WWE 2K15 News Post

It seems WWE 2K15 will have more new modes this year, with two new primary single player modes to play through according to IGN.

The first mode is 2K Showcase, which will feature two historical rivalries you will play through in a sort of mini-documentary fashion. 2K hasn't spilled the beans on which two rivalries are being featured, but the working plan is for them to both be in-depth looks at two big rivalries from the past. Austin/Rock? Undertaker/Kane? HBK/Brett Hart?

So many possibilities.

Also, 2K will be taking a page out of NBA 2K's book by adding a MyCareer mode into WWE 2K15. This mode will allow you to take your created wrestler and work their way up through the ranks of the WWE. Expect motion captured superstars and authentic voice overs. This mode will only be on the PS4 and Xbox One.

WWE 2K15 features five times the animation data of WWE 2K14. Yes, you read that right. WWE superstars spent enough time to capture over 50 days worth of motion capture sessions at 2K's mo-cap facility. Needless to say, the game should look much better.

What do you think the two rivalries will be in 2K Showcase?

Game: WWE 2K15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 6 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Aggies7 @ 08/05/14 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by bigbob
There's a lot of ways they can go with the rivalries.

1. Austin/Rock
2. Austin/McMahon
3. Hogan/Savage
4. WCW/WWE (I refuse to give up on it, lol)

Those are just some of the ones that I feel have to be in the running for this mode.

#4 is my vote. That would make me so happy
# 62 Junior Moe @ 08/05/14 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by AirJordanFan93
Universe needs a lot of work and THQ never put that much work into it. Whenever they did they always ruined it someway. The mode has a lot of potential to be very good and have a lot of replay value. But cutscenes are never shown and if they are you get 3 of the same cutscene all the way. Branching storylines never occur. In 2K14 every RAW match in a feud was a Extreme Rules match and the guys wrestled on every show.

This is one area I hope 2K digs into. I think that adding editable personality "tendencies" would go a long way towards allowing us to create our own dynamic universe. Think of it like the player tendencies on NBA 2K. We could create the perfect personality template for how we want the player to behave in our WWE universe. Things like interference; high flyers or brutes; using weapons; teaming up or being a loner; heel or face. "Roles" like Main Eventer, who would stay in storylines involving the world title or only have rivalries with other top stars; or Mid Card guys who would compete for the lesser titles. Rising Stars who would be working their way up the roster fighting jobbers and mid card types. Tag Team, which would be guys who team and stay that way unless we change it. We could turn Cena into a Mid Carder if we like and we wouldn't have to worry about him being in the title hunt. We could "promote" whomever we like. It would go a long way in keeping the mode fresh.
# 63 King_B_Mack @ 08/05/14 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by bigbob
There's a lot of ways they can go with the rivalries.

1. Austin/Rock
2. Austin/McMahon
3. Hogan/Savage
4. WCW/WWE (I refuse to give up on it, lol)

Those are just some of the ones that I feel have to be in the running for this mode.
Originally Posted by Aggies7
#4 is my vote. That would make me so happy
With you guys on those, but I also think it's time to visit Triple H/Rock in these games as well. They pretty much glossed over this feud with the Attitude Era mode, but this feud made these two guys what they are and it covers a lot of ground all the way back to Rock winning his first Intercontinental championship against Hunter, through the Nation vs DX and onto the main event.
# 64 Aggies7 @ 08/05/14 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
With you guys on those, but I also think it's time to visit Triple H/Rock in these games as well. They pretty much glossed over this feud with the Attitude Era mode, but this feud made these two guys what they are and it covers a lot of ground all the way back to Rock winning his first Intercontinental championship against Hunter, through the Nation vs DX and onto the main event.

