Madden NFL 15 News Post

Madden NFL is a series which has always been under the most intense of microscopes in the sports gaming community. It’s almost like Madden is a Kardashian, with its every move being dissected and broken apart on a level that would make any other sports game crumble.

Despite all of this, Madden does continually give a good and solid NFL experience most years, but is still flawed in one way or another. The past several years we have witnessed Madden fixing one set of problems, only to see a new batch arise from those fixes. I have long said football was a difficult sport to program for, and it certainly stands to reason that is the case. However, despite all of this, Madden sells extremely well and has seemed on the cusp of making it to the level of the elites in our genre for a couple of years — but it has ultimately been held back by something.

Madden NFL 15 is no different. On one hand, the game is a blast to play. On the other, it’s an, ahem, "maddening" experience.

Read More - Madden NFL 15 Review (PS4/XB1)

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Sheba2011 @ 08/23/14 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by bxphenom7
First, I don't mean any disrespect. You're right, it doesn't have to matter to him. But he were to come saying to me that show was a good show, then he'd be wrong. For example, I bought the first Amazing Spider-Man game. I bought it because I like comics, that's a taste of mine. Yeah, i enjoyed. But i could never say it was great or even good, I'd say it was decent at best. Even though I enjoyed it overall, I still saw all the flaws that were mentioned in reviews and how exactly the game held up to other games in general, and in its genre, like a Batman: Arkham game. That's accepting ignorance if you blindly say something is good/bad because you like/don't like it.
A bit contradictory?
# 62 bkrich83 @ 08/23/14 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by bxphenom7
Not really. You liking something doesn't determine whether something is good or not. Quality is quality and mediocrity is mediocrity. There are always standards to be met. For example, you can like Alien: Colonial Marines, but if you're convinced that's a good game, you're flat out wrong. Liking and disliking comes down to tastes, and does not dictate quality. Same way you may not like The Last of Us, but for you to say it's a bad game is also flat out wrong. There are standards in the industry, in any entertainment industry, and as consumers we trust critics to uphold these standards in evaluating games/products.
There's always one.
# 63 Sheba2011 @ 08/23/14 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by TypicalPhenom
Hate the "no stats on free agency screen" part. Hated it last year. Like you said, ratings are fine and all, but I want to see what the actual production was.
This! I much rather see stats from the previous year as well as his entire career. I like to play the game with a somewhat realistic feel. I would be more likely to sign the RB who had a 1000 yards last year and is rated a 73 than the one who had 300 yards and is rated an 83.
# 64 geisterhome @ 08/23/14 04:57 AM
is the commentary that bad? Worse than in madden 13 and 25?
# 65 raiderphantom @ 08/23/14 05:46 AM
I get what bx was trying to say... All that matters is whether you like it or not. But the point of a review is to be objective and base it off facts and not personal preference. Maybe I can still enjoy a game that has poor graphics and a bunch of bugs, flaws, etc. However, ignoring those flaws just because I personally like the game anyway is not necessarily objective. I think it was a good post, but maybe aimed at the wrong person and came out the wrong way a bit.
# 66 MAGboyswifT27 @ 08/23/14 05:48 AM
I liked the honesty in this review. It's still hard for us that haven't played the full game to grasp what we read or see on YouTube. The review says it's good but the score (although OS defines a 7.5 as being good) isn't good.. Regardless I'm ready for Tuesday, hopefully whatever issue is on the game, hopefully it'll get patched and we'll have that Madden vibe that we haven't had in years..
# 67 Quint75 @ 08/23/14 07:15 AM
Personally, I believe if they can't fix the problems with CFM, then they need to move on from Looman. Enough is enough. No way this game should ship with CFM stat/progression problems this year.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 68 ChicagoChris @ 08/23/14 09:31 AM
There was a post by Josh Looman on Twitter.

