NBA 2K15 News Post

I want to state right off the bat I received the game today like most of you. The impressions that follow come from playing a half-dozen quick games, so stay tuned for the full review later this week for more details on game modes and features, as well as more comprehensive gameplay discussion. For now, I'm going to focus on initial gameplay impressions.

Read More - NBA 2K15 Reviewer Initial Impressions

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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# 21 CWilson04 @ 10/08/14 11:23 AM
I haven't played the game yet. Not in a rush since every 2k game is nearly the same, they're either taking away something they shouldn't have or adding in unrealistic elements.

I just wanted to post after reading comments on here and other websites. There must be a VERY SMALL percentage of people who like 2K that post on video game websites that are actually good.

It has never been hard to shoot on 2K. It's pretty easy if you understand basketball and video games. So hearing not only from OS but other places (I never comment) that shooting is hard and this is coming from people who say they have played this series for years. Umm your not progressing at all. Go in practice mode and work on the shot release. For me I choose different teams all the time and my shot release is good with every player EXCEPT for the slow, awkward release guys but those are few and far inbetween.

The other knock is people complaining about NBA 2K defense. 2k has added so much help on defense for the player it is sickening over the years. I have always been great at defense with 8/10 players online always complimenting on my defense and acknowledging they have never played against someone with defense like mines. I play every man on the court. It's called move your joystick. If you can beat on the dribble, or really just to alter the shot in the post just quickly switch off your man and make a move with your big man. I use to play FPS a lot, and it's similar to basketball games to where you need to having gaming ADD. You just need to be aware of your surroundings and be quick to move and switch off.

2K has a few minor fixes (that are huge in terms of realism) that I'm sure they didn't fix in this release. The difficulty of the AI is a joke. They don't make them play smarter, they make the AI do unrealistic things so they can put points on the board. That part needs to be cut out. We are probably 5-7 years away from seeing an actual realistic basketball game.
# 22 GisherJohn24 @ 10/08/14 11:24 AM
I have no regrets forking over 60 bucks. Plays a lot better than last year, I'm seeing less clipping, better organic flow, looks cleaner and more polished overall. Player intros? Nice to see those back. Cheerleaders? Very nice. (but those mops on their heads). Soundtrack. uh, no comment.

Shooting requires "a little" better timing on your part, but I had no problem overall figuring out the signature shots and release point for all the players. Anyone notice, no more of the audio cutting out (Thank goodness) Better spacing, better graphics, seeing a lot more animations too. I love the free throw routines, it's getting so real, I really don't know what they're going to do a decade from now to improve it. haha. The arsenal of moves you can uses in this game is a bit overwhelming especially for newbies on this game, but most people who have played 2K should be able to do that spinning jumper in no time. Can't really say too much bad about it at all, I haven't seen anything that bugs me other than omissions. The Legends are still unchanged, but I liked having them. The commentary is getting a little stale, I would like a new crew for next year. Ernie Johnson and Shaq are nice, but the studio is too bare without Barkley and Kenny. No halftime blows and signature highlight replays are also missing? WTF?

My only major nitpick is that you STILL can't see how tired your players are when you bring up the sub screen in game. That's just an omission I don't understand. Overall, I know me and my friend will be playing this on the couch all year round. Don't anticipate going online much, too much cheese. Would appreciate everyone who does go online keep us up to speed if it's less troublesome than last year. Haven't checked out the other modes yet.

9 out of 10.
# 23 YourHazard216 @ 10/08/14 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Feldman011teen
Honestly, if I do pick up a basketball game, it's going to be Live. I just don't feel enough has been improved with this series, and the idea of having ESPN presentation and the improvements i'm hearing from their camp garner more interest. Why, after all this time, 2K hasn't invested in the TNT nameplate is beyond me. It's basically it, just do it already.
It has a ESPN scoreboard but that's mostly it lol. The Commentary is terrible. Its always been terrible. Idk why people expect 2k to change drastically every single year when its one of the most consistently good sports games out right now. You gonna switch to a series that have yet to prove itself over the past 4 years vs sticking to one that has been good?
# 24 BigDaddyHolmes @ 10/08/14 12:22 PM
The feel of the entire gameplay is completely different. Anyone who says its the same game hasnt played it. The gameplay from 2k14 to 2k15 is as big a change as Madden 12 to 13 was. Huge.

