EA Sports UFC News Post

Legends are coming to EA Sports UFC next month. You can check out a short video here, but it doesn't reveal much.

While plenty of free content has arrived since the game launched, that doesn't necessarily mean this will be. During an interview with UndisputedOnline, back in May, Creative Director Brian Hayes mentioned there would be a charge for specialty fighters.

When I asked him about missing fighters (Like last night's new BW Champion, T.J. Dillashaw), he said they will try and get new fighters put in the game often (especially if T.J. had won tonight -- and he DID!) He said these types of "Roster Updates" would be free-of-charge. They would only charge for "DLC Fighters" if they were specialty ones. i.e. like a different Bruce Lee or "Younger" version of fighter. He said people would probably ask why Tito or Rampage are not in the game, but those type of added fighters would probably get turned down by Dana White.

UPDATE: Legends will be free. (Thanks @kevinmurphy17!)

UPDATE #2: Mark Coleman, Matt Hughes and Quinton Rampage Jackson have been revealed.

As we get closer to an actual release date, we will definitely hear more details about it.

Until then, what do you think about this news? Which legends would you like to see added to the roster?

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Member Comments
# 1 oakevin @ 11/24/14 05:38 PM
Looking at the UFC HoF tells me this: Can't have Tito,Bonner or Couture. we already have Gracie so that leaves,Hughes,Coleman,Severn(sp?) Militich and Shamrock. I'll choose Shamrock,Coleman and Dan!
# 2 ballin2k0 @ 11/24/14 05:53 PM
please add some kind of grand prix mode or tournament mode like the pride mode that was in ufc 3...also add that old ufc arena that would be sweet.
# 3 ballin2k0 @ 11/24/14 05:55 PM
also the ability to take a actual ufc fighter through career mode would be nice.
# 4 sportsfan8812 @ 11/24/14 06:27 PM
I'm okay with legends as long as they aren't finished adding current fighters. I would take current fighters over legends any day. Just a personal preference.
# 5 Hayman19 @ 11/24/14 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by sportsfan8812
I'm okay with legends as long as they aren't finished adding current fighters. I would take current fighters over legends any day. Just a personal preference.
I am with you, legends are great and all but unless there are plenty of other older fighters to fight against, it just feels weird. Hopefully they continue the free updates trend and keep adding current fighters.
# 6 PhiPsi1 @ 11/24/14 09:23 PM
@EA UFC Team - Your commitment to keeping this game fresh is commendable! Awesome stuff! Now...fingers crossed...for a tournament or grand prix mode as mentioned above by @ballin2k0!
# 7 fballturkey @ 11/24/14 09:39 PM
Looks like there's an old school "tournament age" ring coming, so perhaps the new game mode is going to be an old school one night UFC tournament. It'd be pretty cool.
# 8 mosdef328 @ 11/24/14 11:01 PM
I'm guessing Coleman and Hughes are for sure. Couture would be amazing. You might also see a prime version of Liddell or something, but that seems kind of like a waste. I wouldn't be shocked to see guys who aren't hall of famers either. Like Brock Lesnar or something.
# 9 aholbert32 @ 11/24/14 11:42 PM
Here is my four:

Hughes: A no brainer and he is still a UFC employee.

Coleman - Hall of Famer.

Shamrock - back on good terms with the UFC

Couture - Likely still under contract with EA. Only hiccup is the beef between him and Dana.
# 10 Pappy Knuckles @ 11/25/14 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Here is my four:

Shamrock - back on good terms with the UFC
Have you checked out that Ken Shamrock Fightography on Fight Pass? Good stuff. I hope he's in.
# 11 aholbert32 @ 11/25/14 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
Have you checked out that Ken Shamrock Fightography on Fight Pass? Good stuff. I hope he's in.
On my list. Those Fightographies are good. I liked the Evans and Bisping ones.
# 12 JoeMimic @ 11/25/14 07:10 AM
Basing it completely on the outlines on the UFC Legends picture above I'd say going from left to right Miletich, Hughes, Couture, and Shamrock.
# 13 Steve_OS @ 11/25/14 01:23 PM
Updated the OP, Aaron reminded me on Twitter that this will most likely NOT be a free DLC.

# 14 SmashMan @ 11/25/14 01:58 PM
The fourth shadow on EA UFC's Twitter background has a more pronounced brow area. I don't know which was created first (this or the image in the OP), but there is definitely a difference there.

Looks like Lesnar to me, but I don't know if that would work with his WWE contract.
# 15 GameplayDevUFC @ 11/25/14 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Updated the OP, Aaron reminded me on Twitter that this will most likely NOT be a free DLC.

Jazz already said it on Reddit so I guess I'm free to repost the info here.

This will be a free DLC.
# 16 davis420 @ 11/25/14 04:06 PM
UFC is the game that keeps on giving! I'm so glad this game is still in my rotation.
# 17 murph17 @ 11/25/14 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by GameplayDevUFC
Jazz already said it on Reddit so I guess I'm free to repost the info here.

This will be a free DLC.
That's &^$%@ awesome. Totally picking this up for $20 this weekend.
# 18 aholbert32 @ 11/25/14 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by GameplayDevUFC
Jazz already said it on Reddit so I guess I'm free to repost the info here.

This will be a free DLC.

That is soooooo great!
# 19 aholbert32 @ 11/25/14 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by SmashMan
The fourth shadow on EA UFC's Twitter background has a more pronounced brow area. I don't know which was created first (this or the image in the OP), but there is definitely a difference there.

Looks like Lesnar to me, but I don't know if that would work with his WWE contract.

I think number 4 looks like Lesnar but like you said I don't think his wwe contract will allow it.
# 20 davis420 @ 11/25/14 08:42 PM
I'm guessing Mark Coleman.

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