MLB 14 The Show News Post

The OSFM Hybrid V2 is now released and in the Vault - I have included the description of the roster from the V1 thread below with some updates.

Version 2.1a has been placed in the Vault, called OSFM Hybrid 2014 v.2.1a

It is a slight ratings tweak with +5 added to discipline thanks to Waittilnextyear who came across and found this - it basically get most offensive categories as close to real life as you could want

What is the OSFM Hybrid you ask?

It is the OSFM Full Minors with a full ratings re-rate. It gives a uniform blanket rating system that brings everything together and makes very realistic game play.

What does this include?

The roster is based off the OSFM, which if you don't know is a collection of great contributors, run by Knight165 who create minor league players and major league players who were not included in this game. It is also based off of Knight's OSFM Player Ratings Charts

We have re-rated all stats for both minor leaguers whom we had info for as well as all the SCEA original players who came in the game.

The stats we use are ZiPs preseason ratings created by Dan Szymborski, they are gathered into a spreadsheet and formulated to match ratings values in the game.

All hitting and defense ratings have been changed as well as pitcher ratings including pitch type, control and velocity updates using Seanjeezy's pitch edits

Potentials were also reviewed and altered where necessary.

The roster has accurate 40 man rosters to today's date, as well as accurate as possible hitting lineups and pitching lineups for all levels. Players who are currently on 60 day disabled lists or suspended are not included in their respective teams 40 man roster and can be found on the A ball roster.

Also we have added many AAA and AA players who were not included in the OSFM - some prospects may have been removed or been put in the FA Pool to make room for players who should be in the roster - you really don't want very young top prospects playing in AAA or even AA.

Stance, Motion and Equipment updates were done where we knew changes needed to be made or could be made.

PLEASE DO NOT LOOK AT THE OVERALLS FOR PLAYERS AS A WAY TO GUAGE THEIR VALUE Players overalls are weighted by a variety of things based on the position they play. With this re-rate most players did go down in overalls, and really the league balances out to where it should be. Player ratings are what they are. We made some adjustments to physical attributes but the pure stat based attributes are the same base across the board.

This is what the Overalls should represent

90+ - All Star and Superstar Caliber

80+ - high end regulars and All Starts

70+ - everyday players and bench players

60+ - Bench players and career minor league players

50+ - low level prospects and Organization fillers

NEW players updates were included in this roster with the exception of pitchers at this time - aprx 200 updates were applied in this release

A roster like this can't happen without the support of many great individuals whom deserve a ton of credit - I hope I remember everyone and spell their names correct

ttbucsfan001 created our ratings spreadsheet
teeds - my partner in crime, created a ton of players, handled the transactions and organizing of players we needed to create and replace
cultbuscus - spent countless hours creating and helping input ratings
sky63 - assisted for several days importing the OSFM players
DarionC14 - did 90% of the hitter re-rate
mmorg - did most of the OSFM re-rate
totte - helped with testing the roster
davis25 - helped create players
shaneomac - helped with rating and player creations
authentic - ran the pitch edits
Iliveforthis - also on pitch edits
Waittilnextyear - assisted in running a ton of tests and finding/compiling needed corrections
Seanjeezy - his pitch edits make those possible

I ask that if you have constructive criticism that is fine but do not use this thread to complain. There is well over 100 hours poured into this project and several broken relationships and marriages.......lol

The roster is a little late this year, but I am very proud to put my name behind it. I hope everyone enjoys this.

Thank you to all the helpers and the community for helping us along the way with suggestions, transaction updates and just entertaining posts.

Note it is recommended that you play this roster with 30 Team Control - more info to be included shortly

The roster can be found in the Vault under the following name:

OSFM HYBRID 2014 V2.............psn Crapinmyshoe

How to use 30 team control is below

You set you profile up as you want - I tend to leave the banking and crap at auto but any player stuff is set to manual

Setting 2 should be set up as follows

Manual Control - 40 man roster, lineups, trades, waivers, rosters

Auto Control - Banking, Training, Management, Transportation

You can go into Gameplay setting and change injuries on both profiles to manual if you want to do the injuries yourself, off or CPU

I tend to do manual to start the year and disable any players out for the season

If you want to let the CPU make trades - when you start your franchise put CPU trading on but also turn off instant trades - check the transactions in your franchise every day - skim through and cancel any stupid trades the CPU wants to make.

