NBA 2K15 News Post

The NBA 2K15 Momentous trailer has arrived. Make sure you watch until the end, as it looks like a teaser for MyPARK.

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Member Comments
# 101 King_B_Mack @ 09/25/14 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Joke cant be that good if 5 people and several others who liked those posts missed it. What makes you think that was a joke?
Because he said it looks like 2K15. Nobody is that stupid. I think he was making a comment making fun of those that criticize every piece of news released and nit pick it. Typically SOMEBODY would come in dismissing a trailer because the music "sucks" or claiming it looked like the previous version of the game, etc.
# 102 baysday34 @ 09/25/14 11:49 AM
Why did they have to change the Warriors court AGAIN?!?!

The Gold was perfect in 2k14 I don't understand why they had to go and change it back to that awful washed out yellow just like in 2k11. And to make it worse, the blue on the jerseys and the court logo have once again returned to baby blue....... It's just so off. I don't get how they can continue to mess this up.
# 103 grodbetatted @ 09/25/14 11:50 AM
Looked like 2k
# 104 tha_show256 @ 09/25/14 11:55 AM
It's good to see that CP3 got some love this year!! AWESOME trailer!!! Oct 7th can't come soon enough!!!
# 105 Goffs @ 09/25/14 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Because he said it looks like 2K15. Nobody is that stupid. I think he was making a comment making fun of those that criticize every piece of news released and nit pick it. Typically SOMEBODY would come in dismissing a trailer because the music "sucks" or claiming it looked like the previous version of the game, etc.
Nearing release time here on OS I wouldn't be surprised...

No complaints about the body types? Usually there's a comment or two about how off they are.
# 106 STLRams @ 09/25/14 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
I hope the A.I plays just like this trailer with those players
I was saying the same thing to myself while watching this trailer. I want the CPU A.I. to be able to pull off dribble moves, and pull ups shots and other moves like that when I play the game.
# 107 aholbert32 @ 09/25/14 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
Because he said it looks like 2K15. Nobody is that stupid. I think he was making a comment making fun of those that criticize every piece of news released and nit pick it. Typically SOMEBODY would come in dismissing a trailer because the music "sucks" or claiming it looked like the previous version of the game, etc.
I thought he made a mistake and meant to type 2k14 instead of 2k15. I was clowning him for that mistake and his bad taste in music.
# 108 BEARYChi @ 09/25/14 11:56 AM
IM HYPED AF!!! Cant wait for the Midnight release.
# 109 iki319 @ 09/25/14 11:56 AM
Atlanta's home jersey is off. The shorts logo is updated but it still say's Hawks. should say ATLANTA now.
# 110 Halloween @ 09/25/14 11:57 AM
Is there a downloadable 1080p60 version somewhere?

# 111 King_B_Mack @ 09/25/14 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I thought he made a mistake and meant to type 2k14 instead of 2k15. I was clowning him for that mistake and his bad taste in music.
That could definitely be it. I was just saying that when I first read it, the first thought I got was that it was a shot at that those types of posts that seem to be in every 2K reveal thread.
# 112 WaddupCouzin @ 09/25/14 12:04 PM
Looks good! Can't wrong with ATCQ. Is it the 7th yet?
# 113 SageInfinite @ 09/25/14 12:04 PM
Arenas look too dark imo, Other than that it looks fantastic. Would love to see the arenas more lit up. Playoff atmosphere looks incredible. I wish playoff mode made a comeback, maybe next year. The new alley oops looks sick as well. Also in love with Steph's shot animations in the video.

This trailers made the wait a bit harder.
# 114 t90cw @ 09/25/14 12:10 PM
Finally my boy Jameer getting shown some love with a new face scan... Shame this has happened now he's left the magic!!
# 115 Rebel_INS @ 09/25/14 12:13 PM
I really liked in that 2nd shot of Steph Curry how it appeared as if he stopped on a dime to pull up for that three pointer. That's been a little gripe of mine for years now. Not being able to stop and pull up more precisely as certain players can in real life. Will have to wait and see to confirm though...
# 116 angelstrout @ 09/25/14 12:17 PM
That was great, Chandler Parsons finally has a scanned cyber

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 117 TalenT @ 09/25/14 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by grodbetatted
Looked like 2k
GREAT analysis of the trailer my man!
# 118 JBulls @ 09/25/14 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I thought he made a mistake and meant to type 2k14 instead of 2k15.
Even if he meant 2K14, what was he expecting it to look like?
# 119 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 09/25/14 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by jr2424
All the world champs got was being on the wrong end of a LeBron highlight and getting rained on by LA.
They had Tony Parker doing a nice spin move into a floater if I remember correctly.
# 120 desi1751 @ 09/25/14 12:40 PM
Looks like 2k15

Pass it on!!

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