MLB 15 The Show News Post

OS'er reaction to the Diamond Dynasty revamp seems to be somewhat cool, although the reaction isn't disastrous. In our recent poll, 51% of players are turned off to the prospect of even playing the game, but 49% are considering the mode on some level.

The new Diamond Dynasty mode has suffered, along with the rest of The Show's online modes, with the game's spotty online performance. There is no doubt The Show will need to absolutely get the online player versus player aspect correct before this Spring for the Diamond Dynasty mode to be a truly viable option for players.

The elimination of contracts and focus on purely MLB guys will be a huge help to the mode. Linking the mode to a universal currency system will also likely help some players jump in, knowing they can field a competitive team simply by playing other modes in the game.

Overall, OS'er reaction to Diamond Dynasty is probably outpacing expectations -- given the fact these modes still bring up a certain level of angst with many in the community. At the end of the day, it has been interesting to see the shift from outright rebellion against collector types of modes to almost an acceptance of their existence.

What would you do to improve Diamond Dynasty?

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 nemesis04 @ 02/18/15 06:27 PM
I am intrigued by it this year and I am going to spend some time with it. The fictious players and quick service time did not have much holding power for me as far as interest with the previous versions.
# 22 seanjeezy @ 02/18/15 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
That link is 3 years old and that version of DD did not work for them. They're now conforming to the ultimate team style that you see in FIFA and NBA2k, just with a small twist(the one created player). Its the perfect move going forward, as leaving money on the table is something they shouldn't do, because being exclusive means they'll never see the sales of a FIFA or NBA2k.
Well I was (poorly) referring to the methods of acquiring good players and how the devs have been pretty adverse to having any kind of pay-to-win or coin/currency farming in their games.

EA and Take-Two make big money on these modes because of microtransactions, but I've been under the impression that The Show team had taken a firm stance against microtransactions and pay-to-win models. But maybe that has changed? It didn't seem like it after watching the stream - there was no incentive to buy packs with real money since every game mode apparently gives points that can be used for diamond dynasty.
# 23 redsox4evur @ 02/18/15 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Well I was (poorly) referring to the methods of acquiring good players and how the devs have been pretty adverse to having any kind of pay-to-win or coin/currency farming in their games.

EA and Take-Two make big money on these modes because of microtransactions, but I've been under the impression that The Show team had taken a firm stance against microtransactions and pay-to-win models. But maybe that has changed? It didn't seem like it after watching the stream - there was no incentive to buy packs with real money since every game mode apparently gives points that can be used for diamond dynasty.
EA does the same thing in FIFA and NHL. In being able to get the currency by playing any game mode. In NHL it is the same currency as online. And in FIFA through the catalogue you can buy coins for that mode. I don't know if they changed anything Madden this year.
# 24 ggsimmonds @ 02/18/15 08:03 PM
I am in the group that has no intention of touching DD and it probably does not matter what they do to improve the mode; it is not just my cup of tea.

I am an exclusive franhcise mode player.
# 25 vidgames @ 02/18/15 08:17 PM
Take DD out and use the time to put some career stats in.
# 26 redsox4evur @ 02/18/15 08:29 PM
To all of those posting taking DD out replacing it with X. I'm going to play devil's advocate here. Alright. Let's take out Franchise mode. And focus all of our time putting in create a stadium that can only be used for DD.

Not saying that is what I want. But come on people play the mode, and some enjoy it if you don't just say No and no matter what is done to the mode I will never play it.
# 27 Will I Am @ 02/18/15 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by vidgames
Take DD out and use the time to put some career stats in.
This plus improve analog hitting instead of making it worse.
# 28 Shakedowncapo @ 02/18/15 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Well I was (poorly) referring to the methods of acquiring good players and how the devs have been pretty adverse to having any kind of pay-to-win or coin/currency farming in their games.

EA and Take-Two make big money on these modes because of microtransactions, but I've been under the impression that The Show team had taken a firm stance against microtransactions and pay-to-win models. But maybe that has changed? It didn't seem like it after watching the stream - there was no incentive to buy packs with real money since every game mode apparently gives points that can be used for diamond dynasty.
SCEA doesn't seem to be as stingy as 2K and EA when it comes to the packs and points you get after games, but they were still working on the numbers. This mode has done a total 180 and so it'll take a few years until we get into where they could make some really good money for themselves.

A small example. Taken from how NBA2K15 has throwback Thursday, where you get a throwback card from current players, SCEA can do an throwback MVP day where you could get a chance to pull a Howard '06, Justin Morneau '06, Joey Votto '11 or whoever they choose for that week. Maybe have a weekly pack where its one HOF/MVP player like 2004 Vlad Guerrero or 1999 Chipper Jones.

