NBA 2K15 News Post

2K Sports has released their official TV Spot for NBA 2K15, featuring cover athlete Kevin Durant, Paul George, Anthony Davis and Stephen Curry.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 41 Norris_Cole @ 09/28/14 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by kobebryant824
It's called marketing, they are quite good at it. They have built so much hype around this game, and they actually have the game to back it up.

Personally, I love commercials like that. So sad to see PG knowing he's gonna be out this season.
I'm no marketing expert but the hype they build with these kind of things from me is next to zero.

Proper gameplay footage, developers actually talking about the game and answering questions, or videos like the one czar made it's what gets my hyped. Not realeasing any info until the very last weeks or the circus they created to simply release player ratings it pisses me off rather than creating hype. Imo their marketing is worse every year, but that's only my opinion and if it works for them then be it

I still remember when they used to release all the player ratings with screenshots from every team. Good times
# 42 Detroitfan4life1993 @ 09/28/14 10:59 PM
This must be the mode with crew elements, its a lot like park but in an arena.I'm looking forward to Tuesday to see what this is all about.
# 43 threattonature @ 09/28/14 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
It's a TV Spot...were guys expecting a Czar like breakdown during national television?
No but you would expect to actual see gameplay footage or mention what mode it is even hinting at. What about that commercial is actually selling the game at all? The people that would be hype about it are already getting the game, anybody not getting it were given nothing in the commercial to try and sell them on it.
# 44 WTF @ 09/28/14 11:06 PM
I'll say that this is for #ThePark. The other courts are for #MyPark, aka OTP.

For the commercial, meh. I know that it's not "for" a lot of us here. What guys are missing though, is that the commercial IS for little Johnny at home who needs this in his life now because it's his first step to super stardom, regardless of whether or not he's ever set foot on the hardwood in real life.

Gone are the days where you can sit back at OS and get a plethora of nothing but gameplay and AI info. 2k has heard the masses, and like it or not, for marketing purposes, OS IS NOT the masses.
# 45 gamingsinceatari @ 09/28/14 11:19 PM
I dont know what else yall need to see. I seen enough to know its worthy of my $60. All im waiting on is someone with 2k to tell me that they gon fix Kyrie's hair before the end of the year.
# 46 23 @ 09/28/14 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by gamingsinceatari
I dont know what else yall need to see. I seen enough to know its worthy of my $60. All im waiting on is someone with 2k to tell me that they gon fix Kyrie's hair before the end of the year.
Someone has tweeted Ronnie about 5 to 10 times last week with no response lol.

Sad man because his hair makes you want to vomit when you see it up close
# 47 The 24th Letter @ 09/28/14 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by Norris_Cole
developers actually talking about the game and answering questions, or videos like the one czar made it's what gets my hyped.
So we're going to act like Czar, Dave, Leftos etc haven't spent near 24 hours on the board answering questions? Comes off as a bit ungrateful man...geez.

As far as this commercial....I can't really say much else but that it's a TV Spot for the national audience..just is what it is....it's for a certain demographic...it was called a TV Spot from the beginning by Ronnie...could see if they promoted it as something different...
# 48 gamingsinceatari @ 09/28/14 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Someone has tweeted Ronnie about 5 to 10 times last week with no response lol.

Sad man because his hair makes you want to vomit when you see it up close
Yup. Im gonna be playing with the cavs alot this year so i know its gonna get on my nerves.
# 49 JayAtkHar @ 09/28/14 11:39 PM
This commercial kinda sucked. It's literally w/e. As a 2k fan I've seen or heard nothing new to REALLY improve defence and I should've known 2k would keep throwing it under the rug.
# 50 gamingsinceatari @ 09/28/14 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by JayAtkHar
This commercial kinda sucked. It's literally w/e. As a 2k fan I've seen or heard nothing new to REALLY improve defence and I should've known 2k would keep throwing it under the rug.
Have yall not read the stuff from czar and others? WTF
# 51 Kurupt_XxX @ 09/28/14 11:47 PM
bleh "next circles". If we can play in an arena with refs. then i'll take those circles. Hopefully they announce crew. that would be so dope.
# 52 23 @ 09/28/14 11:47 PM
...and this is not the end

#TheStage is still forthcoming


What is The Stage? Stay Tuned

# 53 Goffs @ 09/28/14 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by JayAtkHar
This commercial kinda sucked. It's literally w/e. As a 2k fan I've seen or heard nothing new to REALLY improve defence and I should've known 2k would keep throwing it under the rug.
2k fan? Pfft...doubt it...
# 54 WTF @ 09/28/14 11:50 PM
Your face is scanned, you're in the game. You're ballin without limits. There's only one thing left to become a superstar. Produce your own Rap album Ala Shaq Fu on #TheStage.
# 55 lakers24 @ 09/28/14 11:53 PM
Annnnnddd as expected I come into this thread expecting this would be the response and I wasn't disappointed lol. The whining and complaining is endless but w.e.
# 56 23 @ 09/28/14 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
Your face is scanned, you're in the game. You're ballin without limits. There's only one thing left to become a superstar. Produce your own Rap album Ala Shaq Fu on #TheStage.
K-Raw possibly? Nope, not saying anything

# 57 Detroitfan4life1993 @ 09/28/14 11:55 PM
Wow those graphics are crazy! #NextGen
# 58 Bornindamecca @ 09/28/14 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
I'll say that this is for #ThePark. The other courts are for #MyPark, aka OTP.

For the commercial, meh. I know that it's not "for" a lot of us here. What guys are missing though, is that the commercial IS for little Johnny at home who needs this in his life now because it's his first step to super stardom, regardless of whether or not he's ever set foot on the hardwood in real life.

Gone are the days where you can sit back at OS and get a plethora of nothing but gameplay and AI info. 2k has heard the masses, and like it or not, for marketing purposes, OS IS NOT the masses.
You're not saying so exactly, but the context of that statement makes it sound like 2k is not aware of or in service to the kinds of customers that are on OS. This is obviously untrue, with developers answering questions on here, and the fact that 2k has hired several people from OS to do work for them.

I think the issue that most people are having is not the nature of the information--it's been balanced so far--but the fact that it's all squeezed down into about a week and a half before the game comes out. I think it's a little extreme, but we have to look outside of 2k for a moment. With all of the other releases out there like FIFA 15 and Destiny, 2k is smart not to let significant information get buried by the 24 hour gaming news cycle.

I'd prefer they serve the hardcore and SIM crowd a bit more and save the embargo for the spectacle, but I get it. To paint their marketing as some kind of evidence of a ****** mindset is patently wrong. 2k has been trying to entice ****** gamers while satisfying the hardcore crowd for a long time now. Just like most game companies.
# 59 actuallybrown @ 09/28/14 11:58 PM
Paul George falls down @ :35...curse/foreshadowing?
# 60 howbaddouwantit @ 09/29/14 12:50 AM
Man all these "2k fans" are the same people saying 2k hasn't changed/doesn't listen and its annoying. In my opinion we've been spoiled these last few weeks with 2K15 info. But whatever though people gonna complain anyway. As for the commercial it has me wondering what they'll talk about this week. Looking forward to it as I've already preordered so everything else is icing on the cake.

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