Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR News Post

EA Sports has just released the first trailer for EA Sports PGA TOUR. The game will be the first EA Sports title to utilize the Frostbite 3 engine and arrive in the Spring of 2015.

“Frostbite 3 is really the perfect piece of technology for us to use as we create EA SPORTS PGA TOUR,” said Executive Producer Brent Nielsen. “There is no better engine out there for creating complex, lifelike environments, and it has allowed us to recreate some of the world’s most beautiful courses, as well as create some new ideas of our own. Also, for the first time ever we’re offering a game that’s completely free of load times after you start your round, allowing you to move seamlessly from one green to the next tee without breaking immersion.”

"The technology driving EA SPORTS PGA TOUR opens up so many new opportunities," said Denise Humphreys, PGA TOUR Senior Director of Partnerships. "Two of our favorite new features are the ability to play from hole to hole with no load time, plus having views of the entire course, allowing the gamer a more real-world experience."

The game will feature both real and fantasy courses, presumably both sim and more arcade elements as well. Expect to hear more about EA Sports PGA Tour in the coming months.

Game: Rory McIlroy PGA TOURReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 12 - View All
Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Ronoko @ 06/09/14 04:55 PM
I like games like hot shots golf, mario golf etc that don't aim to be simulations, Haven't tried powerstar. But I really don't like mixing real pga golfers and tours with extreme courses with all kinds of arcadey elements. Either make a game that actually simulates what happens in the PGA or make a fun game like Hot Shots, don't mix the two.
# 2 lopey986 @ 06/09/14 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Ronoko
I like games like hot shots golf, mario golf etc that don't aim to be simulations, Haven't tried powerstar. But I really don't like mixing real pga golfers and tours with extreme courses with all kinds of arcadey elements. Either make a game that actually simulates what happens in the PGA or make a fun game like Hot Shots, don't mix the two.
I doubt if you play a career that you'll be asked to golf on battlefield 4 the golf course. Those will most likely be standalone courses that are more for a play now match with some buddies more than any type of real game play. This should still be fully sim.

I actually like the multiple styles of game play in one game anyway. I wish madden and nba live would also contain their "street" versions of games to go along with the normal game too, that would be pretty awesome.
# 3 rolltide1017 @ 06/09/14 05:08 PM
Good news for "The Golf Club", that teaser killed all interest I had in EA's golf game. The ball is squarely in TGC's court, they just need to get the game finished and released on consoles now. Good job EA, you killed NCAA and now golf.
# 4 OnlookerDelay @ 06/09/14 05:16 PM
What a terrible trailer!? It started off okay for the first 10 seconds, and then went downhill from there. When your lead feature is "play extreme fantasy courses", it doesn't sound like it's going to be a game I'd be interested in playing. This really didn't whet my appetite for EA Sports PGA Tour
# 5 Ronoko @ 06/09/14 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by lopey986
I doubt if you play a career that you'll be asked to golf on battlefield 4 the golf course. Those will most likely be standalone courses that are more for a play now match with some buddies more than any type of real game play. This should still be fully sim.

I actually like the multiple styles of game play in one game anyway. I wish madden and nba live would also contain their "street" versions of games to go along with the normal game too, that would be pretty awesome.
Well it depends what the focus of the game turns out to be, but if you consider the main tagline is PGA Tour- Extreme Golf, you would think these extreme elements would be part of the main game modes.

Personally, I don't think it's realistic to have both nba2k and a street ball arcade game come in one release....I'd much rather them give the attention each deserves and give people the option of which to buy.
# 6 DiscountCleric @ 06/09/14 05:25 PM
I'm interested in seeing more, which is exactly what a trailer's supposed to do.

Still very satisfied with my early access purchase of The Golf Club.
# 7 inkcil @ 06/09/14 05:29 PM
Wow...just wow EA. I actually liked TW 14 even though they pulled support for several online feature within 12 months of release.

But this...this...with so much that real golf has to offer they went with this?

