NBA 2K15 News Post

Promoted from Forums to homepage, written by Mike Stauffer, NBA 2K Production Assistant for rosters and ratings.

As NBA 2K15 Overall ratings are released, I think it is important to point out that NBA 2K15 will feature a revamped formula to determine a player's overall rating. This year a player's overall rating will be determined by what "type" of player they are. By having more dynamic overall rating formulas it allows for players who are highly valued by teams to have a more representative "Overall" rating. Specialists such as great defenders, shooters, and rebounders will have an overall value that properly displays their worth to an NBA team.

The goal of the newly calculated Overall formulas is to as accurately as possible show a player's value in the NBA. The new formula will really highlight those players that play a very important role on their team, but may not be the prototypical player at their position. All players in the NBA provide some sort of value to their team, and the revamped Overall formulas should really illustrate that in NBA 2K15.

(More details below, as Mike answers questions from the community.)

So if I have two SG's with identical attributes but one is a "Defensive" and the other is "3PT" they will produce two different overalls?

Mike: Good question! No, the individual ratings will determine what player type (per position) to use.

If a player gets traded to another team, does the overall change?

Mike: No. It is 100% based on a player's attributes.

So basically what you are saying is that the 2K ratings being released paint an incomplete picture without releasing the player types as well?

Mike: Not exactly, and this post should address other confusion in the thread:

For every player, their individual ratings will run through all of the overall formulas possible for a given position. Whichever formula generates the highest overall is what is displayed in the roster. The individual attributes matter more than ever in determining a players overall.

Can you could elaborate as to what are some of the overall formulas possible for a given position might be based on?

Mike: We will be elaborating on this in the future, this was just to add some perspective in the ratings that are being released. But in the past, player's overall rating by position was calculated by a singular formula. In 2K15 there are many different formulas that are calculated that will look at certain individual attributes with more weight than others to account for different player types. Of those formulas the highest Overall is selected. The overall formula from games past is still there, but many other formulas are being calculated to accurately display the overall worth of a player who specializes in a certain part of the game.

In years past many claimed Overall ratings "mean nothing". This year they should. Player's Overall rating should finally be the point of debates.

It sounds like they are just removing the filter of position in determining overall rating. Essentially- ratings will be calculated pretty much the same, but instead of a given player's position dictating which of the 5 potential overalls they receive (either pg,sg,sf,pf, or c overall) they tweaked it so a players overall is the highest of the 5 formulas. They simply eliminated a position penalty and put the onus on the ratings. I don't think it's as in depth and evolved as some of you are guessing.

Mike: I'm not sure where this assumption is coming from. As I've said a few times in the thread, there are a variety of Overall formulas that are now being calculated per position to better represent unique players that may not be all around players for their position. These players are still very valuable to a team and in 2K15 their rating will reflect that value.

Just added these comments from Leftos.

Each Position has a set of Archetypes (or Player Types, if you will). All-Around, Athletic, Defensive, etc. Some positions share some of them, some have some unique ones too. A player has an overall per player type per position. So a player has (NumberOfPositions * NumberOfPlayerTypesPerPosition) overall ratings. Each Positional Player Type has its own overall formula (so PG All Around has a different formula than PF All Around has a different formula than C Defensive).

Whenever his overall rating gets updated, we calculate all the overall ratings for his position by player type. The player type that gives him his the highest overall is the one we determine "most compatible", so we assign it to him along with that Overall.

So yes, a player that might be C All-Around but as years go by sees his offensive attributes regress but you've made sure to keep him up to par defensively using (cheap plug but I'm a dev) our new in-season Training system, might see his player type change to C Defensive, and his value to the team will still be there.

As for team-building AI, we've taken some steps to make sure teams take into account specific needs as far as more specific skills go. So if that player losing his offensive ability means that the team lost their main source of points, they'll value players that can bring the team's scoring up more than players that might be contributing to needs sufficiently covered (such as defense, in this example). (Let me clarify that the examples of "offense" and "defense" are shallow and the "skills" teams look at go beyond that; there's 13 different categories actually.)

That said, Team Style is still a factor, so teams won't all "average out" by trying to cover skill needs, if a coach prefers to play a certain way. So if a team prefers outside scorers over inside scorers, it won't value inside scorers as much, even if it has more of a need for them than another team.

