NHL 15 News Post

EA Sports posted the newest NHL 15 trailer today (and 4 more screenshots), showing off the new physics in this years game. In the trailer, we see that not only are the players getting a physics overhaul but the puck itself is getting new physics. The game will feature physics which see the puck interacting with the ice in ways we've only dreamed of up until this point.

What do you think of the trailer?

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Member Comments
# 21 PPerfect_CJ @ 07/16/14 03:43 PM
With all of the slowed down animation, I still didn't get a whole lot out of this. Just show someone playing a normal game, for Pete's sake.
# 22 Dolphins88 @ 07/16/14 03:43 PM
Yes totally agree when they get team differences and individual player differences then I'll be happy and of course better goalies ala 2k8.
# 23 johnnyg713 @ 07/16/14 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Cletus
I doubt it will be, People give EA too much credit when they lose and not enough when they win. You mean the same people that can't code AI to do something different can code exactly when a puck is going to jump over a stick? I doubt it. I'm as frustrated as anyone with this series, but sports games need things like this because it does mimic real life.

As far as the trailer goes, it is the best one yet. I'm interested in the game now. I've come to accept that goalies are going to be bad and movements bad, but if we can score realistic goals I'd be happy. I've been playing this series for so long that I always shoot top shelf because it goes in 75% more than anywhere else on the goalie. Hits are always going to be weird, especially in the first year of this cycle, but hitting is one area the sliders actually work.
Have you been reading up on this game? They have a physicist who worked on the hadron collider to puck physics. If there is someone to accomplish a feat like this. It would be this guy.

Not saying this is the end all be all to physics in video game but my expectations are extremely high.
# 24 brandon27 @ 07/16/14 04:15 PM
Looks awesome!! Can't wait for this game!
# 25 asu666 @ 07/16/14 04:28 PM
I'm really excited for NHL 15 on the current gen consoles. NHL 14 is already great and the extra power and nice product development direction have me feeling really good about what the final product can be. The physics dev diary is another positive step in pointing out some of the little things that sports gamers only tend to notice over the course of playing through a season. I feel like NHL 15 is be solid up front, but reveal a lot of little positive touches as I play.
# 26 Pezell04x @ 07/16/14 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Money99
They did that last year near release and I'm sure we'll get that again soon.
This is only the beginning - showcasing specific points in close-up and slow-mo video's.

I liked what I saw and I don't mind the hits being a bit over-the-top.

I'll do my best parrot impression again, but the thing I'm really hoping for is distinctive player and team types.
Agreed. That's what the NHL Revamped team did, but it would be nice to not have to rely on people's personal lives allowing them to put all that time and effort into it.

If the Bruins play like the Bruins and the Panthers play like the Panthers and Crosby plays differently than John Scott then I won't bitch about anything else being the same.
# 27 snc237 @ 07/16/14 05:17 PM
There is no bloody ice tilt in the game. Been play nhl series since 98 heavily (04-06 years were pretty bad games). Nhl 2002 had the momentom meter that was showed on screen. That has been the closest the game has been to ice tilting. After thousands of online games played sometimes the puck doesn't bounce your way. Simple as that.
# 28 bigwill33 @ 07/16/14 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by snc237
There is no bloody ice tilt in the game. Been play nhl series since 98 heavily (04-06 years were pretty bad games). Nhl 2002 had the momentom meter that was showed on screen. That has been the closest the game has been to ice tilting. After thousands of online games played sometimes the puck doesn't bounce your way. Simple as that.
There is no comeback code in the game, I never said that there was. There is momentum, however. That is a fact, straight from the producers to me. Constantly receiving huge checks or winning a big fight will change the momentum in the game. This momentum will have a ratings impact on players where you will see them struggle to make and receive passes as well as miss their target while shooting.

I'm not making this stuff up, gentlemen. I get my info straight from the horse's mouth with this. It is documented plenty of places if you feel so inclined to look it up.

Here ya go; Straight from Redshirt himself:
1) Intimidation effects on a player who has been hit hard a few times (and this did not exist prior to NHL10). It will:
-Reduce pass and shot quality and chance of picking up a puck if an opponent is near.
-Be mitigated by high poise and/or toughness
-Be reduced by scoring a goal, winning a fight, or hitting back.
-Fighting also gives a boost to the energy of your line and a temporary reduction in fatigue (greater effect for the winner, but also helps the loser).
# 29 akula @ 07/16/14 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by bigwill33
There is no comeback code in the game, I never said that there was. There is momentum, however. That is a fact, straight from the producers to me. Constantly receiving huge checks or winning a big fight will change the momentum in the game. This momentum will have a ratings impact on players where you will see them struggle to make and receive passes as well as miss their target while shooting.