After I played it couldnt believe how smooth it was. Felt like 2k and EA created it together with the best aspects of both games. Loved it and suprised. By watching videos I thought was minor changes. I was so wrong. 9 out of 10 easy.
# 25 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 10/08/14 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by topdog9007
First. I have been a long time 2k fan. I preorder their games blindly knowing that usually come out with great products. but...
They dropped the ball on so many levels. Game play is frantic and not smooth. Frame rate is garbage. plyers don't feel as weighted as they did in 2k14. And animations are awkward. Graphics are weak , even the basket and rim look weaker then last year.. players are all skinny, player models are way to similar. Elbows are pointy. Colors are off too.
The basket ball teleports during passes and shots
sound effects are off too. the ball bouncing off the rim clacks to much. Am i the only one seeing this?
I wouldn't go as far as you did but I agree about the player models. Everything feels/looks too small. I think they purposely designed the game this way to give the illusion of better spacing (although spacing has improved) but the skinny player models are a HUGE eyesore to me. Players like Ibaka & James Harden are way too skinny. There are many othes too skinny as well. 2K needs to really focus of player models going forward. They need to add way more body types & give us the ability to edit players biceps/calves.
# 26 trey2k198003 @ 10/08/14 03:57 PM
The graphics arnt worse that is much is false. the ai plays much better the collisions in the paint ARE actually different. passes in the paint are no longer guaranteed and nor are layups and dunks....its a trip. shooting is harder in my career im shooting 40% not good! the dribbling is better i like it and i love the post play hmmm ive touched the my gm mode a little i like the new menus and how deep it feels dont know if it is actually im not a game critic usually but this game is pretty fun so far OH and the crowd and the camera switch after big shots!!!!!!! my god its awesome!
# 27 Jakeness23 @ 10/08/14 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by topdog9007
First. I have been a long time 2k fan. I preorder their games blindly knowing that usually come out with great products. but...
They dropped the ball on so many levels. Game play is frantic and not smooth. Frame rate is garbage. plyers don't feel as weighted as they did in 2k14. And animations are awkward. Graphics are weak , even the basket and rim look weaker then last year.. players are all skinny, player models are way to similar. Elbows are pointy. Colors are off too.
The basket ball teleports during passes and shots
sound effects are off too. the ball bouncing off the rim clacks to much. Am i the only one seeing this?
I feel like they weigh TOO much and there's no difference from player to player. Whether you're controlling Big Al or Russell Westbrook, everybody feels like they weigh 300 lbs. They react way too slowly and there are SO many animations that are slow and take forever to play out.

I had Rose attempt a dunk, he missed, yet he kept hanging on the rim (not very D Rose to hang on the rim either), teammate got the rebound and shot with Rose still hanging out up there. The ball went in as he let go; it was just really ugly.
# 28 Dazraz @ 10/08/14 05:25 PM
55% currently rate this game Great on the OS Poll. Reviews are very positive. And yet here we have all this negativity. Not to incite anything but am I the only one who thinks a wee bit of trolling is occurring here? All this NBA Live is the way to go is groundless and is basically comical based on the recent history of the game.
# 29 GisherJohn24 @ 10/08/14 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Dazraz
55% currently rate this game Great on the OS Poll. Reviews are very positive. And yet here we have all this negativity. Not to incite anything but am I the only one who thinks a wee bit of trolling is occurring here? All this NBA Live is the way to go is groundless and is basically comical based on the recent history of the game.