Remember you can change on of the player 2 or your own settings anytime during your franchise

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 URBYJT @ 05/30/14 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by KINGLAX25
Im just a little confused on how to set the sliders......Can someone explain it to me. for instance when it says -7 how do you adjust that?
Everything is currently at 5. Just adjust from there.

ALSO. regarding the sliders. I bumped the CPU control, consistency, and throwing errors ONE to the right. Just a suggestion for yall.
# 42 Hockey13Playa @ 05/30/14 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by giantsteps
I am not directly affiliated with the hybrid team but:

1.) Dynamic difficulty should be fine with the sliders, based on the dynamic difficulty 100+ page thread on the very same topic

2.) Rosters are up to date as of Tuesday or Wednesday of this week (5/27), all players on 15+ DL are in A ball.
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
As for point 2....no one is injured at all, but all the players that are injured IRL are in A ball on their team to make it easy for you to manually injure on your own.

Thank you both, I appreciate the responses!!!!
# 43 Acts 4 12 @ 05/30/14 01:17 AM
I have visited these forums for years and never have been inclined to create an account until tonight. I'm 40 years old and work full time along with being married with three children. I know the amount of time and dedication it takes to put together something like this so I can't tell you guys how much I appreciate this roster! I would never have the time to make these edits on my own with my game time being so limited due to the responsibilities of life. When I finally get time to play I want my game time to be maximized since it's so limited. To that end you guys have maximized my MLB gaming experience. There will always be something for someone to complain about but as far as I'm concerned this roster is excellent and if anything is off it's a matter of simple tweaking. Knight, Willard, Sean Jeezy, and the rest of you tremendous roster makers and rating input people take a bow because you guys make a good game simply fantastic!!! Thanks for all your hard work.
# 44 24 @ 05/30/14 01:22 AM
For anyone that has run Sims would you mind divulging the following information?

What does progression look like? Any glaring differences?

Is adjusting the incoming draft classes a necessity or can you let them be?

Thank you!
# 45 Mrmagoo @ 05/30/14 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by Acts 4 12
I have visited these forums for years and never have been inclined to create an account until tonight. I'm 40 years old and work full time along with being married with three children. I know the amount of time and dedication it takes to put together something like this so I can't tell you guys how much I appreciate this roster! I would never have the time to make these edits on my own with my game time being so limited due to the responsibilities of life. When I finally get time to play I want my game time to be maximized since it's so limited. To that end you guys have maximized my MLB gaming experience. There will always be something for someone to complain about but as far as I'm concerned this roster is excellent and if anything is off it's a matter of simple tweaking. Knight, Willard, Sean Jeezy, and the rest of you tremendous roster makers and rating input people take a bow because you guys make a good game simply fantastic!!! Thanks for all your hard work.
Exactly!!!! It's my thoughts put into words, all though I would have been rambling on if I would of tried to say the same thing... Lol. No doubt tho, a serious thank you to all who have certainly poured their time into these roster projects!!!!

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# 46 Acts 4 12 @ 05/30/14 01:57 AM
It's absolutely amazing how much differently these rosters play than the standard SCEA ones. I've seen hits and animations in one game that I've never seen previously this year until using this roster. Jeezy's pitch edits take this game to another level altogether. Incredible job Willard and Co.
# 47 WaitTilNextYear @ 05/30/14 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by HopiDesertPriest
I do not mean to sound bossy ....

Perfection can never be achieved.

Editors don't stop until they have it perfect.

See the problem here....??

# 48 jermars666 @ 05/30/14 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Uses my pitch edits, claims them as his own. You're welcome! /s
Do you have a spreadsheet you would be willing to share for my own personal use of these pitch edits?
# 49 24 @ 05/30/14 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by jermars666
Do you have a spreadsheet you would be willing to share for my own personal use of these pitch edits?
If Jeezy doesn't mind me linking them, here they are.

