NHL 15 News Post

NHL 15 is available now for EA Access subscribers. The game will be limited to 6 hours of gameplay.

Based off of early feedback, there is no player edit mode, create a player is in. Play a few games and let us know what you think.

Game: NHL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 401 Smirkin Dirk @ 09/09/14 05:51 AM
I recommend everyone gives broadcast view a try.
# 402 steelerfan @ 09/09/14 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by Hoos
Just curious with EA's focus being on gameplay, have they FINALLY fixed the lack of penalties?? That's definitely part of "gameplay".....just curious
With penalties maxed and 10 minute periods, my first game had 11 power plays. I've played 2 more games and saw about 7 in each.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A
# 403 Södy @ 09/09/14 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
But on in game functions and modes a 3 out of 10 stars and 7 years later they still dont have a in game slider save and when you start a GM mode you still have to re enter all your slider changes ? looks like they just transferred over alot of the bad crappy buggy stuff from the ps3 but with new display screens and menus ?
Oh yeah that bothers me aswell. 2k was great in that regard.
# 404 MizzouRah @ 09/09/14 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Gagnon39
I can't wait to play the Blues. It's good to have a classic rivalry back where both team are actually good. I would be very surprised if the Blues don't win a Cup over the next five years, possibly this year. The Western Conference is ridiculous. Don't mean to derail the thread, back on topic...
Yeah, I've been avoiding Chicago with EA Access, don't want to spoil our first meeting of the regular season, Saturday 10/25.

Had a great game vs New Jersey at home, tied 3-3 towards the end of the 3rd when my trial ran out.

Had 4 penalties (not counting the 3 majors for fighting) including a game misconduct to Steen.

I'm ready for my BeaGM..
# 405 MizzouRah @ 09/09/14 08:56 AM
Well it allowed me to continue my EA Access game!

I'm itching to start a BeaGM mode tonight. Wonder when the next roster update is coming out?
# 406 Sparty10 @ 09/09/14 09:58 AM
What is the secret to playing good defense? This is my first NHL game since 2007 or so. I've been playing on pro 8 min qtrs. losing games 10-2/3 pretty consistently with the Redwings. Also, in 4 games I've yet to be on the power play with penalties all the way up.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
# 407 MichaelAngeloTMNT @ 09/09/14 10:21 AM
Wow, I thought there would be more impressions. Really seems like a lot of people passed on this, including myself. Sad.
# 408 Qb @ 09/09/14 10:48 AM
Please use the new impressions thread created for the retail release.

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