MLB 15 The Show News Post

Every sports game is forced to tackle the same issue every year: how can you add a pre-season that feels both efficient and meaningful?

It is a complex issue because, while hardcore gamers are going to want spring training to feel as important as it is in real life, others simply want to simulate right through it and get on with the regular season. So accommo****** both sides is the crux of the problem. Giving those who would normally simulate a reason to actually play through spring training seems like the most simple answer, so here are five ways MLB: The Show could more successfully implement spring training:

Read More: Implementing a Better Spring Training in MLB: The Show (Written by Ben Vollmer)

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# 41 OhioCub @ 03/15/15 12:32 AM
One other thing that would really add to spring training is to get the real spring stadiums. I know the minor league stadiums are asking too much but it seems like the spring stadiums wouldn't be too difficult to license. Plus, the fake ones in the game are pretty generic and look like spring training stadiums from decades ago.
# 42 dran1984 @ 03/15/15 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
I totally agree 100% with everything! Actually pre season isn't that good in most sports games out there! NBA 2k and Madden are pretty good,but not eye catching! I think something also would be nice for spring training yet a pretty minor one,but have all the teams in spring training wear there BP jerseys during spring training,is there any teams that have a jersey specifically for spring training? I know my team the Phillies just wore there regular baiting practice jerseys in spring training,there jerseys look different this spring training,or I don't know if there jerseys are there new BP jerseys. I know this is minor,but it would be cool,if not,no biggie! It's not a deal breaker. It would be nice having some real spring training sites! I'm sure it would be hard for them to do that,and I know this isn't probably on the subject at hand,but can they plz put single A teams in the game,it would be nice to play games with them,but it would be nice just put in the game. I know they have before,not playable teams,but i know why they took the single A level out.

BP Jerseys are what most teams wear in Spring Training. There are a few exceptions like the Tigers, they wear the Normal White and Grey, and the White Sox, they wear their Black Alternate. A few teams prefer to wear the normal home whites for their home ST games.
# 43 Bobhead @ 03/15/15 01:03 PM
I think the real key to Spring Training is for SCEA to continue to fine tune the Quick Counts feature. There's no better match than quick counts and spring training games.

I feel like most people skip spring training not because it's not interesting enough, but because 162 is a lot of damn games to play, and there's a sort of pressure to ignore anything and everything else and just focus on getting through that 162.

I bet that if the MLB season were only 50 games long, this thread would be full of people talking about how important Spring Training is.

The 2nd biggest reason to skip ST is what Knight has already covered... I don't skip ST because it isn't fun, I skip ST because I can.

- Because I can get away with not having a starting shortstop or consistent lineup in June, and my players (and fans) don't seem to mind at all.
- Because players in The Show don't deviate from their potential as much as real life players do (in games I actually play), so I don't really need to "evaluate" my guys.
- Because even if there IS a deviation in ability, there seems to be very little correlation between past deviation and future performance, especially over multiple seasons (ie players always come into spring training on a clean slate).
- Because "hidden," long-term, or intermittent injuries do not exist, and players always return from injuries at 100%.
- Because player ratings are visible, detailed, and readily accessible.
- Because Spring Training doesn't have the real life benefits of allowing me to try non-roster players.
- Because my players and fans don't at all care that I have no clue what I'm doing as a day-to-day manager, and so I have no reason to practice.
- Because players don't need to get comfortable or even "into shape" or anything. I can sign a guy today and he's ready to play today.


"Fun" isn't the issue here. I think SCEA's focus should be on making Spring Training more relevant and impactful. If you give us tangible things that add value and purpose to Spring Training games, I guarantee we will play them.
# 44 BravesBoy @ 03/15/15 01:27 PM
^^^ Very well said
# 45 OhioCub @ 03/15/15 04:34 PM
I believe spring training gets ignored as much as it does in the game is because while we're all talking about it now, come July, August, September, when it's time to start typing wish lists no one's thinking about spring training anymore.
# 46 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/16/15 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by dran1984
BP Jerseys are what most teams wear in Spring Training. There are a few exceptions like the Tigers, they wear the Normal White and Grey, and the White Sox, they wear their Black Alternate. A few teams prefer to wear the normal home whites for their home ST games.
There are a few teams that wear their white and grays randomly, and then the BP jerseys the rest of the time. The Yankees will wear their white uniforms a couple times during the spring. I don't remember them ever wearing the road grays though.
# 47 jkra0512 @ 03/16/15 01:01 PM
I gotta say, this series is pretty damn good if we're talking about how to revamp Spring Training...
# 48 mlblover15 @ 03/16/15 05:50 PM
Simply one thing... MORE SPRING TRAINING PARKS..

two per league or state if you will doesn't cut it. they have the rights to players teams, why not the minor league stadiums associated with each team??

we need them all to be there...
# 49 countryboy @ 03/16/15 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
Simply one thing... MORE SPRING TRAINING PARKS..

two per league or state if you will doesn't cut it. they have the rights to players teams, why not the minor league stadiums associated with each team??

we need them all to be there...
because it costs money to license the individual ballparks.

The teams don't own the ballparks.
# 50 CaseIH @ 03/16/15 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
Simply one thing... MORE SPRING TRAINING PARKS..

two per league or state if you will doesn't cut it. they have the rights to players teams, why not the minor league stadiums associated with each team??

we need them all to be there...