# 50 jermars666 @ 05/30/14 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by 24
If Jeezy doesn't mind me linking them, here they are.

Blam! Thanks! I knew they were somewhere just couldn't find em.

Much appreciated
# 51 WaitTilNextYear @ 05/30/14 04:13 AM
Almost forgot what the inside of a played game looked like...instead of only menu screens. STOKED that I get to start my 'chise. Coming soon to a dynasty thread near you!

Thanks again to Willard and Co. for leading this project and seeing it through in an incredibly timely manner.
# 52 WaitTilNextYear @ 05/30/14 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by HopiDesertPriest
how was pitch control determined ?

That's a question for jeezy and his pitch edits thread. We didn't compile the pitch data--jeezy did all that. We just took his data and entered it into the game (and by we I mean authenic and ILFT mainly).
# 53 justcallmedaddy @ 05/30/14 05:59 AM
Great roster man, really looking forward to starting a franchise with these.

One question though, and I don't mean to sound like an *******, but did you forget to edit Adam Eaton and Tyler Flowers? Or is there a reason why they're 67 ovr and 68 ovr respectively? It's just my opinion that they're better players than that, and I'll leave it alone if you do think they are around that skillset, but I thought I'd just bring it to your attention to maybe look at them a little closer.

Tyler Flowers has been hitting at .293 (over .300 before a ****ty series in Cleveland) this year, much improved from his .195 avg from last year, with .354 OBP which was also a huge improvement from last year at .247.

Adam Eaton isn't lighting it up with only a .267 BA but he has a respectable .329 OBP and 15 RBI's at the lead-off position to go along with some pretty good defense. And I don't think he should be 2 overall points worse than Alejandro De Aza who has a .177 BA with a .240 OBP. The only thing I can really see that he does better is 2 more RBI's on 30 more plate appearances and running the bases.

Again, I was only wanting to bring this to your attention. If you still feel they should stay at their respective overalls, I understand and I'll just make the edits myself. (I also recommend taking a look at Dayan Viciedo too though, who I also think shouldn't be worse than De Aza.)
# 54 WaitTilNextYear @ 05/30/14 06:18 AM
It's really hard to look at two months from a guy who hit .195 last year and call for a ratings boost, lol. IMO, I think a 68 OVR is too generous for a guy like Flowers...if OVR meant anything special. Remember to look at specific attributes, they are more important than OVR

I'm sure Willard and the gang will look at it, though don't expect any new releases in the immediate future--the team is actually going to play the game a little.

I'd suggest to those who have minor gripes about your team...use the roster base and edit it to your liking. A lot of the "I think this guy is underrated" is often a personal opinion not shared by all (especially not by the ZiPS projections).
# 55 ch46647 @ 05/30/14 06:29 AM
Love these rosters!

Only two concerns are

1. Draft class players coming in way to high due to lowered overalls

2. Players not asking for enough money in FA and throwing the team budgets out of whack.

I know many of you SIM a lot, have you folks seen any glaring issues with either of the above concerns? If so, is there an easy "workaround"?

# 56 justcallmedaddy @ 05/30/14 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
It's really hard to look at two months from a guy who hit .195 last year and call for a ratings boost, lol. IMO, I think a 68 OVR is too generous for a guy like Flowers...if OVR meant anything special. Remember to look at specific attributes, they are more important than OVR

I'm sure Willard and the gang will look at it, though don't expect any new releases in the immediate future--the team is actually going to play the game a little.

I'd suggest to those who have minor gripes about your team...use the roster base and edit it to your liking. A lot of the "I think this guy is underrated" is often a personal opinion not shared by all (especially not by the ZiPS projections).
I understand that, and I'm not asking for anybody to make these guys high 80's overalls, I just don't think either of them should be "Bench players and career minor league players" as the 60+ ovr is supposed to represent.

I'm not going to try to sway your opinion on Flowers, but I just think a .300 hitter and .350 OBP hitter(albeit early) should have better contact hitting than 30, and maybe a little boost to his throw power.

