EA Sports UFC News Post

I was able to play through some additional matches of the full version of EA Sports UFC on the E3 show floor. By now everyone has had some time with the demo, so most folks have started to make up their mind in terms of where they think the gameplay is (or isn't). The control scheme is equally divisive, with many feeling that it's too complicated or alienating for casuals (a market that EA is clearly targeting). About the only thing almost everyone is agreeing on is the staggeringly good visuals, which continue to impress right before release.

Read More - EA Sports UFC: Hands-On Impressions

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 CrimsionXBL @ 06/13/14 11:26 AM
Very good read. I'm excited for Tuesday, I've played all of THQ's UFC titles and enjoyed every one of them.
# 2 ghettofocker @ 06/13/14 12:25 PM
Can't wait for Tuesday..... Ready to put in that work!
# 3 BQ32 @ 06/13/14 03:52 PM
The controls are not all that complicated if you were willing to invest a couple of hours into them instead of giving up and then whining about it. They become second nature pretty fast after playing it for a day or so. I can't understand this idea that a game should be able to be mastered in one play sitting, where is the reward in that. When you sit down and are dog at a game but keep at it and finally find that moment where everything clicks, you feel badass and that is a moment I love.
# 4 The JareBear @ 06/13/14 03:54 PM
I am glad the controls are in depth. In that regard, there is a great foundation here. Other issues with the game (see the retail impressions thread) hopefully are addressed in the next release or patched in during this games cycle
# 5 capnbuh @ 06/13/14 03:55 PM
I think the controls need some work and I've basically got them down. I can see how they would be off-putting.
# 6 MAGboyswifT27 @ 06/13/14 04:37 PM
Great read, looking forward to the game on Tuesday.
# 7 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/13/14 06:07 PM
I heard that this game doesn't have gameplay sliders. Please tell me this isn't true? If so I will be cancelling my preorder.
# 8 cdk10 @ 06/13/14 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
I heard that this game doesn't have gameplay sliders. Please tell me this isn't true? If so I will be cancelling my preorder.
nope, no sliders
# 9 JoeMimic @ 06/13/14 06:30 PM
No sliders and you're only allowed 10 create a fighters.
# 10 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/13/14 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by JoeMimic
No sliders and you're only allowed 10 create a fighters.
Wow are you kidding me? EA always finds a way to disappoint smh. I was so looking forward to this game too but after watching the live stream of the retail version, my skepticism about the gameplay was justified. Every fighter seems to fight the same way with exception of a few signature moves here & there (not nearly enough of*a variety in striking & takedown animations). Punches don't have enough pop to them. The CPU is way to aggressive & arcady in it's approach. Stamina regenerates too fast. Fighters don't fight like their real life counterparts in terms of strategy. Again there are a few nuances here & there but not nearly enough. These are all issues that I would attempt to mask with the use of sliders (ala Fight Night Champion). Not having sliders is a deal breaker for me. I'll be cancelling my preorder tomorrow.
# 11 JoeMimic @ 06/14/14 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
Wow are you kidding me? EA always finds a way to disappoint smh. I was so looking forward to this game too but after watching the live stream of the retail version, my skepticism about the gameplay was justified. Every fighter seems to fight the same way with exception of a few signature moves here & there (not nearly enough of*a variety in striking & takedown animations). Punches don't have enough pop to them. The CPU is way to aggressive & arcady in it's approach. Stamina regenerates too fast. Fighters don't fight like their real life counterparts in terms of strategy. Again there are a few nuances here & there but not nearly enough. These are all issues that I would attempt to mask with the use of sliders (ala Fight Night Champion). Not having sliders is a deal breaker for me. I'll be cancelling my preorder tomorrow.
Check out the EA UFC section in the forum AHolbert has the retail version and has been posting impressions.
# 12 CrookedHype @ 06/15/14 12:41 AM
This game is reminding me a lot of Fight Night when it first dropped for the Last gen. That was the reason I bought a 360 back then.
# 13 aguero90 @ 06/15/14 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by BQ32
The controls are not all that complicated if you were willing to invest a couple of hours into them instead of giving up and then whining about it. They become second nature pretty fast after playing it for a day or so. I can't understand this idea that a game should be able to be mastered in one play sitting, where is the reward in that. When you sit down and are dog at a game but keep at it and finally find that moment where everything clicks, you feel badass and that is a moment I love.
I agree! I mean look at me, I'm visually impaired and can hardly see, and I take the time to master every game I play. Practice makes perfect!
# 14 DBMcGee3 @ 06/17/14 10:04 AM
I just haven't been able to get into the demo. The striking is a bit arcadey, as there are too many strikes thrown, and none of them ever really seem to pack a wallop. I've had several knockdowns where I didn't even realize I'd been hit until my guy goes down. Also, to me this control scheme has always been a bit boring, especially on the ground. I get so tired of making a zillion quarter circles with the stick, eventually I just avoid the ground game altogether. The submission mini-game is a bit annoying to me as well.

I'll reserve full judgement until I get my hands on the retail version, but the demo definitely hasn't swayed me towards buying the game, despite the excellent graphics and presentation.

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