Maybe TW 14 didn't sell well and they decided not to dive deeper into sim efforts but this is just wild.
# 8 SkillzKillz719 @ 06/09/14 05:39 PM
I know it's really conservative here on the boards, but I'm open and interested in trying out this game. You have to give them a chance for a new generation at least.. When it's all said and done we play games to have fun. More often than not, I too prefer simulation as my fun, but if the "fun" aspect of this game really is fun then I'm all for it!
# 9 JODYE @ 06/09/14 05:41 PM
I don't mind the fantasy aspect if they can nail the simulation portion of the game of golf.

However, there is a good chance that won't happen.
# 10 cyclonez7 @ 06/09/14 05:57 PM
I wish they would let you walk the course or let you use a golf cart like gta. I'd rather have that than stupid fantasy courses.
# 11 huntt26 @ 06/09/14 06:28 PM
Hope to see the ability to golf with playstation move and the kinect. Always enjoyed Wii Tiger Woods
# 12 chappysnacks @ 06/09/14 06:36 PM
soooo we can golf on the paracel storm map from BF4. o_O
# 13 ghettofocker @ 06/09/14 06:39 PM
Looked pretty sweet untill the damn ship came into play
# 14 Luke466 @ 06/09/14 06:40 PM
Now there's NO EXCUSE for excessive wind on Paracel !
# 15 fsufan4423 @ 06/09/14 06:49 PM
All I've wanted for years is real to life atmosphere. Golfers, Bags, Real or fake advertisements on the tee boxes. Some actual real golfer and commentary emotion. This is golf....not much going on here except some trees blowing, some grass moving, a few clouds blowing through, and where is all the resources going? an aircraft carrier crashing in on your tee shot. Theres something you see everyday.
# 16 Thrash13 @ 06/09/14 06:52 PM
It just depends what the real course to fantasy course ratio ends up being. If we get 20 real courses and 5 or 6 fantasy courses, I'll be just fine. If it's half and half and that's a big focus, it will be tough to keep me as interested.

The last couple PGA Tour games were moving in the right direction of obtaining more and more tournament licenses, and I hope that's been a focus through this process as well. If not, it will end up being half sim and half Hot Shots.

The graphics look stunning, and the game more than has my attention. But I'll be ready to hear more about the course and golf list that will be included. I'm staying hopeful!
# 17 HenryClay1844 @ 06/09/14 07:50 PM
Well, EA sure chipped the old battleship on this one.....

To be fair Tiger Woods was notorious for liking to play soldier.
# 18 DirtyJerz32 @ 06/09/14 08:07 PM
Seriously what did I just watch? IMO EA just needs to say we're in this to make arcade sports games. If you want sim don't buy our product. They just made GC look that much better. Wow!
# 19 brandon27 @ 06/09/14 10:23 PM
Wow, that's a terrible trailer IMO. It really appears theyve changed the entire focus of the game. I don't mind the few fantasy courses they have in there now. It's kinda of neat to play when you get a bit bored, That's it though.

Pretty crazy to see that trailer with the ship crashing through. Really strange. That's not fantasy courses to me, that's just ridiculous. If theres only one or two courses like that, and 15 or so real ones that come with the game, then I'm alright with it, afterall, I don't have to play them fantasy courses. If its shifting more towards the fantasy courses, I'm out.

Really strange of them to release the trailer like that. Just seems really strange to highlight that. It really gives off the message of fantasy being a bigger part of the game.

I guess time will tell. What we saw of the real courses there, looked really nice though.
# 20 DivotMaker @ 06/09/14 10:42 PM
Graphics look nice. However the tone of the trailer just galls the crap out of me. They took a year off for this? WTF does having a ship crash into the shore have to do with the PGA TOUR? I freaking HATE fantasy courses. If this was a technology demo showing off Frostbite 3, I get it. But I was turned off by the trailer as a whole and if this ends up being even more arcade than the previous gen, then this just may be the first EA Golf title I pass on since I starts playing PGA TOUR on the Sega Genesis. What a huge letdown so far.

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