EA Sports UFC News Post

EA has released yet another content update / patch for EA Sports UFC, and this time they’ve added four new fighters to the mix as well as made a few tweaks to the gameplay balance. This will be the last major update for EA Sports UFC, as the developer is now looking to move their focus to “the future” (their words). I suspect development on the next UFC product has hit full stride, and maybe we’ll hear more about it at E3. We might still get small tuning updates to this product, but fighters being added is probably a thing of the past.

Read More - EA Sports UFC Content Update #7 Impressions

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 01/29/15 12:25 PM
Bring back Fight Night!
# 2 DBMcGee3 @ 01/29/15 04:07 PM
Great, more penalty for lunging. I understand that it should use some stamina to lunge back and forth or side to side, but I've always felt that it's crazy how I burn more stamina lunging a couple of times than the CPU uses when throwing 8-10 strike combos at me. Am I alone in feeling like the CPU is given unfair advantages regarding stamina? Seems like I spend half of every fight back pedaling to regain mine, while they just continue to throw bomb after bomb, only to have their meter fill back up instantly.

I guess you basically need to parry everything to win the stamina battle.
# 3 Wiggy @ 01/29/15 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
Great, more penalty for lunging. I understand that it should use some stamina to lunge back and forth or side to side, but I've always felt that it's crazy how I burn more stamina lunging a couple of times than the CPU uses when throwing 8-10 strike combos at me. Am I alone in feeling like the CPU is given unfair advantages regarding stamina? Seems like I spend half of every fight back pedaling to regain mine, while they just continue to throw bomb after bomb, only to have their meter fill back up instantly.

I guess you basically need to parry everything to win the stamina battle.
My understanding of the patch is that it only really affected forward lunges, as side to side have their own penalty. I agree that that is a bit of a stumbling block in the game still. It's frustrating when a defensive option costs you so much, but at the same time, I think they want to balance the ability of people to just dance away with ease.

As for the CPU, there is still some work there in several areas. My pet peeve is kick catching. I love its inclusion in the game, but a true kick catch into a takedown is rare. The CPU on high difficulty grabs your foot for a takedown almost every time you go for a kick. I'm fine with them catching and letting go, but a full takedown is just silly most of the time.
# 4 fishingtime @ 01/29/15 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
Great, more penalty for lunging. I understand that it should use some stamina to lunge back and forth or side to side, but I've always felt that it's crazy how I burn more stamina lunging a couple of times than the CPU uses when throwing 8-10 strike combos at me. Am I alone in feeling like the CPU is given unfair advantages regarding stamina? Seems like I spend half of every fight back pedaling to regain mine, while they just continue to throw bomb after bomb, only to have their meter fill back up instantly.

I guess you basically need to parry everything to win the stamina battle.
The lunges were penalized because people online would do them endlessly and the only way to stop it was with a leg kick. Now you can catch people doing this unless they step at the right time.

The CPU knows how to manage its stamina right, and is a parrying/blocking machine. Weak strikes don't take much stamina as opposed to modified strikes do. They might use a bomb strike every once in a while, but rarely do they in a long combo.
# 5 fishingtime @ 01/29/15 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Wiggy
As for the CPU, there is still some work there in several areas. My pet peeve is kick catching. I love its inclusion in the game, but a true kick catch into a takedown is rare. The CPU on high difficulty grabs your foot for a takedown almost every time you go for a kick. I'm fine with them catching and letting go, but a full takedown is just silly most of the time.
They can only catch kicks when you have low stamina. So if you use them in combo, or later in the match where your endurance bar is lower, they will almost always catch it. Best is to learn to use kicks less later in fights, and at the end of a combo.

The CPU on the harder difficulties is definitely unrealistic for stand up fighting. They are also so easy on the ground to beat so it really needs to have the entire AI revamped for the next game. As well as the addition of sliders.
# 6 Gotmadskillzson @ 01/29/15 07:20 PM
They can only catch kicks when you have low stamina
So not true. I have had my 1st kick of a fight caught many times by the CPU 3 seconds into the game.
# 7 Wiggy @ 01/29/15 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
So not true. I have had my 1st kick of a fight caught many times by the CPU 3 seconds into the game.
I'd have to agree. It's true that stamina management is important in this respect, but the amount catches into takedowns seems crazy on higher CPU difficulty. I'm cool with a blocked kick or a catch that results in dropping my foot, but I shouldn't have to fear throwing a kick occasionally and have it lead to a takedown.
# 8 fishingtime @ 01/30/15 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
So not true. I have had my 1st kick of a fight caught many times by the CPU 3 seconds into the game.
They messed it up then.

Gameplay – Added the ability to catch kicks on parries if the attacking fighter has low stamina or high leg damage when throwing a kick. If Parry button is held, a takedown will be initiated.

# 9 DBMcGee3 @ 01/30/15 10:54 AM
I also find it somewhat comical how often I rock the CPU, only to have him quickly shake it off and rock me right back, usually leading to me stumbling around for 10 seconds until they KO me. Why is it that it takes so much longer for me to come back around? I apologize for all the whining, these are just things that I always feel are a bit unfair from my experience with the game. Just out of curiosity, what % of takedowns would you say you guys score against the CPU on Hard or above? I feel like they block damn near all my attempts, even when I shoot in while they're on one foot or turned around backwards. It gets to the point where I almost stop trying to do them.
# 10 Gotmadskillzson @ 01/30/15 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by fishingtime
They messed it up then.

Gameplay – Added the ability to catch kicks on parries if the attacking fighter has low stamina or high leg damage when throwing a kick. If Parry button is held, a takedown will be initiated.

