NBA 2K15 News Post

“How exactly does someone review a game like NBA 2K15?”

I spent almost a week wrestling with this question. I’m still not sure I know the answer, but I’m going to do my best to find it along the way.

NBA 2K15 plays the best basketball on the court of any video game I ever played.

This fact stands in a stark contrast to the experience of actually trying to play a game in many of the modes.

That part ranges from unplayable to — well, playable, but with a decent chance the game will freeze or drop or won’t count and you’ll have to replay it.

Let’s get into the meat of the review, or as I’ve been calling it in my head, “Treatise on Cognitive Dissonance on the Hardwood.”

Read More - NBA 2K15 Review: A Great Game on the Court Marred by Missteps Off Of It

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 loso_34 @ 10/13/14 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by woodson312
input lag and billions of missed layups and overpowered offensive rebounds... this is the 1st time i have truly complained about 2k but dammit all i get is headaches from it. cant take it
Take smart shots. I can still finish layups with small guards....but if ur going into heavy traffic what do u expect?
# 22 amedawg00 @ 10/13/14 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by TheLetterZ

By the way, I find it enjoyably ironic that your avatar is of NBA League Pass Broadband, another service notorious for shoddy network infrastructure.
LOL...touche...I guess I am a glutton for punishment. League pass has greatly improved with the gametime app on xbox 360. Atleast the NBA has been responsive about improving league pass. 2k on the other hand serves online league heads platitudes of "we are providing feedback to the devs." When you do ask the devs direct questions about how gimped the OLs are this year...crickets.
# 23 TheLetterZ @ 10/13/14 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Respect this review....I'm not a online player but it's unacceptable that online is in the condition its in....

Stop connecting modes to servers if the servers aren't up to par...this has been a horrible experience two years in a row for online guys...
Right on. And that's the thing — I'm not much of an online player either.

But especially when large parts of the supposed "offline" experience rely on server connectivity ... this experience isn't okay.
# 24 TheLetterZ @ 10/13/14 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by amedawg00
LOL...touche...I guess I am a glutton for punishment. League pass has greatly improved with the gametime app on xbox 360. Atleast the NBA has been responsive about improving league pass. 2k on the other hand serves online league heads platitudes of "we are providing feedback to the devs." When you do ask the devs direct questions about how gimped the OLs are this year...crickets.
You're right. League Pass is improving. But I couldn't resist pointing it out.
# 25 Mauer4MVP @ 10/13/14 06:48 PM
I guess in a way I may be lucky that they don't have Online MyLeague. As a strictly offline player, this is the greatest basketball game ever.

It's too bad that people are having such problems online and with the servers. They are really missing out.
# 26 supermanemblem @ 10/13/14 06:48 PM
I'm not buying this game until I play it at my boy's house this weekend. I mainly play the CPU and the game would drive me crazy with the CPU shooting. They hardly ever miss, and I'm done with spending weeks moving sliders to get what I think is a good shooting percentage from the CPU. I see he commented on passing being better, but that's not saying much when the passing was garbage. My biggest beef is with my CPU controlled players playing like brain dead zombies. They display none of the skills that the CPU guys show. I know the game will never be like a real game, but it shouldn't feel like the winner was predetermined the minute I hit start. We shall see. I'm hoping I can go to best buy and get some rewards for this game.
# 27 killakobe81 @ 10/13/14 06:49 PM
Awesome review z, don't let any pressure from this forum change the way you look at reviews. Yes, I think we all get to wrapped up in scores ....especially when they don't match your own feelings on a game. When dealing with subjective analysis as long as you can clearly explain why you scored the game the rating you gave you are golden in my book. I played a whole lot of 2K14, felt it was the best sports game on the PS4. Was extremely frustrated by the servers and the VC last year ... so I was not hyped for this game, until face scan was announced. Your review has helped me stay patient and not purchase the game until the bugs are worked out. As you stated in your replies that is part of a reviewer to help people weigh their purchasing decisions. I mostly game offline but still want a game that works. I will wait until holiday sales before I buy, thanks!
# 28 amedawg00 @ 10/13/14 06:52 PM
# 29 TheLetterZ @ 10/13/14 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by killakobe81
Awesome review z, don't let any pressure from this forum change the way you look at reviews. Yes, I think we all get to wrapped up in scores ....especially when they don't match your own feelings on a game. When dealing with subjective analysis as long as you can clearly explain why you scored the game the rating you gave you are golden in my book. I played a whole lot of 2K14, felt it was the best sports game on the PS4. Was extremely frustrated by the servers and the VC last year ... so I was not hyped for this game, until face scan was announced. Your review has helped me stay patient and not purchase the game until the bugs are worked out. As you stated in your replies that is part of a reviewer to help people weigh their purchasing decisions. I mostly game offline but still want a game that works. I will wait until holiday sales before I buy, thanks!
Thanks! I appreciate it.

