MLB 15 The Show News Post

OS'er reaction to the Diamond Dynasty revamp seems to be somewhat cool, although the reaction isn't disastrous. In our recent poll, 51% of players are turned off to the prospect of even playing the game, but 49% are considering the mode on some level.

The new Diamond Dynasty mode has suffered, along with the rest of The Show's online modes, with the game's spotty online performance. There is no doubt The Show will need to absolutely get the online player versus player aspect correct before this Spring for the Diamond Dynasty mode to be a truly viable option for players.

The elimination of contracts and focus on purely MLB guys will be a huge help to the mode. Linking the mode to a universal currency system will also likely help some players jump in, knowing they can field a competitive team simply by playing other modes in the game.

Overall, OS'er reaction to Diamond Dynasty is probably outpacing expectations -- given the fact these modes still bring up a certain level of angst with many in the community. At the end of the day, it has been interesting to see the shift from outright rebellion against collector types of modes to almost an acceptance of their existence.

What would you do to improve Diamond Dynasty?

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 thaSLAB @ 02/19/15 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
I think the poll itself is not very fair; a large portion of that roughly 50% who say no to DD are people who simply aren't into online playing, and most posters in this thread are saying they prefer offline modes. Not very informative.

But one misconception is that DD is a mode for SCEA to make money. While it is true that some people have always been able to put a lot of real money into getting stubs, convert them into some currency of in-game value, and get ahead in DD, I believe few actually did so since playing DD and staying competitive doesn't require spending a lot of real money. (And that was part of the issue with DD in the past... being able to put together a very stacked team relatively easily, which made the mode play a bit arcade-ish.)

And I think it's true that The Show team isn't really into microtransactions to ruin the game experience. They totally can go in that direction, but haven't.

But those who criticize a mode like DD which can look like a cash-grab to some, it is actually a double-edged sword though. It is almost certainly incorrect to assume that a mode like DD takes resource away from doing something like "closed-roof stadium (building these features would take developers with different skill sets, so you aren't moving taking one resource and putting that into another), but if The Show team generates a much greater profit, perhaps off of microtransaction, they could actually get more developers with skills necessary to realize the features/additions that have not made it into the game simple because the team is tight on resources.
This type of logical and rational thinking will not be tolerated sir!

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# 42 DeathMetal @ 02/19/15 04:46 AM
I've just never been into these card collecting build a team modes. I would much rather have the option to create teams in season and franchise, that is a million times more interesting to me.
# 43 BravesBoy @ 02/19/15 08:25 AM
First off let me say that I didn't like the card collecting modes in Madden or in 2k but I will be trying this mode. I love they idea of collecting baseball cards, I did it growing up and I still have some albums laying around here somewhere. But one of my bigger concerns is the fact that over time, many team rosters can almost be identical.

Granted, you can chose who to put on your 25 man roster and build the team you want and at first I'm sure they're will be some diversity as people are growing their team/DD star player but I think after some time, it's gonna start looking similar. I think most are gonna want the best, it's only natural. The devs have said that it will be tough to get all the top players but it can be and probably will be done..This may not come to fruition as quickly or even at all but that is the thought I have. Still gonna give it a shot (offline play) and see how it all pans out.
# 44 aukevin @ 02/19/15 10:04 AM
When I look at the results of this poll, "mixed" is not the word I would use to describe it. "Overwhelmingly against" playing it is how I would describe it. 51% no, 13% yes, the rest basically undecided or it isn't very important to them. "Mixed" to me would suggest the percentages of each option were closer to each other which isn't the case here.
# 45 jm2054 @ 02/19/15 10:11 AM
I will definitely play it this year the whole full team of created players was dumb to me and honestly I don't like that you still have one but can live with it.
The improvements look great and I'm excited for the mode.

But then again I love UT and myteam and always invest time in those modes and get a great team with no money spent I intend to do the same here.
# 46 BSUFAN @ 02/19/15 12:35 PM
Good idea but I would not ever do DD it seems like a waste of resources to me, JMHO
# 47 Dolenz @ 02/19/15 01:20 PM
The poll itself is greatly flawed. I would venture that every person who voted No would have voted no regardless of whether improvements were made.