The game is better on the court. I'm totally happy and IMO the best sports game, again on the planet. . Just want to be able to add players to classic teams but can't.
# 30 RipCityAndy @ 10/08/14 06:06 PM
No Dazraz, not trolling (at least I'm not). This game has been a giant disappointment to a lot of people.

I really hope the reviews (here on OS, IGN, community members, etc.) will appropriately reflect the inadequacy of the servers and game mode issues. I don't know if everyone is having the same issues as I am, but half the game wasn't even functional when I bought it. Giving this game an 8 or 9 in it's current state would be irresponsible and misleading to potential buyers. Keep this in mind - if you give this game a glowing review you are endorsing (highly) a product that doesn't work as advertised. That's telling game developers that we as consumers don't actually expect anything fully functional when we buy it and we are satisfied with something that was not well designed.

Yes, I understand the gameplay is improved. But I'm feeling like I just bought an awesome car with flat tires, no sound system, and no gas. It's probably a great car, but there is a lot of stuff that needs to be fixed before I can enjoy it.

It isn't wrong to expect a fully functional product on day one. It's wrong to sell a faulty product to people who PRE-ORDERED to play on day 1. These games go through tons and tons of QA. There is 0% chance 2k was unaware of all these issues coming at them. Zero. Maybe 2k should have pushed their release to late October...
# 31 Dr. Banner @ 10/08/14 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by RajonMoneyRondo
Graphics look better, but the lighting on the court and inside the arena has changed and looks worse for some reason or more dull than normal . the graphics really show when your playing MyPark .

Create a player has improved with updates to accessories also and more tattoo's from what i saw.
Thank You. Do they have full sleeve tattoos now? Minor I know, but so many guys have full sleeve tats in league I wish they add that option in 2k.
# 32 Dr. Banner @ 10/08/14 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Jakeness23
CAP is improved but not by much IMO. Its especially hard to create a white guy that looks like a white guy. No matter what I do my guy looks like a black guy with really light skin. And the editing jumpshots is broken. Just an FYI, it plays A LOT like 2K14 and 2K13. I actually preordered Live yesterday just so I can see which one I like better (and for a change of pace from 2K).
Sucks to hear they still can't make white guys that's not real players look white, and I'm black and oit annoys me so much, I just don't get it. I'm debating what I should get, I know 2k is the better game but I've always been one that thought 2k has become the basketball Madden for awhile, and never fully understood how people pretended or thought every 2k game felt so much better than the previous year. So I'm torn, do I buy the inferior game in live or do I get the better game in 2k that just feels basically the same every year.
# 33 KingTocco @ 10/08/14 06:22 PM
So 4 pages in and only one person has mentioned the servers?

The game is fantastic...except hardly anything works because the servers are awful again. Launch/week or not, there is no excuse for almost everything being tied to online and having it be broken.
# 34 ccoaxum @ 10/08/14 06:35 PM
i'm happy i didn't buy this game on day one, from one i'm seeing, and reading, the very things i thought was going to happen except for the created player thing, has happen on day one.Which shocking cause of the things that ppl are talking usually ppl don't notice until like a good month or two in the game when ppl start making videos and playing alot online.

I personally think people are being really critical of this years game even more because at the back of their heads, they know it may very well be another basketball game they could have spent their money on, thinking they should have push the game back if it wasn't fully functional since the game world is doing that alot lately so has a consumer who is buying a game for full price you expecting an pretty functional game and when you dont have that, you feel like some just took you happy meal lmao....