Would love to see all the Spring training parks in the game. If its a license issue then just make all fake Spring training parks then.

Been a lot of good recommendations about revamped Spring Training, and all of them have been good. Hopefully its something SCEA looks into doing. They typically are very good at listening and trying to get what people want to see, so Im sure they will at some point redo Spring Training.
# 51 @legendm0de @ 03/16/15 09:51 PM
you should know by now the rule of the day when it comes to this franchise, the only change they'll be making to spring training mode is scrapping it altogether. otherwise it's pointless to expect them to actually work on it.
# 52 Knight165 @ 03/16/15 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by @legendm0de
you should know by now the rule of the day when it comes to this franchise, the only change they'll be making to spring training mode is scrapping it altogether. otherwise it's pointless to expect them to actually work on it.
What does this mean?

# 53 countryboy @ 03/16/15 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
What does this mean?

No reason to acknowledge it. Another misery loves company post.
# 54 @legendm0de @ 03/16/15 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
What does this mean?

Spring Training has had the same issue since I began playing this game at 16, i'm 21 now and as of 2014 they made it even worse, by not programming the cpu to even make substitutions at all. They haven't even thought about fixing/improving it. I even own MLB 06 and I'm sure the AI is the same there if I bothered to look. No other sports title I play even has this issue with their preseasons, NHL, FIFA, Madden, NBA from all that I know all resemble some form of preseason and some games are more effective than others. Spring Training is too important a stage of the season for some teams/players to be (now fully) neglected. As I mentioned, they've for some reason decided to dumb it down even further on next gen. It shouldn't even take a forum of people to raise this issue, you would think it's gotten addressed already.

Rule of the day = If it's not important or popular enough (in their opinion) they'll remove it or ease it out from the game completely.

Originally Posted by countryboy
No reason to acknowledge it. Another misery loves company post.
do you play spring training, anyone who does has a reason to be miserable at times. but more to my point, this franchise has been making a series of "neglectful" decisions over the last couple of years. My criticism is warranted, not sour grapes, even though I know its daring to critique this franchise because it's easy to get blinded with what things they do provide.
# 55 redsox4evur @ 03/16/15 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by @legendm0de
Spring Training has had the same issue since I began playing this game at 16, i'm 21 now and as of 2014 they made it even worse, by not programming the cpu to even make substitutions at all. They haven't even thought about fixing/improving it.
Ummm that's bull****. The devs have they have already fixed this issue for 15.

Originally Posted by Woodweaver
I have been informed that ST and AS games are now un-ruined. Thanks everyone for the heads up.
# 56 @legendm0de @ 03/16/15 10:45 PM
Good for you then, by fixing do you mean restoring us with the same broken system spring training has been since the franchise launched? Or was there some reasonable overhaul made to give us a reasonable ST experience for the first time.
# 57 redsox4evur @ 03/16/15 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by @legendm0de
Good for you then, by fixing do you mean restoring us with the same broken system spring training has been since the franchise launched? Or was there some reasonable overhaul made to give us a reasonable ST experience for the first time.
Here is the full conversation:
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
A question I really wanted answered by the AI Czar and still have not seen is AI CPU Sub logic in Spring Training and the All-Star Game? Worked fine till MLB 14. Was that tuned back to work as it did before? It basically ruined spring training (and the All-Star game).
Originally Posted by Woodweaver
Well, that's no good...let me ask.
Originally Posted by Woodweaver
I have been informed that ST and AS games are now un-ruined. Thanks everyone for the heads up.
So make whatever conclusions you want. But the substitution issue has been fixed in MLB 15.
# 58 @legendm0de @ 03/16/15 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by redsox4evur
Here is the full conversation:

So make whatever conclusions you want. But the substitution issue has been fixed in MLB 15.
Based on the threads topic, we are seeking a reasonable spring training experience. I feel like they don't think that is important enough to give that to us, which they have unapologetically established a new pattern of doing. Stripping and easing elements out of the game they feel aren't valuable enough for them. I can understand the business side of what decisions they have to consider, but at the same now we have the issue of spring training remaining unimproved for almost a decade up to now and with no upgrade in sight, just one among other issues.
# 59 Knight165 @ 03/16/15 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by @legendm0de
Spring Training has had the same issue since I began playing this game at 16, i'm 21 now and as of 2014 they made it even worse, by not programming the cpu to even make substitutions at all. They haven't even thought about fixing/improving it. I even own MLB 06 and I'm sure the AI is the same there if I bothered to look. No other sports title I play even has this issue with their preseasons, NHL, FIFA, Madden, NBA from all that I know all resemble some form of preseason and some games are more effective than others. Spring Training is too important a stage of the season for some teams/players to be (now fully) neglected. As I mentioned, they've for some reason decided to dumb it down even further on next gen. It shouldn't even take a forum of people to raise this issue, you would think it's gotten addressed already.

Rule of the day = If it's not important or popular enough (in their opinion) they'll remove it or ease it out from the game completely.

do you play spring training, anyone who does has a reason to be miserable at times. but more to my point, this franchise has been making a series of "neglectful" decisions over the last couple of years. My criticism is warranted, not sour grapes, even though I know its daring to critique this franchise because it's easy to get blinded with what things they do provide.


Have a good day.

# 60 @legendm0de @ 03/17/15 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165

Have a good day.

Maybe you've had a different spring training experience than the rest of us.

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