Originally Posted by amedawg00
(I'm stealing this joke from somewhere. I don't know who to credit. Sorry.)

NBA Live taking shots at 2K for having problems would be like Lindsay Lohan seeing Taylor Swift have a drink at a party and going, "See!?! I'm not the only one who's messed up!!!"
# 30 amedawg00 @ 10/13/14 07:01 PM
As basketball fans, we are grateful for the competition...no matter how lopsided it may be. Once upon a time, 2k was the underdog. Now they are the behemoth empire that has stretched itself to far in its empire building. All these online dependent game modes when servers have always been their achilles heel. Again, I cannot stress how happy I am that reviewers are no longer rushing out reviews and taking their time to experience the horrors that the commoners experience when they dont get handed pre release copies like reviewers; who have had no means of stress testing their online servers when all is peachy pre-release.
# 31 The 24th Letter @ 10/13/14 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by TheLetterZ
(I'm stealing this joke from somewhere. I don't know who to credit. Sorry.)

NBA Live taking shots at 2K for having problems would be like Lindsay Lohan seeing Taylor Swift have a drink at a party and going, "See!?! I'm not the only one who's messed up!!!"

# 32 Mauer4MVP @ 10/13/14 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by amedawg00
If I were 2k: "Our gameplay will ensure an actual basketball experience all season long rather than... well whatever you want to call that other poor attempt."
# 33 Mauer4MVP @ 10/13/14 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by amedawg00
As basketball fans, we are grateful for the competition...no matter how lopsided it may be. Once upon a time, 2k was the underdog. Now they are the behemoth empire that has stretched itself to far in its empire building. All these online dependent game modes when servers have always been their achilles heel. Again, I cannot stress how happy I am that reviewers are no longer rushing out reviews and taking their time to experience the horrors that the commoners experience when they dont get handed pre release copies like reviewers; who have had no means of stress testing their online servers when all is peachy pre-release.
I never understood where 2k's confidence came from to even attempt this. Their servers have always sucked.
# 34 Gramps91 @ 10/13/14 07:22 PM
Hoping that these servers are fixed by Christmas. That's likely when I'm getting this game. Starting to regret putting the PS4 in layaway. This game was the main reason I wanted a PS4.
# 35 WarlordZMaster @ 10/13/14 07:27 PM
7 is spot on, great review explaining the highs and lows of 2K15. I have the game for X1 and seriously considering trading it in. Still have not teceivd my KD throw back card, so preorder DLC was also a flub.
# 36 VDusen04 @ 10/13/14 07:29 PM
As someone who does not own NBA 2K15, I found this review very informative, helpful and thorough. Well done.
# 37 schnakenpopanz @ 10/13/14 07:44 PM
Great Review. Maybe missing the input lag at some point, but this is exactly how i feel. On the court, offline it is wonderful. But Online it is not playable.
# 38 amedawg00 @ 10/13/14 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Mauer4MVP
I never understood where 2k's confidence came from to even attempt this. Their servers have always sucked.
It's irrational confidence bordering on lunacy. Their marketing slogan was that they would #breaktheinternet ...seems as if they haven broken their servers instead.
# 39 thedream2k13 @ 10/13/14 08:03 PM
So ign gave it a 7.8 and OS gave it a 7. Seems correct
# 40 thedream2k13 @ 10/13/14 08:14 PM
Good to see OS not drinking the 2k koolaide

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