NHL 15 News Post

(This post has been promoted to the homepage. Written by NHL 15 Producer, Sean Ramjagsingh)

Thanks for being part of this journey as we head into the launch of NHL 15 on the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4, the start of a new generation of hockey videogames. We’re incredibly proud of the next-generation gameplay and presentation experience we’ve created for all our fans. From the Next-Generation Hockey Player and True Hockey Physics to the Unrivalled In-Arena Experience and a revolution in Broadcast Presentation, I’m extremely proud of what our team has delivered in one year on new technology. The focus on a new gameplay and presentation engine will not only deliver a great game now, but also give us the foundation to deliver next-generation hockey experiences to you for the years to come.

However, we’re not done. We’re committed to keeping the experience fresh throughout the hockey season, in addition to the roster and ratings updates you’ve always received, the list below contains the free content updates for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 we’re working on and our expected window on when you will see them in the game:


Playoff Mode
Create a custom offline tournament bracket with up to 16 teams from any of the 12 leagues in the game. Play or simulate each game and track player and team stats throughout the tournament.

Be A Pro - Coach Feedback
Get the coach’s feedback while you are on the bench. The coach will give you tips on how to stay on top of your game and grade you on your play.

3 Stars of the Game
At the end of the game, see the three stars and their high level stats. Will apply to every game mode.

Hockey Ultimate Team
Several content updates, including:
• Changed layout and navigation in HUT store
• New animations for player items
• Improved edit lines screen to better identify players that are injured or require contract extensions


Online Team Play
Online multiplayer mode where every player on the ice can be human controlled.

GM Draft
For the first time in the NHL franchise, you will be put on the clock and feel the pressure like real NHL GM’s. You will now only have 3 minutes to make a draft pick. If the pressure is too much, you can also call timeouts to extend the amount of time you have to make a draft pick or potentially negotiate a trade. You can make trades at any time during the draft. The CPU will also propose trades to each other and the user throughout the draft.


As always your feedback is fundamental to how we make NHL better and better, so we will also be looking to what you want to see implemented in the game.


Game: NHL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 Callis17 @ 09/08/14 11:14 AM
@Rammer - Will the Be a GM patch apply to existing GM career saves or will we need to restart in order to benefit from the Live Draft update?

Also, how frequent will roster updates be? Particularly for CHL players.

I don't want to invest two months into a GM career just to need to restart..
# 102 centauris @ 09/08/14 11:23 AM
I didn't know that we couldn't draft in Be A GM mode before.

# 103 MizzouRah @ 09/08/14 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Callis17
@Rammer - Will the Be a GM patch apply to existing GM career saves or will we need to restart in order to benefit from the Live Draft update?

Also, how frequent will roster updates be? Particularly for CHL players.

I don't want to invest two months into a GM career just to need to restart..
I'm going to keep hammering this.. since I play all my games, I don't mind that it will be patched in later.. but if I have to start over again, I'm not going to be happy. I'm hoping it will just show up after it's patched in your BeaGM career, but we need word from Rammer on this.
# 104 turbineseaplane @ 09/08/14 11:40 AM
Guys, the only solution here is vote with our wallets.

I refuse to pay full price for 1/3 the game and it's offensive they are even trying to pull that off.

The proper EA response to this should have been to announce a one year only mea culpa and lowered the price to $29-39 as a goodwill gesture.
# 105 tyler289 @ 09/08/14 11:44 AM
It's just really good to know that including selfie-taking fans and popcorn vendors were "higher priorities" than edit player and adjusting sliders.
# 106 Callis17 @ 09/08/14 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by MizzouRah
I'm going to keep hammering this.. since I play all my games, I don't mind that it will be patched in later.. but if I have to start over again, I'm not going to be happy. I'm hoping it will just show up after it's patched in your BeaGM career, but we need word from Rammer on this.
This is the only information I need if I'm going to make my purchase at midnight tonight alongside picking up Destiny.

If Edit Player somehow finds its way into the game as well, I'd be pretty happy. 3 red stars for William Nylander? I think not..
# 107 ch46647 @ 09/08/14 11:45 AM
Any news if "couch co-op" Online VS will be patched in?
# 108 canucksss @ 09/08/14 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by canucksss
If I can add my list to your list: in BaGM

1. More variation between teams - all teams play the same
2. Player variation - all players play the same.....I need to see big difference between L1 playrs from L4 players.
3. Neutral Zone defense.......Neutral Zone defense............Neutral Zone defense....Neutral Zone defense......Neutral Zone defense............Neutral Zone defense
4. Penalties....Penalties....Penalties....Penalties.. ..Penalties....Penalties....Penalties....Penalties ....Penalties....
Are these going to be included as well?

Originally Posted by turbineseaplane
Guys, the only solution here is vote with our wallets.

I refuse to pay full price for 1/3 the game and it's offensive they are even trying to pull that off.

The proper EA response to this should have been to announce a one year only mea culpa and lowered the price to $29-39 as a goodwill gesture.
No the solution is totally not buy this product even at $30. Let EA suffer the consequence of their negligence. Let EA know that consumers still has the power and edge in this gaming enviorment. Remember MS was forcing gamers to pay X1 with cam resulting to a higher price as compared to PS4, DRM games etc. When they heard all the objections, they changed their approach.