Also, we pay much more attention at position stacking which has been a problem for years in the franchise. Teams are much more aware of trying to build each position with a player of starter quality, a decent bench player and a 3rd string backup (less important but good to have). Not every team is going to be perfect, and if they were, they wouldn't be able to replicate my frustration with Detroit's roster all these past years. :P More than 3 players in a position starts making teams reconsider unless their skills and secondary position mean that they're of significant value to the team. No more "Oh, another 80+ point guard available? Never mind that we have 5 of them already, let's get one more since we can fit him under the salary cap!" I cringed so bad when someone showed me a screenshot of that and I made a point of starting to fix that logic that very same day.

You can see how a system like this gets really complicated. I'm very happy with our new overall formulas and logic this year, and along with the improvements to team-building (which isn't going to be perfect but we've taken strides in the right direction, trust me) gives us nice results and a nice base to continue working off of based on this year's feedback.

A lot of things have been changed this year, so I'm really looking forward to fresh feedback once you get your hands on the game.

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Member Comments
# 21 hristi @ 09/04/14 12:09 AM
This is gonna be so good!
# 22 Crystar500 @ 09/04/14 12:19 AM
2K did us all a service by hiring you, Beds.

I do wish that a team's system factored in as well. An example being a player excelling in the Spurs' system, but seeing a drop in rating when traded to somewhere like the Knicks, who are running the Triangle Offense this year.

Not a big deal for me, though, I love the new system! I'm sure it'll help MyLEAGUE play out much better!

Oh, and one question - Has there been any changes to player potential?
# 23 Future 23 @ 09/04/14 12:26 AM
We should have some nice overalls that will lead to some good debates with this new system..
# 24 Toaster @ 09/04/14 12:32 AM
So let's say a the algorithm gets the highest overall rating for a certain player (let's take Kawhi as our measuring stick) from the weighing for:

#1: Defensive Ace
#2: Corner 3pt Maestro

The immediate ramification would be that his overall will be the one calculated by the "Defensive Ace" (temporary name, patent pending ) weighting system and thus the game would "assume" that the player is a defensive specialist.
My questions are:

1A) Will the AI still acknowledge that the player is elite in more than one respect (since both value alternatives produce a high overall)?

1B) And if it does recognize the players multi-faceted brilliance, will that raise his trade value? (Perhaps it's unnecessary since all factors will contribute to a higher overall anyway))

2) Will the in-game AI be able to assign offensive plays and defensive match-ups based on these overall-based player characterizations?

# 25 Boilerbuzz @ 09/04/14 12:48 AM
Frankly, I want to see overalls gone completely. It's a bs metric for people too lazy to really evaluate a player. Dirk is a prime example of a great player that shouldn't have a high overall rating. There a many players that would have crap overall, but every team would want them.
# 26 Trackball @ 09/04/14 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Crystar500
2K did us all a service by hiring you, Beds.

I do wish that a team's system factored in as well. An example being a player excelling in the Spurs' system, but seeing a drop in rating when traded to somewhere like the Knicks, who are running the Triangle Offense this year.

Not a big deal for me, though, I love the new system! I'm sure it'll help MyLEAGUE play out much better!

Oh, and one question - Has there been any changes to player potential?
I agree. A great example is Jeremy Lin at the height of Linsanity--the coach at the time, Mike D'Antoni, had a system in place that happened to be PERFECTLY suited to Lin's strengths. When Melo ordered D'Antoni be fired (never forget this), Mike Woodson made it known that this was Melo and Amare's team, not some undrafted nobody's. Lin's play dipped.

And people wonder why that organization is such a mess--and why hiring Phil Jackson was a step in the right direction. But I digress.
# 27 Boilerbuzz @ 09/04/14 12:51 AM
A prime example of why there is no magic overall formula to rate a dude. The team matters for some guys. Not as much for others. Get rid of it.
# 28 turty11 @ 09/04/14 01:36 AM
you lost me at the OVR should be the point of debates comment.

only way thats happening is if every OVR is calculated on 1 exact formula that doesnt vary by position.
# 29 DatGD12guage @ 09/04/14 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by bedwardsroy19
Not exactly, and this post should address other confusion in the thread:

For every player, their individual ratings will run through all of the overall formulas possible for a given position. Whichever formula generates the highest overall is what is displayed in the roster. The individual attributes matter more than ever in determining a players overall.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo! I think I understand now.

Guys go and edit a Center in NBA 2k14 and lower his Rebounding rating and you will see that his overall rating will take a bigger hit than a PG will if you lower their rebounding rating b/c at the PG position thats not a necessary attribute thats as important as it would be for a big man.

However, BEDS, are you saying that if lets say we have a PG that is rated high in the basic categories that a PG should be good in like passing, awareness, etc but lower/decent in EVERY other department that has nothing to do with being a PG then his overall will still be higher than say a point guard who is rated higher in EVERYTHING that has nothing to do with being a point guard.........?

