Madden NFL 15 News Post

GameStop is once again hosting Madden Mondays. Every Monday until release, they will showcase a new video.

We missed it last week, but you can watch the first two episodes now. The first one is on Skills Trainer and the second one on strategies.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 TTD71 @ 07/28/14 10:51 PM
I simply do not get all the hate for these Gen 4 animations...if you REALLY want to see bad animations, pop in a copy of Madden NFL 07...or 10....or 12 and then run a game on M25 PS4/Xbone...its night and day different and better.

I just don't see it...but then again, I really thought the other game from 10 years ago was truly awful for its movements and animations in gameplay (for whatever reason it looked better in replays...).

I personally think there are aspects of the game that people think are animations that are in fact just due to the refusal by EA to force longer playing animation strings on the user. Its the single biggest thing holding them back, but its not necessarily player animations (definitely NOT player models - as those are without doubt the best proportioned and looking player models to date) that cause this...

Oh well, I have played enough M25 at this point...in years past I retired Madden as soon as NCAA dropped, but this year I stuck with Madden a few weeks too long...26th August can't get here soon enough at this point.
# 22 jpdavis82 @ 07/28/14 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by The_Gaming_Disciple
Same pathetic tackle animations, the running looks atrocious, as soon as I get excited about purchasing this game I am immensely let down. smh...
This video could have been made way before the livestream build. We have to see the final product. Can't get too high or low off of every single trailer or 2 minute video clip. The livestream was the most we've seen of the game and it held up pretty well. It all comes down to how the final product looks.

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# 23 jpdavis82 @ 07/29/14 12:03 AM
Have you heard the devs recently like in the stream and stuff? They definitely don't sound oblivious to their issues.

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# 24 Sheba2011 @ 07/29/14 04:14 AM
People are making too much of a 30 second clip designed to show off certain highlight reel plays. We have no clue when these clips were put together. Until you actually play a working build of the game (or read reviews of others who have) none of these clips mean a thing. I am not defending EA or attacking any poster here just saying how much can we really breakdown from promotional videos?
# 25 roadman @ 07/29/14 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by FaceMask
Can't argue with that. Bothers me how they're praising post-play movement when some of the post-play animations date back as far as Madden 08. They know better than to leave that in there.

Unlike a lot of people, I don't subscribe to the idea that Tiburon is lazy. What they're producing (an attempt at a simulation pro football game) is the absolute hardest thing to do in the gaming industry. That said, when they leave tons of legacy animations in the game, many of which were never good to being with, then they have to understand why people think they're lazy. They give people the ammunition to attack them. Listening to the way the devs speak, you get the impression that they're totally oblivious to why they've earned the negative rep they've gotten.
You had me up to the last sentence.

Rex has been mentioning periodically about legacy issues since last November in interviews and streams. How long of a time period does one need?
# 26 noplace @ 07/29/14 10:42 AM
Lawd have mercy those animations and player movement.. Come on EA its 2014!!! Hopefully that was the user not knowing what he was doing making it look so bad but I doubt it..
# 27 Moegames @ 07/29/14 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by munky1307
Really looking forward to August 26th
Same here...the game really does look like a HUGE improvement finally....i cannot believe im actually seeing a fun looking NFL football videogame! First time i felt this way since 2k5
# 28 iNolaNightmare @ 07/29/14 11:29 PM
The lighting looks fantastic. Player models look very nice as well.
# 29 iLLWiLL @ 07/30/14 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by ConnSKINS26
Madden has never incorporated gaps. Unless you count the years Strahan was in the league, and graphics weren't really detailed enough to depict that gap.

LOL. I see what you did there.
# 30 mr_dukes @ 07/30/14 06:24 AM
Didn't play madden 25 but does anyone know if the modifier is in madden 15
# 31 slappymancuso @ 07/30/14 07:37 AM
Despite the groundhog day feeling, I once again find myself getting excited over this game. I didn't pick up 25, so maybe that has something to do with it. The skills trainer looks like it will raise the bar a bit.
# 32 Caveman24 @ 07/30/14 12:32 PM
What in those two videos is getting you his amped? General public is easily impressed 90% of the reason why Madden is where it's at now.
# 33 zman714 @ 08/04/14 02:06 PM
Don't know how to copy the link on my new phone but this weeks gamestop madden Monday video is up if you follow the link in the original post and click on week three. No cfm news this one focus on the new tackling mechanic
# 34 Hammettf2b @ 08/04/14 06:52 PM
I am going to try my hardest and not buy Madden this year. Every year I get hyped, and every year I get let down. I think I'm just going to stick to MLB and NHL this year.
# 35 OhMrHanky @ 08/04/14 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by FaceMask
Can't argue with that. Bothers me how they're praising post-play movement when some of the post-play animations date back as far as Madden 08. They know better than to leave that in there.

Unlike a lot of people, I don't subscribe to the idea that Tiburon is lazy. What they're producing (an attempt at a simulation pro football game) is the absolute hardest thing to do in the gaming industry. That said, when they leave tons of legacy animations in the game, many of which were never good to being with, then they have to understand why people think they're lazy. They give people the ammunition to attack them. Listening to the way the devs speak, you get the impression that they're totally oblivious to why they've earned the negative rep they've gotten.

I almost agree to this, but I actually think the most difficult game to nail down is soccer, and FIFA has had it nailed down pretty well since FIFA 11, I'd say. 12 was a little off, but 13 and 14 were once again solid. That game has to incorporate so many constantly moving/changing player momentum, goalie animations, etc. And, the ball physics? The ball physics? OMG, they're FANTASTIC in that game. Simulating the physics of a soccer ball in constant motion is more difficult than a football (now, simulating a football bouncing on the turf is much harder). So, for me, FIFA 11 really showed me what madden was missing. And, if a soccer game can look like that, madden should be a piece of cake! (That's an exaggeration. I know football is also tough to create, but I do think soccer is more difficult).
# 36 bretk23 @ 08/08/14 05:26 PM
Ahh I love this time of year where people tear the game apart from a 2 minute video or screen shot. I wish they would be forced to play on the PS1 for 3 months to shut them up about the graphics bitching. It's a video game. Bad news it will probably always look like a video game.

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