Madden NFL 15 News Post

Markus Frieske, Digital Strategist for EA Sports, has just mentioned on Twitter that we will see Madden NFL 15 Connected Franchise details this week.

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Member Comments
# 21 trey2k198003 @ 08/05/14 05:34 PM
so excited!!!!!!!!!! i have to say i have hated and loved how they have not just hype hype hype since the super bowl and or draft its been steady info with gameplay vids to show most of the things they are implementing my biggest complaint last yr was A.I. and second was only the off season im hoping it is more deep, ive m idea(which i know they wont do but i can dream!) is that do madden on one disk and have it all the same way as it is now for the ****** fan, sell me head coach 2014 and take my season and port it into head coach. and go through a off season with that and when its done port it back over to madden that way they can take care of the of the hardcore gamer and the ****** wont ever happen though because it wont include the online leagues with my idea hell or jsut build head coach in madden with the new systems!
# 22 MrPinkBlackrose @ 08/05/14 06:02 PM
Can we hope they saved they best for last?? We can hope I guess. Im thinking they won't make any meaningful changes to the modes until next year when they will probably stop supporting last gen and focus totally on next gen. Just seems most likely to me, but PLEASE go ahead and surprise me.
# 23 JayD @ 08/05/14 06:03 PM
I really hope to read that they've finally fixed auto subs, which has been broken for several years within CFM.
# 24 BreakingBad2013 @ 08/05/14 06:11 PM
Since it looks like they haven't fixed the ratings system, there's not going to be much improvement on the playability. Rookies will come in monstrous, and there's no need to "re-build" when there's ratings inflation and saturation. Disappointed.
# 25 Skyboxer @ 08/05/14 06:55 PM
Sweet. Can't wait to see it.
Already a midnight purchase but hopefully some new things are added and overall improved.
# 26 lgxjames @ 08/05/14 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by jeremym480
Hopefully we get good CFM news this week (and by good I mean at the very least the ability to edit drafted players) and a demo next week. Make it happen, EA!

Demo cuts into EA Access I would assume...
# 27 jaycortes2324 @ 08/05/14 07:24 PM
i hate updates about future updates...smh quit teasing me!
# 28 bunchesofbritney @ 08/05/14 07:44 PM
Am I the only person that is curious about how they are going to do team relocation this year? I really hope that they added more cities and a better variety of logos and uniforms.
# 29 bunchesofbritney @ 08/05/14 07:47 PM
I am from Canada and would love to see more Canadian cities incorporated. I like the idea of internationalizing the NFL. There are Canadian team in all other major sports including MLS. I hate that EA only had Toronto last year. I'm from Calgary and would love to move my Stampeders into the NFL.
# 30 Cowboy008 @ 08/05/14 07:50 PM
Will they be telling us in advance when the stream is going to be or is it going to be like before and they will post something a few minutes before they do it?
# 31 Toupal @ 08/05/14 08:49 PM

Replace goals in this quote with expectations for cfm
# 32 brandon27 @ 08/05/14 09:00 PM

I hope it's alot easier to purchase player upgrades and it appears that it is, I also hope its easier to attain XP rather than have to waste my time playing through the same old, boring 8 practice scenarios. Honestly, I'd rather just see them give me the XP for my backups, rather than have me "earn" it through practice scenarios. I like the idea of the XP system for upgrades to players etc, I like to have control of player progression like that, but at the same time, I don't have time in my life to waste playing through practice scenarios.

Id like to see owner mode expanded a bit too, hopefully some elements from the old Head Coach series implemented as well would be nice.

Offline CFM is the only chunk of the game I play, so I hope theres some good improvements.
# 33 slick1ru2 @ 08/05/14 09:03 PM
Don't know why for online connected careers they can't upload a play from user games for a weekly highlight show that is available the following week. They have them saved anyway for the half time and end of game highlights, and have been doing it for years. Especially with the next gen consoles. For offline use generated highlights that match the scores can be used to fill in. Player interviews would rock too. And make it optional for those not into it. They only thing close to this was the draft narrative but who wants to sit there for that, plus it didn't work with imported NCAA rosters.

I've played FPS that alllowed observation, I'd love to see other cc players games too,,especial playoff games, user v user.
# 34 Bull_Dozer @ 08/05/14 09:04 PM
I love announcements of announcements.
# 35 CyberRudy25 @ 08/05/14 09:08 PM
I want to get hyped for the CCM. But I don't want to be disappointed. Hopefully an updated CCM website so we can stream games in our leagues. Post game show to follow the Halftime show. And weekly show to update the online and offline leagues. Wishful thinking!
# 36 Sub_ZERO2777 @ 08/05/14 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by bunchesofbritney
I am from Canada and would love to see more Canadian cities incorporated. I like the idea of internationalizing the NFL. There are Canadian team in all other major sports including MLS. I hate that EA only had Toronto last year. I'm from Calgary and would love to move my Stampeders into the NFL.
Me too but i was thinking maybe 2k could make a cfl game , this can help the CFL grow in the America and show what 2K could of done if the still made football games .
# 37 RyanLaFalce @ 08/05/14 11:07 PM
Saving the best for last!
# 38 Gman 18 @ 08/05/14 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by Sub_ZERO2777
Me too but i was thinking maybe 2k could make a cfl game , this can help the CFL grow in the America and show what 2K could of done if the still made football games .
This is something 2k should have done 9 years ago, in my opinion. To get back on topic, if EA implemented fully functional practice squads, a fully functional injured reserve/ PUP, and being able to edit draft classes, that would solve a ton of problems with CFM in my opinion.

Sent from my KFTHWI using Tapatalk
# 39 howboutdat @ 08/05/14 11:27 PM
Right now , i hate to say it , but i feel like we will be let down as far as alot being done with cfm. Small things maybe. nothing that grand, probably the biggest thing was already shown, being able to set a certain amount of points you want to spend your xp on instead of doing each point one at a time. I really hope im wrong here but it does seem like they have spent most of their time talking about the better defense and stuff like " here is what we spent our time on " . One thing you can look for is the "winner" of the create a new uniform contest..... Not something i care about really . I just dont seem them doing but so much more with it this time around. Again i really hope im wrong. However , i just feel like maybe they left this for last so we dont have as long to really trash EA for not doing more before the game comes out. So instead of being able to trash them since april about it .They held that off till mid August so they saved at least . So they cut out 4 months of being trashed for not doing more for CFM. Just what it seems like to me, I dont really care for this years "marketing team" or their idea of good marketing. Dragging things out like this , with 1 tiny info bit here , and one there over weeks and weeks and weeks.... to me is just milking it .Not a fan, just tell us what you put in the game, instead of milking it .
# 40 Cowboy008 @ 08/05/14 11:32 PM
I don't think I have high expectations but I'm hoping we see a good amount of improvement made to CFM. They have an entire team who only works on CFM so they should have been able to fix the bugs and add in some new stuff at the same time.

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