Wasnt initially sold on this, researched a bit last night, watched a few videos and live streams this morning through the store page for the game... downloading now! looks too good to pass up even if I just play rounds by myself "offline". Who knows, maybe this game gets me into online gaming lol Looks like its going to take a while to get used to playing this first.
This for sure is no TW14 and I loved that game to no end.
This game is really a solid effort. Love the no loading times between holes. So many areas scream sim golf. The other title has to be worried because I'm sure the questions are gonna be asked why they couldn't give us this type of offering.
I played 1 course that Bob had played and I couldn't get off the first tee. Too Brutal, first 3 shots went into the drink. I cowardly quit
Putting for me has been the toughest challenge for the most part at the moment.
I'm not saying this won't appeal to the younger crowd but this is a Adult Golf game without all the goofy fluff.
Online is wonky right now as I keep losing connections. Teeing off at Yuma Desert Golf Club right now and its a thing of beauty, looks like its out in the Mojave/Arizona desert
Wasnt initially sold on this, researched a bit last night, watched a few videos and live streams this morning through the store page for the game... downloading now! looks too good to pass up even if I just play rounds by myself "offline". Who knows, maybe this game gets me into online gaming lol Looks like its going to take a while to get used to playing this first.
Well golf is a more laid back game, but even if you don't play against other people, one thing you must do, is download other peoples courses, and share your own creations. That is the true beauty of this game is that your course possibilities are almost limitless.
Crystal Lakes is an amazing looking as will as challenging course.
Game has a weird kinda feel and that's meant in a good way. It so simple compared to what I've been used to playing TW14. No cheese involved or should I say nothing gimmicky as of yet.
There is a learning curve and I would say its more of a feeling curve that most I'm sure will grasp fairly quickly
Just say something really cool. I was chipping of the fringe and my ball rolled up and hit another players ball. As it would in real life my ball sent the players ball rolling on the green
I'm very excited to play this after work today. I haven't played a golf game since TW 06 (i think) when the 360 had just come out. That day my college roomate and I were sooo pumped to play, put the disc into the 360, and moments later my brand new 360 met its maker (RROD). I had a warranty with gamespot so I traded it in, got my new 360, but left TW in the old one's tray. I didn't realize this for more than a week, and it was too late to retrieve it.
Needless to say, I'm happy to finally play another golf game on console!
I posted my impressions of the XB1 version at the official forum this morning. I'm a bit underwhelmed by the way it turned out, as you can see by my comments below:
"I've played the PC version since the closed beta, so the mechanics of the game are not new to me today.
The first item on my checklist was to see how the 720p resolution was going to compare to the 900p and 1080p resolutions I've been using on the PC version. I was really concerned about how it was going to look on my 55" Toshiba LCD HDTV. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I wasn't expecting something that looks as blurry and lacking in detail as what I'm seeing. I was hoping for some help with the XB1's ability to use antialiasing, but I'm seeing no evidence of it in my brief run. The green grid lines are alarmingly stepped looking. The shaft of the golf club shows a good bit of jagginess as well. OTOH, the golfer looks pretty well resolved, although there's some obvious "stair-stepping" on the arms. The trees in the distance look a bit lit quivering, amorphous blobs in high wind (I was seeing 8 to 10 mph winds at Autumn Ridge G.C.).
The nearby textures looked pretty authentic and the water almost seems to gain a level of realism in the loss of resolution, as they don't look as falsely reflective as they do in the PC version at higher resolutions, AA and AF settings, so a plus there. Overall though, what I've seen so far with this loss of resolution has just strengthened my decision to buy a PS4. I now know for a fact that "resolution-gate" just isn't a figment of my imagination. Since it doesn't appear that the XB1 version of The Golf Club is using any AA (or enough to make a real difference), the 720p resolution's shortcomings give this game a bit of a 'last-gen' appearance on my screen
If a game is not going to be using high levels of antialiasing, it would behoove it to be displayed in a higher resolution. In my experience, a non antialiased game at 1080p still looks sharper than a 720p game at 4x msaa. However, I just did an A/B comparison on the same TV between the XB1 version of TGC and the PC version set to 720p/high graphics detail (which is what the XB1 version is equvalent to), 4x msaa, and 8x AF. Both games were displaying the golfer on the first tee at my favorite course - Autumn Ridge G.C. The PC version looked significantly better with its cleaner lines, thanks to the 4x msaa.
The next item on my checklist was the feel of the swing interface. The XB1 version does feel slightly more fluid and consistent than the PC version, or at least, the way the PC version runs on my system at comparable resolutions and graphics settings. I can adjust my resolution and graphics setting down enough on the PC to make the swing look more fluid (thanks to 50 to 60 fps) and feel as fluid. When I do that, the net effect is the PC version is made to feel more responsive because the animation is doing a better job of reflecting you movement with the input stick. Still, if the PC version is running at 30 fps; it will not feel as lively as the XB1 version, with Vsync enabled. I can tell that the game is responding more proportionally with my stick movements thanks to the 60 fps control thread.
The overall gameplay feels pretty good though. HOGZTheTruth joined my in simultaneous play for my first round at Autumn Ridge G.C. and it went pretty good. I didn't have my headset on at this hour to startle family members, but it still felt pretty "live". I can't say that I wouldn't enjoy this game on the XB1 because of its muted video resolution, but I'm reasonably confident I will be more satisfied with the PS4 version in a week or so, if it delivers at least the same gameplay experience at 1080p. I now wholeheartedly believe that The Golf Club deserves a 1080p canvas!"
I probably wouldn't be as disappointed as I am, had I not played the PC version all these months. Now that I've finally got a decent graphics card in my rig, I can play the game at higher resolutions with 4x msaa and 8x AF, at a playable frame rate on most courses. The XB1 version doesn't look like a next-gen console game, IMO. It's still fun to play and if you pick the right courses, it won't bog the console down to where your gameplay is suffering due to slowdown.
Really anxious to see now how the PS4 version looks in 1080p, and whether it suffers from the same type of slowdown as the XB1 version, on the courses where I've experienced it so far (Red Diamond G&C CDC and Dunwoody Leighct). Autumn Ridge G.C. played without a hitch and is a beautiful course, so the performance with this game engine will vary significantly with the course being played.
I wonder if those jaggies are console only? I've never seen any on my pc.. I run on high 1920x1080p.
Might just be an issue with the Xbox One version of the game. I was going to pick it up for that platform, but one site said that version doesn't look as good. Obviously I guess it depends on your PC's specs.