I'm not making this stuff up, gentlemen. I get my info straight from the horse's mouth with this. It is documented plenty of places if you feel so inclined to look it up.

Here ya go; Straight from Redshirt himself:
1) Intimidation effects on a player who has been hit hard a few times (and this did not exist prior to NHL10). It will:
-Reduce pass and shot quality and chance of picking up a puck if an opponent is near.
-Be mitigated by high poise and/or toughness
-Be reduced by scoring a goal, winning a fight, or hitting back.
-Fighting also gives a boost to the energy of your line and a temporary reduction in fatigue (greater effect for the winner, but also helps the loser).
this man nails it. And vs. AI is a different ball game than multiplayer. Who knows what else is coded in there beyond what bigwill33 said above.
# 30 Shaffer26 @ 07/16/14 06:25 PM
Dang, that was awesome. May have just surpassed 2K as my most anticipated game for this year.
# 31 actionhank @ 07/16/14 07:15 PM
I hope they work on player AI to have offensive players follow the puck a bit better. I don't know the entire scenario, so it's a bit hard to judge, but in the clip of the puck glancing off the crossbar behind Luongo, one of the Sedin's is just skating backwards through the crease. I would like to see a bit of variety. Maybe some AI players setting up in front of the goalie trying for a deflection, but then turning around after to go for rebounds. Or a guy if he's sitting outside the net, actually facing the goalie, or the player with the puck.

And i really hope that clashing in front of the net stuff is worked on, or removed. God it was obnoxious.
# 32 ericromain @ 07/16/14 07:34 PM
How good do those puck deflections and rolling puck look? I thought last gen's deflections were decent, but these are taking them to a new level. This is the first video to get me excited for the game.

The body collisions were looking decent too, definitely improving. Staal jumping around the Bluejacket and clipping his ankle while getting hit by the 2nd D was pretty sweet.

It'll be interesting to see how that awesome sweet bouncing puck interacts with the age old stick-puck possession suction that's in every hockey game ever made.
# 33 Splitter77 @ 07/16/14 08:35 PM
i miss redshirt.
he gave honest answers.
i hope he comes back to post about the game.
# 34 Splitter77 @ 07/16/14 08:37 PM
why cant there be stick on stick or stick on body collision detection?
# 35 Edmontonoilersfan70 @ 07/16/14 08:46 PM
This game LOOKS pretty unbelievable, and I think EA has done a good job on the graphic portions. Hopefully the actual gameplay doesn't disappoint. With that being said, I just wish they would make improvements to the goalies. Forget the player AI's and skating that has already been "improved", I'd love to see the goalies get a little love from EA. I mean the basic movements of the goaltenders are completely different in real life than in the video game. It kinda sucks when you're a goalie because it frustrates you a bit. However, I will definitely be buying this game when it comes out. I mean seriously I'll complain all I want but EA will still be getting my $70 in exchange for hours of enjoyment from NHL15.
# 36 Syce @ 07/16/14 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by GoFlaPanthers
The game looks incredible. However, It's still very disappointing to see players with the same generic faces (Kulikov).

Definitely think that getting nearly all player faces in is MUST for 16.
all i know, is i hope for atleast NHL 16(if they havent done it yet for NHL 15) is a complete rewrite of the goaltender code. currently the biggest issue with goalies in nhl 14 is that they do not adjust them selves dynamically to save the same shots over and over. because the Short Side top shelf shot currently is like the "go to" shot and has a extremely high shot to goal ratio that should not be there. Yes from time to time goalies will let them in but it shouldnt be at the rate they let them in now.
# 37 spidertour02 @ 07/16/14 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Splitter77
why cant there be stick on stick or stick on body collision detection?
This is just a guess, but I bet they tried it and it led to a hilarious overabundance of broken sticks (since these guys tend to overdo it on the first try).
# 38 crankybaker @ 07/16/14 09:40 PM
really excited how we saw the puck get batted away a few times, much more realisitc. Goaltending interference hopefully is a little better when calling, then again the Real NHL doesn't do that well either lol.

Next trailer is super skill stick, I wonder what will be different?
# 39 jethrotull @ 07/16/14 09:45 PM
Is the CHL going to be included again as well as foreign leagues?
# 40 Vikes1 @ 07/16/14 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Money99

I'll do my best parrot impression again, but the thing I'm really hoping for is distinctive player and team types.
Yep Money, this is important to me too.

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