Let us show EA who is the SOURCE OF THEIR INCOME and SUCCESS....US CONSUMERS. Don't buy product that is incomplete and companies relying on Patches/Tuner to put the features that are supposed to be there right out of the box. Don't buy product where producers when being asked keep dodging the meaty questions and refuse to answer to pertinent questions.
# 109 ozcore @ 09/08/14 11:58 AM
now when they say 3 stars are back, are the players would be coming out at the end of the game like real life, or we just gonna have a pic with the 3 stars on our screen. i doubt it that we would have the real life stars lol. just another reason for them to increase sales.
# 110 alexbrg @ 09/08/14 11:59 AM
In addition to player editing, the option to change jersey numbers/captains was also left out, if I understand correctly.. That's disappointing.

Sean, any chance it might be patched in at some point?
# 111 turbineseaplane @ 09/08/14 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by canucksss
No the solution is totally not buy this product even at $30.
Guess I just disagree with this statement.

There *is* a new game here, it's just missing a ton of stuff.

I just feel that adjusting the price this year to reflect that would have been the correct move PR wise.
# 112 ChubbyBanana @ 09/08/14 12:07 PM
Look at that - A Company listening to people and trying to make something right/better.

Never thought I'd see all of these updates for NHL 15. Still a lot missing, but much better than the initial launch.
# 113 sweetjones @ 09/08/14 12:09 PM
One way to get this game without them profiting from you is craigslist. That's the route im taking.
# 114 moose141 @ 09/08/14 12:16 PM
Rammer, long time EA NHL fan and as a hockey player I love the attempts by you guys to get as real an NHL game as you can on a console.

That said, I loved the NHL gamecenter type look with the sim engine to allow you to sim period by period. Is that something you are hopefully looking to bring back...? It was great to be able to sim a game and still know what all happened gameplay wise as opposed to a normal sim where you just get the score. It really helped to add to the depth in Be a GM and I would love to see it back. Any potential info on that?
# 115 NYRangers31 @ 09/08/14 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by moose141
Rammer, long time EA NHL fan and as a hockey player I love the attempts by you guys to get as real an NHL game as you can on a console.

That said, I loved the NHL gamecenter type look with the sim engine to allow you to sim period by period. Is that something you are hopefully looking to bring back...? It was great to be able to sim a game and still know what all happened gameplay wise as opposed to a normal sim where you just get the score. It really helped to add to the depth in Be a GM and I would love to see it back. Any potential info on that?
Damn, wait, this is gone from Be a GM too? So you can't jump into games?
# 116 AdamJones113 @ 09/08/14 12:54 PM
From the EA Forums....

Q: I know there’s not going to be a next-generation version of NHL 14 this year. Was there a reason for this? Was there not enough lead time up to when your studio got the final build of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4? Or did you want to just make sure you had a better quality product to put out the following year?

"Sean Ramjagsingh: We wanted to be focused on putting out the best game for this console generation. It’s fantastic that we focused all of our efforts on PS3 and 360. The great thing about EA Sports right now is the sharing that we’re doing. The UFC and FIFA franchises; those guys are figuring out how to develop for next-generation consoles and the technological challenges that come with developing for new consoles.

So they have to figure that part out and then build features on top of that. For us, since we’re coming in later on, we won’t have to battle all those technological issues because they’ve figured them out already. This lets us focus more on the features which is something fans can appreciate…"

Playoffs??? Playoffs??
# 117 Comp @ 09/08/14 12:58 PM
I can't complain with this. Even if we can only use NHL players. Still will add replay value to the game for me. Faith restored EA, thank you.
# 118 Cikoo @ 09/08/14 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by scitychamps87
I like this a lot. But hello! EDIT PLAYER? When is it coming? Ate these the only content updates we'll see?
omg creation player must be in the game if they say that you can play Be a PRO !!! think guys....
# 119 adayinthelife @ 09/08/14 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by ChubbyBanana
Look at that - A Company listening to people and trying to make something right/better.

Never thought I'd see all of these updates for NHL 15. Still a lot missing, but much better than the initial launch.
If it actually happens without breaking something else/happens at all. I don't think these guys should be commended for attempting to make this a proper release some months after the fact, especially when they turn around and use it for an excuse next year.

I think what we can take from Rammer's ignoring of certain questions is that the answer to them is likely not whatever answer the asker was looking to hear. Would love to be proven wrong.
# 120 Drakar @ 09/08/14 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by adayinthelife
If it actually happens without breaking something else/happens at all. I don't think these guys should be commended for attempting to make this a proper release some months after the fact, especially when they turn around and use it for an excuse next year.

I think what we can take from Rammer's ignoring of certain questions is that the answer to them is likely not whatever answer the asker was looking to hear. Would love to be proven wrong.
he only answer the question where he had a definite answer. I think the other things he omitted was because he wasn't sure and didn't want to lie. You guys have been way to hard on him.

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