NBA 2K15 News Post

(Image credit: @cjzero)

We have just confirmed with 2K Sports, NBA 2K15 will have Ernie Johnson and Shaquille O'Neal. Unfortunately, it will not feature Inside the NBA.

You can watch this quick video clip of Ernie Johnson at 2K Uncensored, talking about what it was like to be on the NBA 2K15 motion capture set with Shaq. He also provides his best "Shaq impression".

No other details were revealed to us. So we don't know exactly how the duo will be utilized. We hope to hear more later this week.

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# 1 sneakerHead2014 @ 08/19/14 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Just confirmed with 2K Sports. NBA 2K15 will have Ernie Johnson and Shaq. Unfortunately, it will not feature Inside the NBA.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Will chuck and Kenny be in the game because Kenny already is basically??
# 2 midwestking100 @ 08/19/14 09:33 PM
Boom goes the dynamite! smh
# 3 Phreezy P @ 08/19/14 09:36 PM
# 4 GoGetta408 @ 08/19/14 09:36 PM

Inside the NBA would have made me not want to skip every half time show like I do now.
# 5 King_B_Mack @ 08/19/14 09:42 PM
Buzzkill lol. Would have been great to have TNT finally. Maybe this year is the beginning of the relationship growing though. Feel like we'd be hearing next year "it only makes sense that we take this next step in this partnership" in which TNT makes it's debut with the series.
# 6 midwestking100 @ 08/19/14 09:43 PM
Can someone please tell me why Barkley is so adamant?
# 7 turty11 @ 08/19/14 09:43 PM
im guessing its a money/legal issue that is prevent 2k from getting TNT

regardless this should still hopefully be better than the sprite crap
# 8 2_headedmonster @ 08/19/14 09:52 PM
of the group i would have taken Kenny and Ernie
# 9 midwestking100 @ 08/19/14 09:55 PM
No offense, but I'd rather have Ernie Johnson by himself like he was on Live back in the day and before it became a three/four man crew later. I'd rather play with and against Shaq instead IMO.
# 10 yungsta404 @ 08/19/14 09:59 PM
hope shaq has subtitles.
# 11 MarvellousOne @ 08/19/14 10:14 PM
I guess it was too good to be true to have the full crew and the real inside the nba. Well at least I hope they have a more in depth halftime show and a post game show than what the Damon Bruce halftime show presented. Although NBA Today was very in depth with info if playing exhibition games while it lacked that same depth in the association mode and MyCareer mode in which those modes should be way more in depth with halftime shows and post game should be added. Hopin they do more, and please 2k can we get a score ticker for MyLeague games at least.
# 12 eko718 @ 08/19/14 10:17 PM
For some reason, I knew not to get excited for this without having heard full details.
# 13 STLRams @ 08/19/14 10:44 PM
Please let there be real highlights show like NFL 2k5, and also with highlights from around the league in season/association mode....
# 14 lilteapot @ 08/19/14 10:52 PM
hopefully they get rid of clark kellogg
# 15 reptilexcq @ 08/19/14 10:54 PM
I don't know about Shaq but i rather have Kenny and Ernie.

Shaq doesn't have exciting voices.
# 16 quehouston @ 08/19/14 11:04 PM
Ernie and Shaq > Damon Bruce.

I would have loved to have Inside The NBA though. Hopefully this is the first step to 2k grabbing that TNT license.
# 17 nascar163 @ 08/19/14 11:32 PM
I'm fine with Ernie, not so much with Shaq. Ernie has both broadcasting and in-studio experience in both real life and video games (NBA Live 2005 All-Star game crew) so he could be placed on either crew. I can also see him being added to the all-star mode as a third commentator along with the others.

Shaq... I'm having a hard time picturing. I know he'd do well with the halftime show, but I don't think it would be good without Ernie. I also know he sometimes does game broadcasts for TNT as a colour commentator.

The way I see it is this:

Ernie halftime show, Shaq game comm. Only way I see it to start off 2K15, THEN expand into a larger role with this new deal for 2K16.
# 18 wrestlinggod1 @ 08/19/14 11:50 PM
Really guys? All that was said was "NBA 2K15 will have Ernie Johnson and Shaq." There's nothing hinting at what their role in the game is. Let's not get upset/happy without knowing how they're impacting the game.
# 19 lakers24 @ 08/20/14 12:39 AM

.....I'm disappointed in myself for jumping the gun
# 20 youvalss @ 08/20/14 12:49 AM

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