MLB 15 The Show News Post

When February started, what we knew about MLB 15: The Show was slim. Since then, we’ve been treated to a deluge of information, including weekly live feeds and frank discussions about the development process. As I wrote previously, this marketing strategy is a unique one in the industry — but certainly helps us set our expectations accurately.

Now that March -- and release month -- is here, here are my most anticipated changes and additions, as featured in the streams thus far.

Read More - MLB 15 The Show Anticipated Features (Written by Caley Roark)

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Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 jnn @ 03/12/15 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by KennyJ1976
Why no mention of The Show Live? Hopefully, if it returns this year will finally work the way it was intended with real time stats all the time and a more dynamic commentary where it actually seems like a live broadcast and not just another exhibition game.
I didn't see a response to this question. Will 15 have The Show Live???
# 42 JHedges2 @ 03/12/15 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
Early season candidate for "Worst Post of the Year". Congratulations sir.
His avatar says it all
# 43 mrb27 @ 09/08/15 01:16 AM
mlb 15 is so fun to play or at least the idea is. until i start plying a couple games i start to get annoyed by all of the features they left out. forget adding stuff they took **** out. not cool. it puts a damper on such a great all around game. like they simplified analog controls where you cant stride anymore, so u cant time it right or get the leg kick started a little sooner if the guy throws hard. they too out 2 handed swings where like nobody swings with 2 hands and took the option out so u are just stuck with a stance you cant edit, cant edit cleats, batting gloves helmets or anything that last years game had. so much potential but it seems like im playing a demo game. its fun but frustrating. in know that u can get licensed equipment online, but not everyone has internet or simply just dont know how.
# 44 mrb27 @ 10/21/15 09:55 PM
just curious….. they kept promoting this game with new features but i dint really notice any new featuures. what i did notice is the removal of features such as follow throughs are messed up and in my game they arent even there as an option anymore, you cant change to different cleats, batting gloves, helmets and stuff. okay i went off topic but what id like to see is a list of changes. they said more than 45 new signature home run swings. well who and where are they. its too time consuming to look through EVERY player stance and scroll down to see his swing. if they want us to appreciate the new features they should point them out a little better. because ive only notice about 10 new homerun swings. give us a booklet with our that comes with a list
# 45 Ghost Of The Year @ 10/21/15 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by mrb27
just curious….. they kept promoting this game with new features but i dint really notice any new featuures. what i did notice is the removal of features such as follow throughs are messed up and in my game they arent even there as an option anymore, you cant change to different cleats, batting gloves, helmets and stuff. okay i went off topic but what id like to see is a list of changes. they said more than 45 new signature home run swings. well who and where are they. its too time consuming to look through EVERY player stance and scroll down to see his swing. if they want us to appreciate the new features they should point them out a little better. because ive only notice about 10 new homerun swings. give us a booklet with our that comes with a list

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