If so I can see how when you look at the overall of a player that has a high rating you will be able to tell that he is the best in the league at his position AHAH! I think I gotchu brothuh............

So that would explain why Lebron would be rated so high b/c he does EVERTHING a SF does plus more in every other department enough to where he would be in the 90's

Where as a KD does what a SF does at his position decent enough to when you add in how HIGH his other offensive talents are then he would be rated higher but MELO is lower than KD b/c he doesnt play D LOL.

Yeh you do have to go in depth with this b/c its kind of hard to explain homey. Interesting

# 30 DaBoyBk @ 09/04/14 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by Crystar500
2K did us all a service by hiring you, Beds.

I do wish that a team's system factored in as well. An example being a player excelling in the Spurs' system, but seeing a drop in rating when traded to somewhere like the Knicks, who are running the Triangle Offense this year.

Not a big deal for me, though, I love the new system! I'm sure it'll help MyLEAGUE play out much better!

Oh, and one question - Has there been any changes to player potential?
I totally agree with this its as if Boris Diaw was traded to the Clippers his overall should drop immediately depending the offense and defense ran there, run and gun and etc. in comparison to the ball movement and screening on the Spurs. That would be great as players are valued different in different roles and teams. Tim Thomas did good in Milwaukee as 6th man and run n gun offense. But he didn't do well in NY or CHI but then in 6th man run n gun in PHX he did well again but then when he left fell off in different system again. It should be like a team chemistry rating type of thing. The problem would only be problem if players do good/bad during the season and before/after trades and 2k doesn't adjust them promptly for us to play with those athletes appropriately.
# 31 DaBoyBk @ 09/04/14 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by bedwardsroy19
As NBA 2K15 Overall ratings are released, I think it is important to point out that NBA 2K15 will feature a revamped formula to determine a player's overall rating. This year a player's overall rating will be determined by what "type" of player they are. By having more dynamic overall rating formulas it allows for players who are highly valued by teams to have a more representative "Overall" rating. Specialists such as great defenders, shooters, and rebounders will have an overall value that properly displays their worth to an NBA team.

The goal of the newly calculated Overall formulas is to as accurately as possible show a player's value in the NBA. The new formula will really highlight those players that play a very important role on their team, but may not be the prototypical player at their position. All players in the NBA provide some sort of value to their team, and the revamped Overall formulas should really illustrate that in NBA 2K15
Are you guys gonna adjust the fatigue to a higher level of losing stamina/energy to give us a little more realistic feel? What I mean by this is by adjusting fatigue as 2k4/2k5 kind of way players will have to call timeouts to stop runs and give players more rest but also without incresing the energy level to a complete 100% at half time or faster drop starting the 3rd quarter as it used to be back in the day. Too many users use a Lebron, Wade & etc all game without any consequences of running slow or losing the ball on too many dribble moves (2k4/2k5) due to fatigue as it used to be.
Also they insert 3pt specialists or bench players who in real life don't play many minutes and play them all game which is unrealistic. In the NBA, these players sometimes play 10,15, 25 minutes tops depending the player so they shouldn't have the same stamina as players who play 30-40+ minutes a night.
# 32 sniapeko @ 09/04/14 04:31 AM
Reading this thread, the only thing I can think of is, will the OVR value still be the only thing the CPU cares about when setting its own rotations or when discussing a trade or a contract?
And will this new formula be applied on old gen or only on Ps4/XBone?
# 33 Hassan Darkside @ 09/04/14 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by bedwardsroy19
We will be elaborating on this in the future, this was just to add some perspective in the ratings that are being released. But in the past, player's overall rating by position was calculated by a singular formula. In 2K15 there are many different formulas that are calculated that will look at certain individual attributes with more weight than others to account for different player types. Of those formulas the highest Overall is selected. The overall formula from games past is still there, but many other formulas are being calculated to accurately display the overall worth of a player who specializes in a certain part of the game.

In years past many claimed Overall ratings "mean nothing". This year they should. Player's Overall rating should finally be the point of debates.
So as a player's individual attributes progress (or regress), does the formula continue to recalculate and thus, it would be possible for the player type to change simply based off of that?
# 34 MarkWilliam @ 09/04/14 06:01 AM
Complex - but I'm wrapping my head around it.... definitely sounds interesting and I feel positive about it (considering I could understand it a touch more).....

Definitely have to throw props to the mind that devised this. As if I am understanding it correctly, definitely sounds complex yet simple.....