Josh Looman @Josh_Looman · 16h
We’re aware of the sim stats issues. We’re looking into it.
# 69 Sdot23 @ 08/23/14 12:45 PM
I played some at my brothers place, he has EA Access, I'm solely a PS4 owner for this console generation. I'm going to say in the short time with the game it had a different feel. I felt personally I had more control of the action on the field. I ran the ball without any major issues, except for one play where the linesman let go of his blocking assignment way way too early. Passing felt more realistic, I didn't just walk up the field, I felt the challenge of making the right pass and reading the defense, instead of having the same old cheese play that always works. Defense felt smooth, I had more control in the tackling department. Graphics were crisp and player movements looked amazing, I made an an amazing cut with Cam in a scramble and dogded a defender, it was visually stunning. The play menu will take some time getting use to, but it's not as terrible as some view it. The commentary is terrible. The cut scenes were great. The halftime show was blah and could be a while lot better, I wonder if they differ in season mode with other games being played, real time updates would be great. I'm gonna say this is one of the best Maddens I have played in a long time, it still has work to be done to it, but it's a video game... And I think who ever enjoys that aspect of it will truly enjoy this game.
# 70 kjcheezhead @ 08/23/14 01:45 PM
Good review and it sounds fair. I haven't played the game yet, but I pretty much only play in an online cfm with about 6-8 guys. If SIM stats are broke and the cpu qbs don't process properly, that's a serious problem to me.

It also sucks the commentary hurts the overall presentation so much and I do wish you could just preset the play call screen to the style you like, especially if the game is offering bad suggestions and your trying to run an up tempo offense.

That said, the new cameras and defensive adjustments like protect the sticks look like they've balanced the game as well as they have in years. Online head to head should be decent and im getting the game for 40 bucks with the best buy deal so I'm not as concerned as I would be paying full price.
# 71 mrclutch @ 08/23/14 02:34 PM
Good review. Thanks for posting.
# 72 iory_yagamy @ 08/23/14 02:35 PM
My only question: what about the PS3/360 versions??? any review around there?
# 73 RGmoney @ 08/23/14 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by iory_yagamy
My only question: what about the PS3/360 versions??? any review around there?
Check the Madden last-gen forum.

Sent from my Galaxy S3
# 74 hawkeyekid @ 08/23/14 03:28 PM
Thanks for the review. I was on the fence about getting Madden but this article helped me a lot.

Looks like it will be TGC until Fifa and maybe NHL. Bummer, as Ive got every Madden since the ps2 days.
# 75 Jakeness23 @ 08/23/14 04:11 PM
From what I've seen the animations are still jerky, there are too many big hits, same old tackling animations (it's next gen, let's get backbreaker type tackles), too many players on the ground at the end of every play, and during/after a tackle physics goes out the window. There seem to be a couple good things, But with nothing too significant added, at least in my mind, and nothing added to franchise mode, I'm definitely going to pass on it this year. Hopefully a step in the right direction at least though.
# 76 fistofrage @ 08/23/14 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS
A 7.5 actually IS Good (almost great) on our scale. We don't grade things like college papers.
Actually after every broken NCAA football received an 8 or better, going to stay away from anything rated 7.5. Typically take the OS review and subtract 1.5 or so.
# 77 mantiis @ 08/23/14 05:46 PM
Thank You! First honest review I have read. I have gained an increase of respect for this place. Yet, as far as the game- it does appear like much of a difference from the last couple years- with the exception of a few tweaks and some new looks. I'll be holding on to my $60.00, but may pick it up when it substantially drops in price.
# 78 mantiis @ 08/23/14 05:49 PM
***Or should I say "does not look like much of a difference."
# 79 WarlordZMaster @ 08/23/14 06:19 PM
This review is too low. This is by far the best game of NFL Football available outside of the real game. Finally, eclipsing my all time fav NFL2K5. I had lost all interest in Madden over the years, only getting M25 with EA Access. M25 is a good game of ball, but M15 is a leap forward. Graphics, presentation, emotion are all amazing. Gameplay is tight and competitive. Lots of modes, heck the player improvement drills are fun. I will be spending much of my gaming time over the next few months with M15. See you in MUT fellas!
# 80 Answer348 @ 08/23/14 06:26 PM
Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but your critique of the recommended play calling is somewhat incorrect. For instance, an inside run on a 3rd and 18 is a very common play for a team to call (depending on the situation). Most teams are not entertaining the idea of getting a first down under those conditions.

As for four verticals on 3rd and 1, there are also times in which that would be a great play to call. If you were 3rd and 1 on your opponent's 40 yard line, you really are in four-down territory, as you would not be attempting a field goal. If you're sure that you can get one yard on 4th down, going for a home-run play on 3rd down isn't crazy.

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