NBA 2K15 News Post

Steam has updated their NBA 2K15 page with screenshots of John Wall and James Harden. Your thoughts?

Thanks for the heads up @wetai30254!

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Member Comments
# 41 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 08/29/14 11:57 AM
Hopefully they get Hardens body type right. In the trailer his arms were way too skinny.
# 42 DaBoyBk @ 08/29/14 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Mrleaderboards
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the artists are developing naps for black players. If you check the credits, a lot of their art is done overseas. I wonder if they base the players hair and facial hair from pictures instead of Doing actual research and getting samples of people hair and going from there. I'd say first start at a barbershop to get a rough idea of what most players haircuts are going to look like.
Checking a local barbershop could help as it broadens what the appearance could be. They probably got their best artists overseas & from other communities which have people that just love the game. Communities such as Pinoy, NLSC & etc which feature a recently new member himself Leftos.
# 43 Jakeness23 @ 08/29/14 01:57 PM
Jersey fit, sweat, and overall graphics look good, but the jerseys themselves need work. They don't have any real thickness like clothing should. They're SUPER thin.
# 44 bxphenom7 @ 08/29/14 02:50 PM
These look on point, wow
# 45 CavsNation @ 08/29/14 03:33 PM
Is that Console graphic or pc ?
# 46 El_Poopador @ 08/29/14 04:17 PM
I'd rather see screens of guys that didn't look good last year. Harden and Wall already looked decent, so of course they're going to look good in 2k15. Let me see some guys with longer hair like Dirk or Varejao.
# 47 reptilexcq @ 08/29/14 04:27 PM
Dirk was off last year imo.

In 2k15, Harden and Wall look good from a distant but when zoom in, you can see their skins looks clay-like.
# 48 lakers24 @ 08/29/14 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by reptilexcq
Dirk was off last year imo.

In 2k15, Harden and Wall look good from a distant but when zoom in, you can see their skins looks clay-like.
All the players' skin looks like that....it's a videogame. As far as Dirk, it's obvious he was scanned, the problem was the hair and I'll take a guess and say with the new "hair physics" he should look better.
# 49 lakers24 @ 08/29/14 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by CavsNation
Is that Console graphic or pc ?
I'm pretty sure PC. The resolution is so high and the textures aren't as blurry.
# 50 TemplateR @ 08/29/14 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by lakers24
I'm pretty sure PC. The resolution is so high and the textures aren't as blurry.
It´s definitively the PC-Version. Damn I wish, that 2k will release a trailer only with PC-Version^^
# 51 Sundown @ 08/29/14 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by d23x
Comparison of Harden in 2k14 and 2k15. Obvious skin tone change in 2k15 not as shiny.

I think Harden's skin highlights actually look much better in 2k14. As well as his likeness overall.
# 52 Sundown @ 08/29/14 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by 23
That's because the lighting doesn't reflect off the eyes IMO

They need to have that instead of straight black looking pupils like their eyes are dialated

I did this with a MS Paint tool

Actually, they had reflecting lights off pupils last year. I think they toned it down this year, which makes them look more like real people and less like cartoons. It could also be the angle.

It also seems like they fixed that weird third transparent bird eyelid thing from last year.
# 53 Shinyhubcaps @ 08/29/14 09:16 PM
Nice sweat, nice textures. Great lighting. It all looks terrific. If anything, my only criticism is Harden's beard looks TOO detailed.
# 54 Cabish @ 08/30/14 12:38 AM
People want a whole lot
# 55 LD2k @ 08/30/14 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by datking1
Wow those look really nice!!! Im guessing since its on steam that means this is only for PC so i wonder how they match up on the PS4 and XBone. Hopefully its not too big of a downgrade from this
EXACT same. These are taken on same specs as consoles. I know because I took them
# 56 JBulls @ 08/30/14 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by LD2k
EXACT same. These are taken on same specs as consoles. I know because I took them
How recent of a build is this?
# 57 seanbarkley @ 08/30/14 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by LD2k
EXACT same. These are taken on same specs as consoles. I know because I took them

This comment has me a little bit confused LD. What you are saying with this is that PC graphics, ON ULTRA QUALITY, will look the same than consoles right? because I doubt that textures, lighting, shadows...will be exactly the same if you play the game in ultra or in low settings.
# 58 ccoaxum @ 08/30/14 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by lakers24

For those saying it looks the same, I have to disagree. I didn't even think it was that much of a difference until I compared them.
i feel like the hair in 2k14 is darker compared to 2k15...perfect example look at harden's beard color look like its about to turn grey compared to a dark black color in 2k14
# 59 thedream2k13 @ 08/30/14 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by seanbarkley
This comment has me a little bit confused LD. What you are saying with this is that PC graphics, ON ULTRA QUALITY, will look the same than consoles right? because I doubt that textures, lighting, shadows...will be exactly the same if you play the game in ultra or in low settings.
Its a basketball game. Its not as graphically intense as a fps or mmo. Compare it to a racing game
# 60 seanbarkley @ 08/30/14 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
Its a basketball game. Its not as graphically intense as a fps or mmo. Compare it to a racing game

As a sports game it shouldn't, but recommended specifications tell us something different. We will see...

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