NBA 2K15 News Post

During the 2K Sports NBA 2K15 livestream, the team announced Crew Mode is returning for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 only.

Here is a list of details from LD2K via the livestream:
  • Crew mode will feature 5 vs. 5 matches.
  • Full NBA rules on a hardwood floor, which will include the home team’s logo.
  • Custom jerseys will make a return.
  • You will be able to start 5 vs. 5 hardwood matches with 3, 4 or 5 players.
  • 3 vs. 3 halfcourt blacktop matches are available or you can select NBA Rules for 5 vs. 5.
  • If you have 3, your game will auto fill the missing positions with players from the team you chose.
  • You will be able to select which each player’s position is. For exammple: If you are a SG, you can select it and the AI will fill in the missing positions you don’t take.
  • The fill players are NBA players from the team you selected when creating the Crew.
  • When creating your Crew, you can select an NBA team, as well as team playbook.
  • Leaderboards are in.
Look for more news on features for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this week, including the NBA 2K15 trailer, which will be revealed by Kevin Durant.

UPDATE: If you missed the livestream, click here.

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Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 aholbert32 @ 08/05/14 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by The_Afro_Boy
Next gen later in the week. calm down guys.
Exactly. Steve already confirmed more news is coming and its going to be great.
# 62 turty11 @ 08/05/14 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
I bet the marketing for Crews it that 360/PS3 gets the old version that everyone remembers, One/PS4's will get something that will make it "evolve" and stuff would be added.
they actually said its the exact 2k11 crew
# 63 Haval93 @ 08/05/14 07:37 PM
Not really the news I was hoping for, but at least people who post about crew mode everyday will be happy now.

Rant Time: I hate how media or people talk about how early this game is in development to start releasing news about the game. The game more than likely in the final stretch and will go gold in a month. No huge changes can be made to features or game play at this time, it's polish time. So what I am getting at is lets stop with the "it's so early phase", it's not. Every other sports game genre always has a ton of information and videos much earlier in their cycles.

Other than that, let's hear some PS4/Xbox One news.
# 64 Detroitfan4life1993 @ 08/05/14 07:37 PM
I actually think crew is on next gen they will just wait for next week to show it.
# 65 turty11 @ 08/05/14 07:38 PM
how many threads about crew will be made by end of sunday.. 10? lol

steve you better wow me.
# 66 24ct @ 08/05/14 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by turty11
so.. whats happening now is they are doing play by play on kspades crew video.

its all good tho, the afformentioned servers wont handle crew

ronnie says next gen gameplay coming from NG on kevin durants instagram
lmao @ the information scavenger hunt...terrible marketing...
# 67 turty11 @ 08/05/14 07:40 PM
@shade im bout to get on that youtube then...

--lol i wonder if "bedwardsroy is doing rosters" will be announced as news
# 68 24ct @ 08/05/14 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
That could just mean that all of the features in current gen wont be in next gen.
I hope you're right...I want to be wrong...

But I just can't forget the "you'll see" comment from LD last year lol...

That was in regards to something that was SUPPOSED to be in the game lol but it wasn't...at all...lol

So I'll just not get my hopes up and hope 2k proves me wrong on next gen...I'm ok with being surprised but I can't dissapointment lol...
# 69 RocketTMac1 @ 08/05/14 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Haval93
Not really the news I was hoping for, but at least people who post about crew mode everyday will be happy now.

Rant Time: I hate how media or people talk about how early this game is in development to start releasing news about the game. The game more than likely in the final stretch and will go gold in a month. No huge changes can be made to features or game play at this time, it's polish time. So what I am getting at is lets stop with the "it's so early phase", it's not. Every other sports game genre always has a ton of information and videos much earlier in their cycles.

Other than that, let's hear some PS4/Xbox One news.
I have to say this post pretty much sums up what I think today
# 70 etched Chaos @ 08/05/14 07:45 PM
Y'know they could've just released a screen or two with an announcement instead of a lame livestream that was more concerned with worshipping kspade and 2k11 crew.
# 71 Gramps91 @ 08/05/14 07:46 PM
Anway, the stream isn't working for me but it looks as if it's only about Crew and I never play Crew so I don't really care.
# 72 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 08/05/14 07:47 PM
Epic fail 2K lol. Way to start the hype train off by showing 2K11 gameplay & only talking about last gen smh. Just when I start to get that sour taste out of my mouth with how 2K14 next gen was handled (VC debacle, no create a player, no roster saves to the hhd, etc..) you go & troll us today lol. That's great you brought Crew back but I think I speak for most when I say we couldn't care less about last gen anymore. Time to move on. That's almost like you giving me a 4k tv last year & then the following year you come to me & say we have this awesome new feature.......but it's only for your old tube tv......
# 73 stillfeelme @ 08/05/14 07:48 PM
I sort of figured the Crew mode will be back and I expect a better version of it on current gen.

My biggest thing I noticed is they appeared to increase the court size. It looked that way to me. I am sure we will hear more about it soon.
# 74 turty11 @ 08/05/14 07:48 PM
so what 1 thing will yall remember from this stream??

this is mine..

"this is simulation basketball, no one does it better than 2k" ld2k
# 75 Daddy123 @ 08/05/14 07:50 PM
oh man how did everybody not expect this, typical 2K..lmao. I still think 2K will have crews for next gen but mixed with Parks but still
# 76 MarvinOida @ 08/05/14 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by stillfeelme
I sort of figured the Crew mode will be back and I expect a better version of it on current gen.

My biggest thing I noticed is they appeared to increase the court size. It looked that way to me. I am sure we will hear more about it soon.

Yeah, I noticed that in the screenshots that all the players are tiny almost.
# 77 infam0us @ 08/05/14 07:50 PM
So they said 2k11 style of crew mode is back for 360/PS3?

Probably just means that One/PS4 are going to get a crew mode where you have to spend VC to upgrade uniform, court, logo, playbook, roster, anything else they can think of.
# 78 turty11 @ 08/05/14 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by Daddy123
oh man how did everybody not expect this, typical 2K..lmao. I still think 2K will have crews for next gen but mixed with Parks but still
judging off the previous 3? threads about the first day of news i think its safe to say a majority of people expected this level of failure

@simball looks the same size as real current gen(next gen to 2k)
# 79 RocketTMac1 @ 08/05/14 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by turty11
so what 1 thing will yall remember from this stream??

this is mine..

"this is simulation basketball, no one does it better than 2k" ld2k
I have to say I never get excited for this game until I hear something about Association mode
# 80 24ct @ 08/05/14 07:53 PM
2K is taking advantage of being the only basketball game. Bottom line.

They don't need a bunch of screens and vids to sell the game because it's already sold. They know how many pre orders they have ready to go so they can market however they want. But this sucks lol...

I don't understand the "wait till next week we're gonna blow you away" stuff...it's not working...and turning more and more HARDCORE fans away...I've been playing since 2K1...

I get trying to be current but this suspense advertising is corny. I don't care what Ronnie & LD look like...Ronnie mentioning he wasn't on camera says a lot about the direction 2k has gone lol...

What is the stream is about bro? Your face or the video game? Lol...

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