Simply put, those who have never played DD and have no interest in ever playing DD are skewing the results by a huge margin. To really judge the reaction of the DD Revamp the question needs to be asked of DD players, not those who view DD as a waste of disk space (of which I would guess it takes up very little).
# 48 JohnMcClaneTW @ 02/19/15 02:54 PM
These changes have me seriously interested in DD for the first time ever.

Teams were stacked with all 99 guys in previous years to the point that is just got stupid. PCI covered the entire zone and it looked (and played) so boring to play baseball that way.

This time around, it won't be possible to have a team of all 99s.

I am still a bit concerned about eventual stacked teams, though, and think a way to combat that would be to have salary/card caps or something like that. Maybe have an "Unrestricted" mode of play where you can stack and then a "Restricted" mode where you cannot use more than a certain amount of Diamond/Gold/Silver cards, or whatever.
# 49 cardinalbird5 @ 02/19/15 02:59 PM
OS is not really a place where DD would attract people. Most people here do not even play online and probably didn't even give the first 3 years of DD a chance.

When I mean giving a chance I mean playing more than 2 games after the first update.

This year's online was a mess though...no doubt.
# 50 breakfastcat @ 02/19/15 03:22 PM
In past games, I had zero interest in DD, other than the creating of uniforms. I just had no interest in using a bunch of fake players and training them.

This year, I love that I can earn players in any game mode so I can go about my usual franchise, rtts, and exhibition games for a while until I get burnt out with them. Then I can go over to DD and already be able to field a decent team that's just waiting for a name and new unis. I always loved doing fantasy drafts in franchise, and this seems like a great new spin on it.
# 51 RLebron12 @ 02/19/15 04:08 PM
Definitely going to try DD out this year for the first. Like the fact of having real baseball players and they don't have contracts that expire so it keeps it simple.

Will probably start this while waiting for the OSFM Roster to be completed then start my franchise

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# 52 Sco291 @ 02/19/15 05:14 PM
Tried it back in 2012 when it first came out, hated it. It was all over the place and that really turned me off. I like what they have done to it this year (3 years later after it debuted) and will DEFINITELY give it another try because frankly it looks awesome this year, but unfortunately may struggle devoting enough time to it to actually be worth playing it.

This mode has been out for 3 solid years now and it still hasn't caught on to probably what the devs would have liked (who am I to say, right? lol). I like the idea of the mode, but how many more years of tweaking and making adjustments to this game mode is it gonna take to make a 'MUST PLAY" game mode?

I say they scrap it if it's not successful this year, and implement a "pickup game" mode similar to All-Star Baseball 2004&2005. I played that a ton, and while quite simple, it was a mode that I enjoyed when I wanted to take a break from Franchise. Diamond Dynasty is a commitment, and the problem with that is that Franchise is my commitment, always has been from the start and always will be.

It's like trying to ride a bicycle while balancing bowling balls in each hand. It's daunting. Franchise has been the staple of MLB The Show. RTTS should come second.

Just my 2 pesos...
# 53 HustlinOwl @ 02/20/15 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
I forgot to mention ,for the just the sake of collecting baseball cards I have no problem with that,I just have no interest in fielding a team to actually play games with the players on the cards you collect. I just don't get it. Collecting baseball cards brings me back to my childhood,but that's where it stops,I have no interest in making a actual team to play with out of the cards you collect. Does anybody know if there is going to be a lot of vintage baseball cards to collect or kinda like Madden Ultimate team where there weren't many vintage players/cards.
you dont get fantasy baseball??? Basically what this mode is
# 54 metal134 @ 02/23/15 10:05 PM
I'm not all that keen on the changes. I get that some things did need to change, but I feel like the changes will make the mode boring after awhile. Part of the fun, I think, is having an ever changing, ever evolving team. One contract is closing in on expiration, you groom the next guy to take their place. I liked the idea of finding and developing new talent. Now, once you have a player they are on your team permanently so at some point, you will have filled your roster out and your team will be your team. I would have liked to see maybe a partial implementation of this. Keep the fictional players, but just increase the presence of MLB players. Instead of having mostly fictional with a few MLB players, maybe it's mostly MLB players with some fictional guys to fill out your roster. Also, instead of getting to kepp EVERY card, maybe you have a limited number of slots, say 10 or so, that you keep permanently and the rest will expire.

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