Yeah they messed it up. CPU can catch your kick when ever they want, regardless if you have high stamina or throw it in a combo. And LOL @ leg damage. CPU don't throw enough leg kicks to do leg damage and leg damage really don't exist in this game anyway.

I have had games where I threw nothing but leg kicks all 5 rounds and look at the HUD and the CPU shows no damage to his leg at all in the post fight report.
# 11 Gotmadskillzson @ 01/30/15 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
I also find it somewhat comical how often I rock the CPU, only to have him quickly shake it off and rock me right back, usually leading to me stumbling around for 10 seconds until they KO me. Why is it that it takes so much longer for me to come back around? I apologize for all the whining, these are just things that I always feel are a bit unfair from my experience with the game. Just out of curiosity, what % of takedowns would you say you guys score against the CPU on Hard or above? I feel like they block damn near all my attempts, even when I shoot in while they're on one foot or turned around backwards. It gets to the point where I almost stop trying to do them.
Yeah the CPU ability to survive rock states at times is just CRAZY. Even more CRAZY is how damn fast they can move backwards while rocked. They can move backwards faster rocked then you can move forward full of health. I been saying that since day one. Last night I was fighting against Dodson, had him rocked and landed 8 hard shots to his face UNBLOCKED while he was still standing backing away and not only did he SURVIVE, he took me down. And this was on NORMAL.

Even on normal the ability to take down the CPU or even clinch the CPU is rare. Their take down defense and clinch blocking skills is insane, regardless who the fighter the CPU is. And on Hard it is 20 times worse. Some games it is like the CPU says I'm going to win this fight and there is nothing you can do about it, I'm going to stuff all your take downs and clinch attempts. I'm going to eat all your hard punches and block all your sub attempts because I'm the terminator.
# 12 jb12780 @ 01/30/15 11:45 AM
Agree on all counts. The CPU does some crazy stuff. Whats even worse is when you are rocked you move molasses and the CPU comes at you like the energizer bunny.

The leg kicks are useless. Barely see any head kick KO's and kicks to the leg do nothing.

Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk
# 13 DaveDQ @ 01/31/15 01:05 PM
They still can't seem to handle a good stamina balance with this game.

If you throw 300 plus strikes in an accelerated 3 round fight, you should be easily knocked out.

It's all too random and just broken.
# 14 DBMcGee3 @ 02/02/15 09:14 AM
The biggest problem in the game for me, and I'm not really sure how they'd fix it, is that it just seems like the KOs come too randomly. 9 times out of 10 when a guy gets flash KO'd, it comes from a strike that isn't any harder than a dozen of others from earlier in the fight. I can hit modified strikes all day long that apparently aren't strong enough to do the job, but then they catch me with a cross when I'm leaning in and lights out. It's rare that I get a satisfying flash KO, and even when I do, it seems less awesome because I've already landed the same strike several times before.

I mean really, when's the last time you saw someone take 4 or 5 flying knees to the chin without being at least wobbled a bit?
# 15 DaveDQ @ 02/03/15 09:09 AM
I could not KO this guy and I tried as hard as I could to be patient and counter his madness. He threw almost 400 punches and I was concerned I wasn't going to make it.

# 16 RumbleCard @ 02/03/15 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
I could not KO this guy and I tried as hard as I could to be patient and counter his madness. He threw almost 400 punches and I was concerned I wasn't going to make it.

this is a great example of the problem. At least you won. I don't know how many times I've seen stat lines like that where I get knocked out late in the 3rd because if you swing away 400 times you're bound to get a lucky one in.

Look at that stamina and I'm sure your opponents read a bit higher in the actual game. Your opponent should have been almost totally gassed out not sitting at 40-50% stamina.

There should be a way bigger discrepancy between their stamina level and yours.

I was really hoping the last patch would solve this. Although its better its still an issue.
# 17 aholbert32 @ 02/03/15 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
They still can't seem to handle a good stamina balance with this game.

If you throw 300 plus strikes in an accelerated 3 round fight, you should be easily knocked out.

It's all too random and just broken.
Why does low stamina equal a higher ability to be knocked out? I could understand if a fighter is tired their movement should be slower, punch speed should decrease and ability to block should decrease.....but ability to take a punch or kick?
# 18 DaveDQ @ 02/03/15 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Why does low stamina equal a higher ability to be knocked out? I could understand if a fighter is tired their movement should be slower, punch speed should decrease and ability to block should decrease.....but ability to take a punch or kick?

Cardiovascular endurance is by far one of the key reasons a fighter can go late into a fight. If you don't have oxygen supporting your muscles and are struggling for breathe, you will slow down and your ability to take a punch will greatly decrease.
# 19 aholbert32 @ 02/04/15 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
Cardiovascular endurance is by far one of the key reasons a fighter can go late into a fight. If you don't have oxygen supporting your muscles and are struggling for breathe, you will slow down and your ability to take a punch will greatly decrease.
I dont know if thats the case in actual fights. I can name a bunch of fighters with crappy cardio who still have a great chin even when they are exhausted. Take Roy Nelson. He is usually gassed by the third round but he has never been KO'd late in a fight. Why? Because Roy has a great chin.

Are submissions easier because of lack of stamina? Yes. Should it be easier to land punches against an exhausted opponent? Yep. But I havent seen much evidence that a tired fighter can take less of a punch.
# 20 DaveDQ @ 02/04/15 09:14 AM
I agree with the ability to take a punch and it being an advantage when stamina is low. No doubt. But in the context of a 3 round fight on accelerated clock, and the guy throws well over 300 strikes. He should be highly susceptible to a KO or TKO.

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