Sounds to me there is a series of ratings which contribute to a player - more so, to his player type (based on his position). Which ever "player type" his ratings point towards in the highest regard (in terms of overall rating) is what he is essentially defined as.....

If I haven't gotten that right, then I am sure a future explanation will do so down the road..... but none the less, I am excited either way.

NBA 2K15 = Vast! And a lot of things will push it towards sim/realism from what we know thus far..... very exciting....
# 35 MarkWilliam @ 09/04/14 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by Ruff Ryder
So as a player's individual attributes progress (or regress), does the formula continue to recalculate and thus, it would be possible for the player type to change simply based off of that?

If I understand it correctly, this sounds right. And it is great - as a player ages and his ratings change, his role (or player type) changes.

This is fantastic if this is correct - it really would allow users to see how a player changes over his career. I'm thinking Scottie Pippen in his prime to how he was in his late Portland days, off the top of my head.

Again, this is IF I understand it right....
# 36 Real2KInsider @ 09/04/14 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Frankly, I want to see overalls gone completely. It's a bs metric for people too lazy to really evaluate a player. Dirk is a prime example of a great player that shouldn't have a high overall rating. There a many players that would have crap overall, but every team would want them.
It's not for people to evaluate a player. It's for the CPU to evaluate a player.

Dirk has a crap overall because 2K's formula has been broken for a long time (barely giving weight to outside shooting when it's value to PFs is painfully obvious).
# 37 Real2KInsider @ 09/04/14 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by bedwardsroy19
Not exactly, and this post should address other confusion in the thread:

For every player, their individual ratings will run through all of the overall formulas possible for a given position. Whichever formula generates the highest overall is what is displayed in the roster. The individual attributes matter more than ever in determining a players overall.
As an example then to see i I understand correctly.

I have Jason Smith (PF/C) rated at the following positions

PG: 58
SG: 66
SF: 72
PF: 71
C: 68

What you are roughly saying is that he will rate 72 Overall (his SF rating) even if I have him at center, because that is his peak value across all of the formulas.
# 38 Hassan Darkside @ 09/04/14 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Rashidi
As an example then to see i I understand correctly.

I have Jason Smith (PF/C) rated at the following positions

PG: 58
SG: 66
SF: 72
PF: 71
C: 68

What you are roughly saying is that he will rate 72 Overall (his SF rating) even if I have him at center, because that is his peak value across all of the formulas.
I understood it more as based off of a player type formula such as:
Rebounding: 66
Face Up: 70
Back to Basket: 68
Athletic: 65

And then it would choose his overall as a 70.

My other question now (assuming I'm understanding this correctly) is will you get an accurate depiction of regression? If a guy like, say, Paul George, who may be an 88 overall as an "all-around" SF regresses in his offensive ratings, will the formula recalculate and still have him at an 88 overall because he may now be an 88 as a defensive player type but an 86 as an all-around?
# 39 DaBoyBk @ 09/04/14 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Rashidi
As an example then to see i I understand correctly.

I have Jason Smith (PF/C) rated at the following positions

PG: 58
SG: 66
SF: 72
PF: 71
C: 68

What you are roughly saying is that he will rate 72 Overall (his SF rating) even if I have him at center, because that is his peak value across all of the formulas.
Originally Posted by Ruff Ryder
I understood it more as based off of a player type formula such as:
Rebounding: 66
Face Up: 70
Back to Basket: 68
Athletic: 65

And then it would choose his overall as a 70.

My other question now (assuming I'm understanding this correctly) is will you get an accurate depiction of regression? If a guy like, say, Paul George, who may be an 88 overall as an "all-around" SF regresses in his offensive ratings, will the formula recalculate and still have him at an 88 overall because he may now be an 88 as a defensive player type but an 86 as an all-around?
Man... @Rashidi @RuffRyder and all others here I think we need @bedwardsroy19 to get a little more in depth hopefully soon as we still dont have a definitive idea of what this new formula means or how its calculated
# 40 Boilerbuzz @ 09/04/14 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by Rashidi
It's not for people to evaluate a player. It's for the CPU to evaluate a player.

Dirk has a crap overall because 2K's formula has been broken for a long time (barely giving weight to outside shooting when it's value to PFs is painfully obvious).

No, it's for people to evaluate players. The game can use whatever it deems necessary. Overalls are there primarily for the user.

Dork's overall is crap because as a PF in a traditional role, he is crap. Beyond that, scoring prowess is conceptually only part of the overall. So that has been reflected in his overall. It shouldn't be high because he lacks in too many other areas. But he needs to be boosted artificially so that his overall doesn't suck. Frankly, I don't think you can ever fix that.

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