And again, just like I said in my previous statement, if he feels the need to stick by his current ratings, I'm fine with that and will make my own edits, I am only bringing this to his attention.
# 57 PleasedToMeetMe @ 05/30/14 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by Willard76
Honestly I am not sure - I just want to enjoy the game a bit - if someone wants to volunteer to do that, we have a good list to work from
Willard76, could you please upload the list or give me a link?
# 58 WaitTilNextYear @ 05/30/14 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by ch46647
Love these rosters!

Only two concerns are

1. Draft class players coming in way to high due to lowered overalls

2. Players not asking for enough money in FA and throwing the team budgets out of whack.

I know many of you SIM a lot, have you folks seen any glaring issues with either of the above concerns? If so, is there an easy "workaround"?

1. Draft classes are not editable. so there's nothing you can do except stop worrying! lol. If you want to downgrade each drafted prospect's potential/ratings, you have to do that manually. Or you could just think of your franchise as entering a golden era of baseball with lots of talent. Pick your poison.

2. You can use 30-team control, if only for the offseason, and you can sign guys to fair contracts yourself. A bit of work, yes, but doable if the contracts are bothering you. Also, think about it this way, if all players are asking for less money equally, what has really changed? It should affect the league equally. Big market teams will still be able to throw their weight around more. Maybe some small market teams will have a better shot at signing a few good players, but they still can't sign the quantity that the big budget teams can.

Originally Posted by titanjezzy
Willard76, could you please upload the list or give me a link?
The beard edit was already completed by Willard and released last night. Read back through the thread and you'll see it. It's in the roster vault as OSFM 2014 Hybrid V2a.
# 59 WaitTilNextYear @ 05/30/14 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by justcallmedaddy
I understand that, and I'm not asking for anybody to make these guys high 80's overalls, I just don't think either of them should be "Bench players and career minor league players" as the 60+ ovr is supposed to represent.

I'm not going to try to sway your opinion on Flowers, but I just think a .300 hitter and .350 OBP hitter(albeit early) should have better contact hitting than 30, and maybe a little boost to his throw power.

And again, just like I said in my previous statement, if he feels the need to stick by his current ratings, I'm fine with that and will make my own edits, I am only bringing this to his attention.
That's fine, we can agree to disagree on Flowers, but my point in responding to you was just to advise you that if you are just waiting on an updated V2.1 version with an edited Flowers to start a chise, you shouldn't. The reason being that the next version will not be out as quickly as this past update was. So it would be more timely for you to apply those small number of edits you want to your V2 download--that's more what I was saying.

All suggestions are welcome of course.

EDIT: By the way...how sustainable do you think Flowers' .456 BABIP is? While striking out at a 35% clip and managing an ISO under .100?
# 60 justcallmedaddy @ 05/30/14 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
That's fine, we can agree to disagree on Flowers, but my point in responding to you was just to advise you that if you are just waiting on an updated V2.1 version with an edited Flowers to start a chise, you shouldn't. The reason being that the next version will not be out as quickly as this past update was. So it would be more timely for you to apply those small number of edits you want to your V2 download--that's more what I was saying.

All suggestions are welcome of course.

EDIT: By the way...how sustainable do you think Flowers' .456 BABIP is? While striking out at a 35% clip and managing an ISO under .100?
Which is what I was always going to do, of course I'm not going to rely on him to do a V2.1 just for me to start my Franchise, that would be asinine. The only reason I spoke up about it was to inform him of a possible change he could add whenever he makes his next update, whenever that may be and whenever he's ready to start doing it again.

Well I think his .456 BABIP will definitely regress back down to the .300's simply because that is a very tricky stat to get a gauge on. But, considering He has a 27% line drive percentage, which is 10% better than last year, while also having a 54.8% groundball percentage tells me he's getting a much better bat on the ball this year than past years, considering his flyball percentage is down from 41.1% to 18.3%. And yes he does strike out a lot, which is why he bats 8 or 9 for us and not 5 or 6. But, has he shown definite improvements this year? I certainly think so.

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