I wouldn't mind HHH/Rock. Would love DX/Nation. But based on that teaser it sounds like Sting will have something to do with it. Maybe NWO/WCW....I know it's a stretch.
# 65 AirJordanFan93 @ 08/05/14 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Junior Moe
This is one area I hope 2K digs into. I think that adding editable personality "tendencies" would go a long way towards allowing us to create our own dynamic universe. Think of it like the player tendencies on NBA 2K. We could create the perfect personality template for how we want the player to behave in our WWE universe. Things like interference; high flyers or brutes; using weapons; teaming up or being a loner; heel or face. "Roles" like Main Eventer, who would stay in storylines involving the world title or only have rivalries with other top stars; or Mid Card guys who would compete for the lesser titles. Rising Stars who would be working their way up the roster fighting jobbers and mid card types. Tag Team, which would be guys who team and stay that way unless we change it. We could turn Cena into a Mid Carder if we like and we wouldn't have to worry about him being in the title hunt. We could "promote" whomever we like. It would go a long way in keeping the mode fresh.
You could break guys into title divisions in prior games so you could have specific guys going for World and Mid Card titles. It wasn't perfect but it sort of did what it was meant to. Rivalry Editor was a bust completely in 2K14. The idea of giving guys specific tendencies sounds pretty good.
# 66 AirJordanFan93 @ 08/05/14 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
I wouldn't mind HHH/Rock. Would love DX/Nation. But based on that teaser it sounds like Sting will have something to do with it. Maybe NWO/WCW....I know it's a stretch.
DX/Nation wasn't as great as people remember it being. Aside from Rock/HHH having 2 fairly good PPV matches in 1998 it was pretty forgettable. It would be sort of dumb if they did a mode based around Sting just because he is locked into that mode until the DLC is out to the public who doesn't pre-order like how Warrior was in the Mania mode yet if you didn't pre-order you had to wait to use him outside Mania mode until he was released as stand alone DLC 2 months later. But with NWO Hogan and 1997 Sting both DLC it seems to be pointing to that direction.
# 67 MoneyOvaHuds @ 08/05/14 02:20 PM
Sting vs Hollywood Hogan for the 2k Showcase makes too much sense
# 68 bluesfan13 @ 08/05/14 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
Would be nice if it was based on what the Booker wants. So if your told to lose and hit certain spots you progress faster. Only issue I would have would be it would see very pre determined as far as career path.
This would be great, but I can't imagine WWE signing off on something that breaks kayfabe that much, even in the "Reality Era."
# 69 Aggies7 @ 08/05/14 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by bluesfan13
This would be great, but I can't imagine WWE signing off on something that breaks kayfabe that much, even in the "Reality Era."

I agree but that idea came to me when I saw the comment about it won't be a "fighting" game. And if you think about it doesn't Universe kinda break Kayfabe. I mean you are basically the booker determining matches. Just a thought.
# 70 MichaelAngeloTMNT @ 08/05/14 10:47 PM
A W/L kills the wrestling game for me. When I remember playing the wrestling games on the N64, I remember just trying to get the win as fast as I could. Now, I want something where I need to perform. I want to go through my move sets and have it seem real. Putting on a show for the crowd and wanting other wrestlers to work with me. That's how it works in real life and that's how the game should play.
# 71 AirJordanFan93 @ 08/06/14 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Jattbreed
I feel that with the Hulkamania edition, they will have Hogan vs. Savage since there's so many scenarios and it was such a deep feud. Also, Savage's DVD comes out at that time. In addition, just 2 of the rivalries? That's kind of a let down for me, hopefully they branch it out to at least a couple more. Cover the major ones in wrestling history.

Hogan vs. Savage
Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels
Stone Cold vs. The Rock/Vince McMahon
Triple H vs. The Rock (from the Rocky Maivia vs. Hunter Hearst to DX vs. Nation, to Ladder Match, to Iron Man)
John Cena vs. Edge/Randy Orton/Batista?
Cena vs. Batistsa was far from a great feud. Big Dave was a great heel but the feud was nothing special. Edge would be good but at this point Id doubt we see Edge in another WWE game unless he signs a legends deal and he doesn't want to be tied down to the company. Orton would be way to depressing its one of the most over hyped feuds in the history of the company that never resulted in a classic match.
# 72 Aggies7 @ 08/06/14 02:43 AM
I'm sure this has been discussed, but I am really waiting on information for CAWs, to see how they will be handled on the PS4, at least entrance theme wise.
# 73 SilentYetViolent @ 08/06/14 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
I'm sure this has been discussed, but I am really waiting on information for CAWs, to see how they will be handled on the PS4, at least entrance theme wise.
This. With no support for custom music, how are we going to use our favorite songs as entrance themes?
# 74 AirJordanFan93 @ 08/06/14 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by SilentYetViolent
This. With no support for custom music, how are we going to use our favorite songs as entrance themes?
Isn't MP3 support coming to PS4 at the end of the year though.
# 75 SilentYetViolent @ 08/06/14 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by AirJordanFan93
Isn't MP3 support coming to PS4 at the end of the year though.
I haven't heard any news about it, anyone else?
# 76 Aggies7 @ 08/06/14 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by SilentYetViolent
I haven't heard any news about it, anyone else?

Yea I have heard anything about that. That would be news to me. I believe The Show has the capability for their game in case it happens.
# 77 Reed1417 @ 08/06/14 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by SilentYetViolent
This. With no support for custom music, how are we going to use our favorite songs as entrance themes?

Yeah I really hope this happens. I'm not sure if the One can do custom music yet because I haven't had a game to try it with.
# 78 Aggies7 @ 08/06/14 11:23 AM
Maybe I missed it but did they say how often they would be releasing info or did they give no indication of further releases.
# 79 bigbob @ 08/06/14 11:25 AM
I don't have a time frame but Sony promised at the end of last year that MP3 and CD support was coming eventually.
# 80 Reed1417 @ 08/06/14 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
Maybe I missed it but did they say how often they would be releasing info or did they give no indication of further releases.

I'm with ya there man. I've been craving more info since we got that first bit on Monday. Luckily Summerslam is only what a week or 2 away now so I know we'll get more then.

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