Also i saw some people saying that gameplay is little different, last canned animations, my guess Scott(ex EA guy) put his finger prints on the part not use to, so if yall not likeing how 2k new updates is feeling as far as movement then 9times out 10 your not going to like Live if you never played Live before....just my opinion i'm not an expert lol
# 35 Cabish @ 10/08/14 07:47 PM
I'm gonna wait to see what ea does man
I'm gonna wait to see what ea does man
Lmaooooo..tHess crappy fanboys should be posting their comments els where and not disruptic the flow of the nba2k15 review thread
# 36 mlstrckl @ 10/08/14 08:38 PM
2k is a not a bad game. That is false, but is it not a true basketball sim. Absolutely not. People that want 2k to be a realistic basketball game and not just a video game will always have certain problems with this game. Prime examples are things like throwing the ball to the post...backing down, pump faking and whoever is guarding, jumping completely out the play. Full court passes still fly out of bounds at a high percentage. Players still miss easy layups if anyone near jumps, etc. Also, do avoid the charge cheesers, the pg crosses over without you doing anything, which is another scripted aspect, I don't like. If these types of issues are irrelevant for you, along with bad lighting/ laser lighting randomly appearing on the court. It is an improvement from last year with player models, shooting, some collision work, easier D, etc. 2k feels they have a winning product, so adding game modes and making subtle adjustments is what they will continue to do for fear of losing loyal 2k fans.

I think the people at Live understand basketball moreso and the culture but are behind the 8 ball from a production standpoint and still not having a product anyone believes in. I will not buy 2k unless Live is awful again. Certain finite details "basketball people" will always get frustrated with about 2k, but if you liked 2k last year, you will LOVE it this year. I hated 2k last year and feel luke warm now. Most people will never find any fault in 2k, so its no reason to try to debate with them. 2k has flaws but it is like ****** a woman. Some guys will overlook all flaws if the woman is pretty, other's care about things like personality, education, occupation, etc. 2 each its own.

In summary, 2k is improved from last year but still too predictable and gives you minimal control of some outcomes. If you loved last year's version, you will feel the same about this one. If you were not a fan of last year's copy, you might want to test drive Live when it comes out.
# 37 swishfury @ 10/08/14 09:27 PM
Some people just can't get satisfied.
# 38 WarlordZMaster @ 10/08/14 10:32 PM
14 had better lighting, was shinier and player modls were better. On a side note, they took Dorris Burkes voice and put it on a much younger thinner model that does not remotely resemble her.
# 39 ccoaxum @ 10/08/14 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by mlstrckl
2k is a not a bad game. That is false, but is it not a true basketball sim. Absolutely not. People that want 2k to be a realistic basketball game and not just a video game will always have certain problems with this game. Prime examples are things like throwing the ball to the post...backing down, pump faking and whoever is guarding, jumping completely out the play. Full court passes still fly out of bounds at a high percentage. Players still miss easy layups if anyone near jumps, etc. Also, do avoid the charge cheesers, the pg crosses over without you doing anything, which is another scripted aspect, I don't like. If these types of issues are irrelevant for you, along with bad lighting/ laser lighting randomly appearing on the court. It is an improvement from last year with player models, shooting, some collision work, easier D, etc. 2k feels they have a winning product, so adding game modes and making subtle adjustments is what they will continue to do for fear of losing loyal 2k fans.

I think the people at Live understand basketball moreso and the culture but are behind the 8 ball from a production standpoint and still not having a product anyone believes in. I will not buy 2k unless Live is awful again. Certain finite details "basketball people" will always get frustrated with about 2k, but if you liked 2k last year, you will LOVE it this year. I hated 2k last year and feel luke warm now. Most people will never find any fault in 2k, so its no reason to try to debate with them. 2k has flaws but it is like ****** a woman. Some guys will overlook all flaws if the woman is pretty, other's care about things like personality, education, occupation, etc. 2 each its own.

In summary, 2k is improved from last year but still too predictable and gives you minimal control of some outcomes. If you loved last year's version, you will feel the same about this one. If you were not a fan of last year's copy, you might want to test drive Live when it comes out.
I feel the exact same way 100%, you hit nail on the head lol....ppl don't like to hear the truth smh
# 40 swac07 @ 10/09/14 12:18 AM
Just an observation....

Some people have real gripes and thats ok .....while some are slick flaming for the heck of it..

And whats sadder some are coming from the "other game's forum" just to do it or have been in previous threads before the game even came out spewing crazy stuff and are popping back up with the same stuff..man yall need to chill with these agendas...its not cool

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