Madden NFL 15 News Post

With EA Sports releasing their first official Madden NFL 15 screenshot earlier this evening, we have posted this image comparing it to Madden NFL 25. The top image was captured from a PS4.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 og236 @ 06/05/14 01:56 PM

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# 82 apollon42 @ 06/05/14 02:04 PM
Isn't RG3 the only player in Madden that has the sleeve? So Kap could be the only one with tats.
# 83 johnnyg713 @ 06/05/14 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by og236

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Wow that's an article from game informer? Talk about taking jabs at madden
# 84 dghustla @ 06/05/14 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
All I see in this picture is the o-line behind him acting like typical Madden A.I. dummies. What is going on in this play?
that's what scares me a lot...what the hell is happening in this play? I've tried to analyze this several times and the only thing i can think of is Kap is scrambling back 15+ yards behind the LOS and from some reason one of the lineman turned around (is this really still happening?) And who are the two lineman on the right blocking and why is there a RB jumbled between them and where is the guy they are blocking? At least on the left I can see the arm of a Seahawk player.
# 85 og236 @ 06/05/14 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyg713
Wow that's an article from game informer? Talk about taking jabs at madden

Yea I was surprised too Lol about time they step up

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# 86 Eski33 @ 06/05/14 02:26 PM
With E3 upon us and Madden due out in late August I am hoping for gameplay footage. I believe it is in game. UFC looks fantastic as well as NHL. I think this is the year we get some true next gen love.

The screen shot looks incredible.
# 87 fistofrage @ 06/05/14 02:34 PM
When you can't get the gameplay right, you better have pretty graphics. It would appear that the linemen have decided to block each other while the QB does the vintage madden cheese of running backwards 15 yards then throwing a bullet somewhere. I'll wait for the reviews, until then, its just lipstick on a pig, whip cream on.........

You have to take the wait and see approach to anything EA. I'll wait for trusted individuals to play the game and give a review first.
# 88 shavane @ 06/05/14 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS
Have seen several shots we're releasing next week, this is a legit shot (for those doubting its an actual in-game shot).
This image looks absolutely amazing but....I just can't get past that amazing RGIII ACTUAL IN GAME NEXT GEN FOOTAGE!!!! Then I run out purchase a PS4 pop it in and it looks like the PS3 version...a little smother, colors were more vibrant but it certainly was not next gen. It definitely didn't come close to looking anything like the "Sizzle Trailer"

I'm not bashing EA because I'm just over that but for the love of everything holy and sacred now is the time to give your loyal fans something! Its been mentioned several times already but even from the picture it still looks like the players are on skates and the lineman all look confused. What are they doing anyways?

Not for nothing but when I pop in 2k14 it actually looks next gen even on a ps3. I will reserve further judgement until I see actual gameplay...I'm not talking leaked online footage either I'm talking about going to gamestop, grabbing one of those hard wired controllers and playing it myself before purchasing. Who am I kidding...I'll scoop this baby up on the 1st day because its a good excuse to drink and play Madden with my buddies and EA knows this about millions of us. Be like me trying to say I'm done with Rihanna and as soon as she calls me I'm already at her house lol
# 89 GiantsFan2013 @ 06/05/14 03:25 PM
Remember this screenshot from Madden 25? This was supposedly from actual Gameplay. The actual game looked nothing like this.
# 90 SmashMan @ 06/05/14 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Lowery
Why is this not a problem with the NBA games?
Maybe the NBA is more proactive about getting their players to have waivers for purposes such as this?
# 91 og236 @ 06/05/14 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Lowery
Why is this not a problem with the NBA games?

Nobody has any clue lol

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# 92 Goffs @ 06/05/14 03:34 PM
Takes only one tattoo artist to ruin everyone's fun...
# 93 dghustla @ 06/05/14 03:39 PM
I think ppl really need to pump their brakes a little with the "there is competition coming card". Sure another studio might make a football game but until something is officially announced don't get your hopes up. Same thing with Madden 1 screen isn't going to erase the head scratching gameplay we've seen for years but it's a step in the right direction. assuming it's legit.
# 94 m0ney_moon @ 06/05/14 03:51 PM
these graphics are from replay.
# 95 49UNCFan @ 06/05/14 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by GiantsFan2013
Remember this screenshot from Madden 25? This was supposedly from actual Gameplay. The actual game looked nothing like this.
That's because we're getting that version of the game this year...I think they ran out of time last year to make it for launch honestly

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# 96 Hooe @ 06/05/14 05:21 PM
In an effort to consolidate the forums, please continue discussion about all things related to Colin Kaepernick's tattoos in Madden NFL 15 in this thread:



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