NBA 2K15 News Post

It looks like 2K Sports has picked up Jon Smith, AKA JaoSming, to work on the NBA 2K series.

Most of you know him for his PC modding work on the series... Sometimes here, but mostly over at NLSC. For those unfamiliar with his work, check out his YouTube channel.

Let's wish him the best of luck.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 8KB24 @ 09/19/14 03:42 PM
I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand it will make the game even better and on the other hand JaoSming used to do all the hex editing tutorials for prior 2K games. Shiz.
# 22 clipperfan811 @ 09/19/14 03:45 PM
Huge congrats to Jao, even though I don't know him personally, I feel like I do through his awesome modding tutorials. I wouldn't know half of what I've learned about modding/ 3d modeling etc if it weren't for him. I wish him nothing but the best of luck!
# 23 Sinner @ 09/19/14 03:51 PM
Don't know him or any modders as I've never played these games on PC but if he's talented and 2k hired him that is very beneficial to all of us...grats JaoSMing!

2k hiring all these dudes is like they're the Expendables of gaming.
# 24 WTF @ 09/19/14 04:05 PM
Congrats Jao. Guy is a class act, and continually helped up and coming modders. He wrote many tutorials on modding. Great pickup for 2k.
# 25 Junior Moe @ 09/19/14 04:32 PM
Goodness grief, 2K. Hoarding up all of the talent. I am officially excited beyond reason for this gen of 2K hoops. I know that these impacts won't be felt much this year; but a year or two from now? Good lord!
# 26 Sundown @ 09/19/14 04:47 PM
Isn't it crazy that we've been saying, "hire these guys" for years, and then they snatch them up all in one year?
# 27 Jakeness23 @ 09/19/14 06:11 PM
I've been suggesting that they hire the PC modders for a while now...

When are y'all gonna hire me to run HR or something haha

Nice hire, congrats and good luck!
# 28 Mr_Riddick @ 09/19/14 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS

It looks like 2K Sports has picked up Jon Smith, AKA JaoSming, to work on the NBA 2K series.

Most of you know him for his PC modding work on the series... Sometimes here, but mostly over at NLSC. For those unfamiliar with his work, check out his YouTube channel.

Let's wish him the best of luck.
2k16 will be off the chain!
# 29 Nza @ 09/19/14 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by eko718
Crazy. They snatching up everybody... very cool. Only downside is we won't have any guys to make editors soon for the PC.
Where one leaves, another shall take their place
# 30 JohnDoe8865 @ 09/19/14 06:37 PM
2K is doing a great job of hiring the dedicated fan base. EA Sports should take note.
# 31 CBfromCU32 @ 09/19/14 06:41 PM
All part of the #2KTAKEOVER
# 32 JasonWilliams55 @ 09/19/14 06:43 PM
Been a while since I've hopped onto the forums, congratulations Jaosming!
# 33 lvnba @ 09/19/14 06:45 PM
This is great news. Congratulations.
# 34 vtcrb @ 09/19/14 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk
Wow! Awesome and congrats to jao! 2k has loaded it's team with the best of our community! Only thing that makes me sad is they have taken our best people who help with the flaws in the game but on the flip side having all these guys will hopefully ship a NEAR flawless game. It's great though to have all these passionate guys who were one of us who just love basketball and this franchise and have a passion for this game like we do!

Good pickup and job 2k!
Great Addition for 2k. Now ONLY if they would Hire that Guy who is the PLAYBOOK Genius, What is HIS name I forgot? LOL
# 35 23 @ 09/19/14 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by JasonWilliams55
Been a while since I've hopped onto the forums, congratulations Jaosming!
Come back around man
# 36 kevmasood @ 09/19/14 07:06 PM
Congrats on the new hire, well deserved, heard a lot of great things, on the PC side of things, from you JaoSming, Good LUCK at @2K
# 37 vannwolfhawk @ 09/19/14 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by vtcrb
Great Addition for 2k. Now ONLY if they would Hire that Guy who is the PLAYBOOK Genius, What is HIS name I forgot? LOL
Lol! They did, his name is da czar! But if the czar needs some help I might know someone... Haha
# 38 vannwolfhawk @ 09/19/14 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Come back around man
It's that time of year and you can't keep jwill away for long! At least not for the next 6 months anyways! I'd like to see him come back around and get that xbox1 though so I can beat up on him all season long though!
# 39 23 @ 09/19/14 07:18 PM
Ill let him answer for any butt whippings lol.

Always great to see quality guys around
# 40 Nza @ 09/19/14 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by JohnDoe8865
2K is doing a great job of hiring the dedicated fan base. EA Sports should take note.
I really don't want to start a EA bash session here, but this sort of mentality couldn't be more at odds with EA's ethos - taking note is one thing, but this would require a 'regime change' grade event at EA to change.

A few years ago, 2K Sports decided to release onto PC, while at around the same time EA Sports decided to shun PC. At the time, I doubt 2K expected there would be a potential talent pool of employees to come as a result of this decision, but here we are today witnessing the direct benefits of this decision for the product as a whole, benefiting PC and console fans of the series alike. On one hand scared and reactionary, the other hand daring and proactive.

It remains to be seen if 2K continue to enable its most hardcore of passionate users (i.e. the PC modders), but what we've seen so far is the sort of vision and coherent long term direction you see with a more agile and flexible developer, as opposed to a lumbering behemoth who has enough trouble as it is attracting industry talent in the first place.

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