Point being, the people who dive deep into DD will be the ones willing to spend extra money if SCEA makes it enticing enough. They have a lot of history on their side to make this mode work. Making more money can only be a good thing for a smaller dev like Sony San Diego.
# 29 BaylorBearBryant @ 02/18/15 09:28 PM
Would much rather have retractable roofs than improved Diamond Dynasty crap. I've only asked for a roof open and a roof closed version of Minute Maid Park for 7 years now!
# 30 HozAndMoose @ 02/18/15 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by BaylorBearBryant
Would much rather have retractable roofs than improved Diamond Dynasty crap. I've only asked for a roof open and a roof closed version of Minute Maid Park for 7 years now!
DD = Money. Roof open or closed = well not money.
# 31 HustlinOwl @ 02/18/15 09:33 PM
why must every thread get derailed?? Simple question how do you improve DD, not Do you want DD to continue. With that being said, they have taken a step in the right direction by allowing mainly MLB players with the exception of a single DD player and should get rid of that as well. I dont really care for the new implementation of the single DD player and removing altogether would work. I would like to see some tournaments in the DD mode, and a true expansion with create a stadium for the mode. Would be nice to play friends, but understand the reasoning behind it.
# 32 Scrapps @ 02/18/15 10:01 PM
Tried DD when it was first introduced. If I said had I have no interest in trying it again, it would be an understatement.
# 33 OhioCub @ 02/18/15 10:26 PM
I don't think there's much more they can do to improve it. With what they've done this year, I'm actually very impressed that they even have me THINKING about trying it once or twice. Note that I capitalized thinking, that's the problem with this mode, no matter what they do to it, it's never gonna have the broad appeal that franchise and rtts have. It's just not for some people. For one, I never play online and if I did, a baseball game is one of the last things I'd play online as it is too much of a timing based sport. As far as playing it offline, could be an option but is still rather unlikely for me. I prefer real teams with real rosters or playing as myself on a real team with a real roster. It's a great mode for people who love to get into fantasy sports and things of that nature but alot of people, myself included, could care less about fantasy sports and ultimate team modes.
# 34 bukktown @ 02/18/15 10:29 PM
I haven't followed anything DD related because I waste too much time in franchise and COTW.

Did they add any strategy to team building? Like FIFA has chemistry buffs for getting players from same country or club team. Just wondering if there is anything comparable?
# 35 redsox4evur @ 02/18/15 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by bukktown
I haven't followed anything DD related because I waste too much time in franchise and COTW.

Did they add any strategy to team building? Like FIFA has chemistry buffs for getting players from same country or club team. Just wondering if there is anything comparable?
I don't think so.
# 36 BCDX97 @ 02/18/15 11:11 PM
I don't want to play any phone games that make me grind or pay an endless pit of money, and I don't want to play sports games that do the same thing, either.

I'm sad that so many people do, though.
# 37 Will I Am @ 02/18/15 11:37 PM
Yeah it's sad to how all gaming co's seem interested in these days is how to suck all the money they can from gamer's. As if the price of games isn't high enough.
# 38 geezmeister @ 02/19/15 12:06 AM
I noticed alot of people creating college teams in DD. It's pretty cool too see. Just add a metal bat option and let people run with it. Love the customization of DD. I think its overlooked and I liked it alot. Not as much as franchise but still alot of fun.
# 39 nomo17k @ 02/19/15 02:35 AM
I think the poll itself is not very fair; a large portion of that roughly 50% who say no to DD are people who simply aren't into online playing, and most posters in this thread are saying they prefer offline modes. Not very informative.

But one misconception is that DD is a mode for SCEA to make money. While it is true that some people have always been able to put a lot of real money into getting stubs, convert them into some currency of in-game value, and get ahead in DD, I believe few actually did so since playing DD and staying competitive doesn't require spending a lot of real money. (And that was part of the issue with DD in the past... being able to put together a very stacked team relatively easily, which made the mode play a bit arcade-ish.)

And I think it's true that The Show team isn't really into microtransactions to ruin the game experience. They totally can go in that direction, but haven't.

But those who criticize a mode like DD which can look like a cash-grab to some, it is actually a double-edged sword though. It is almost certainly incorrect to assume that a mode like DD takes resource away from doing something like "closed-roof stadium (building these features would take developers with different skill sets, so you aren't moving taking one resource and putting that into another), but if The Show team generates a much greater profit, perhaps off of microtransaction, they could actually get more developers with skills necessary to realize the features/additions that have not made it into the game simple because the team is tight on resources.
# 40 thaSLAB @ 02/19/15 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Lisac
Sounds like its time to get rid of this feature and open up some space and finally give us Created A Stadium
I wouldn't hold my breath on this. Wishful thinking though.

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