NHL 15 News Post

EA Sports has published the NHL 15 E3 Trailer a bit early on their site and it looks wonderful. This is our first look at the new-generation console gameplay in action and there is a lot to like about the trailer.

“This is the start of a new era for the award-winning NHL videogame franchise,” Dean Richards, General Manager, EA SPORTS NHL. “New technology gives us the freedom and horsepower to change almost every part of the game. From the way players look and move on the ice, to the unrivaled electricity of the in-arena experience, to the sights and sounds of an all new broadcast team, NHL 15 brings the game we love to life in ways that were never possible before.”

n NHL 15, fans will see the most realistic looking and skating hockey players ever in a videogame, along with most detailed and authentic representation of the game of hockey itself. 12 Player NHL Collision Physics and Real Puck Physics capture the hard hitting chaos and unpredictability of the sport. Gamers can look, move, play and think like a real hockey player with all new authentic player modelling and an evolved arsenal of tools, including the Superstar Skill Stick and Vision AI that allow for an unprecedented level of control and elevated player intelligence.

Witness the sights and sounds of authentic arenas across the National Hockey League, as 9,000 individual crowd models, the most ever in a sports videogame, hang on every play called by an all-new commentary team of Mike ‘Doc’ Emrick and Eddie Olczyk from NBC Sports. TSN analyst Ray Ferraro will provide insights at ice level. In addition, a new partnership with NBC Sports brings a world class broadcast package to the game.

NHL 15 is set to arrive on store shelves for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One on September 9th.

Check the trailer out above and let us know what you think and what you find!

Game: NHL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 CubFan23 @ 06/09/14 11:39 AM
While the graphics look much improved, let's hope the gameplay and AI are also much improved or it's another year without video game hockey
# 2 Pezell04x @ 06/09/14 11:41 AM
gameplay trailer apparently means slowed down celebrations (and only saw one celebration with more than 1 person) and shots of players. Lame.
# 3 GingaNinjaUNC @ 06/09/14 11:43 AM
Long time lurker here. Created an account just to say that it looks like from a presentation/atmosphere standpoint, they are really nailing it so far. That trailer gave me goosebumps. Here's hoping that it translates to the final product and brings some nice gameplay/AI improvements with it!
# 4 RaychelSnr @ 06/09/14 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by GingaNinjaUNC
Long time lurker here. Created an account just to say that it looks like from a presentation/atmosphere standpoint, they are really nailing it so far. That trailer gave me goosebumps. Here's hoping that it translates to the final product and brings some nice gameplay/AI improvements with it!
Just want to say welcome to the OS Community!!
# 5 bibibanax @ 06/09/14 11:49 AM
The commentator says: There will be a penalty.

That's OK for me
# 6 THESHAMISASHAME @ 06/09/14 11:56 AM
looks fine but we still have the same goalie mask designs since nhl 08
# 7 jyoung @ 06/09/14 11:56 AM
I wonder if that commentary was taken from past TV broadcasts or from NHL 15?

Sounds great, either way. Mike Emrick's the man.
# 8 bigwill33 @ 06/09/14 11:59 AM
Wasn't that impressed.
# 9 VTHokie525 @ 06/09/14 12:04 PM
Wonder why they still haven't added long hair on any of the players?
# 10 SVCbearcat10 @ 06/09/14 12:05 PM
I thought it looks promising. Although, I can't help to feel that when I check back in the evening on this thread, it will be torn apart for player movements, shooting animations, and goalie animations being similar to 360/PS3 version. Also, faces won't be as detailed as many may want, or the jerseys don't fit right, etc.

I think many will expect more from NHL since they had a longer than normal development cycle by skipping next-gen last year. Personally, what I saw so far is what I expected. Should be the best NHL game to date.
# 11 Shakes @ 06/09/14 12:17 PM
Same here because I cant get stuck in an NHL 14 game without the puck jumping like a pogo stick after a dump in. I swear one time it went back over the goalie into the slot for a goal. Bring on the next gen version.
# 12 sroz39 @ 06/09/14 12:22 PM
Looks awesome. Still one of the most fun sports games around so adding in next gen flair along with the huge list of improvements, that trailer has me pretty excited.
# 13 actionhank @ 06/09/14 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by SVCbearcat10
I thought it looks promising. Although, I can't help to feel that when I check back in the evening on this thread, it will be torn apart for player movements, shooting animations, and goalie animations being similar to 360/PS3 version. Also, faces won't be as detailed as many may want, or the jerseys don't fit right, etc.

