensive to keep those servers up and running for a mere handful of people when the majority will be playing MLB 15.

It's just bad business to keep those servers up. They aren't making money. Why would they???

Also, there is nothing stopping you from taking your online franchise save or whatever you have, upload it to the cloud since you have a PS3, and then download it back down into MLB 15. It's not that hard to do.

I really think people are just complaining to complain with this one.

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