I think many will expect more from NHL since they had a longer than normal development cycle by skipping next-gen last year. Personally, what I saw so far is what I expected. Should be the best NHL game to date.
I don't expect too much from 15. Honestly, it's having to be built to still work with the 360 and PS3. I don't think we'll get true "Next-Gen" until 16. Kind of like how my brief plays of FIFA 14 haven't felt any different from the same one on the older engine sitting on my computer currently.

That said, i'm expecting big things in terms of AI, working on goalie positioning and how they play the puck (They're still close to worthless outside of the blue paint, and sometimes even dangerous in there). I want to see EA setting the foundation for NHL16 to be truly Next-Gen, and the best NHL game yet. Not just NHL 15.75 with some slightly better faces and jerseys that blow around while they skate.
# 14 bigwill33 @ 06/09/14 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by SVCbearcat10
I thought it looks promising. Although, I can't help to feel that when I check back in the evening on this thread, it will be torn apart for player movements, shooting animations, and goalie animations being similar to 360/PS3 version. Also, faces won't be as detailed as many may want, or the jerseys don't fit right, etc.

I think many will expect more from NHL since they had a longer than normal development cycle by skipping next-gen last year. Personally, what I saw so far is what I expected. Should be the best NHL game to date.
They likely haven't been working on this any longer even though they skipped a release for next gen last fall.

And the goalies look the same in their stiff movements and animations.

But the worst part was that check from behind when Ryan McDonagh flattens Williams on the Kings in the open ice. Same dumb, canned animation that is completely unrealistic. How can you hit someone to the ice when they have a step on you towards the goal in the open? Your speed and momentum would need to exceed that player that is in front of you, but EA seems to neglect physics in these situations.

The P.K. one-timer where he wrists one in from the point is also an eye sore. Dropping to your knee to one-time a puck is fine... but not from that far out!
# 15 johnnyg713 @ 06/09/14 12:41 PM
If you're not excited after watching that, idk why you even play video games. I'm sorry that looked awesome
# 16 adayinthelife @ 06/09/14 12:53 PM
Graphics looked nice, so long as it plays smooth. The ice itself looked absolutely fantastic, and hopefully the wobble on the puck on that shot is indicative of some better puck physics overall. Some faces look decent, and they look more expressive. Hopefully they've got many, many, many more legit faces in there this time around. I'll take almost every players face looking reasonably good vs. 50 players looking perfect and 350 looking generic.

I would say the downside is that it has cross-gen written all over it. A lot of those collisions looked the same as what we've seen on PS3/360, and I've got a feeling we won't see this series truly evolve until they move past those consoles - much the same as every other sports title so far. Still, very interested to see more and most importantly, to see it in action.
# 17 PPerfect_CJ @ 06/09/14 12:53 PM
Postitives: Almost everything, especially the Subban drop to one knee shot.

Negatives: The goalie masks. I mean, COME ON!
# 18 letsgopens66 @ 06/09/14 12:56 PM
Trailer looked great, but as always we'll wait and see. Anyone who makes huge judgements on the game based on a minute long trailer (both positive and negative) is only seeing what they want to see.
# 19 johnnyg713 @ 06/09/14 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by letsgopens66
Trailer looked great, but as always we'll wait and see. Anyone who makes huge judgements on the game based on a minute long trailer (both positive and negative) is only seeing what they want to see.
That's life my friend. There's good and bad in every aspect in your life. Wether you chose to look at things positively or negatively it's your own decision
# 20 Simple Mathematics @ 06/09/14 01:06 PM
Everything looks awesome except that last celebration. Looks like user controlled celebrations are still in.

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