MLB 14 The Show News Post

The OSFM Hybrid V2 is now released and in the Vault - I have included the description of the roster from the V1 thread below with some updates.

Version 2.1a has been placed in the Vault, called OSFM Hybrid 2014 v.2.1a

It is a slight ratings tweak with +5 added to discipline thanks to Waittilnextyear who came across and found this - it basically get most offensive categories as close to real life as you could want

What is the OSFM Hybrid you ask?

It is the OSFM Full Minors with a full ratings re-rate. It gives a uniform blanket rating system that brings everything together and makes very realistic game play.

What does this include?

The roster is based off the OSFM, which if you don't know is a collection of great contributors, run by Knight165 who create minor league players and major league players who were not included in this game. It is also based off of Knight's OSFM Player Ratings Charts

We have re-rated all stats for both minor leaguers whom we had info for as well as all the SCEA original players who came in the game.

The stats we use are ZiPs preseason ratings created by Dan Szymborski, they are gathered into a spreadsheet and formulated to match ratings values in the game.

All hitting and defense ratings have been changed as well as pitcher ratings including pitch type, control and velocity updates using Seanjeezy's pitch edits

Potentials were also reviewed and altered where necessary.

The roster has accurate 40 man rosters to today's date, as well as accurate as possible hitting lineups and pitching lineups for all levels. Players who are currently on 60 day disabled lists or suspended are not included in their respective teams 40 man roster and can be found on the A ball roster.

Also we have added many AAA and AA players who were not included in the OSFM - some prospects may have been removed or been put in the FA Pool to make room for players who should be in the roster - you really don't want very young top prospects playing in AAA or even AA.

Stance, Motion and Equipment updates were done where we knew changes needed to be made or could be made.

PLEASE DO NOT LOOK AT THE OVERALLS FOR PLAYERS AS A WAY TO GUAGE THEIR VALUE Players overalls are weighted by a variety of things based on the position they play. With this re-rate most players did go down in overalls, and really the league balances out to where it should be. Player ratings are what they are. We made some adjustments to physical attributes but the pure stat based attributes are the same base across the board.

This is what the Overalls should represent

90+ - All Star and Superstar Caliber

80+ - high end regulars and All Starts

70+ - everyday players and bench players

60+ - Bench players and career minor league players

50+ - low level prospects and Organization fillers

NEW players updates were included in this roster with the exception of pitchers at this time - aprx 200 updates were applied in this release

A roster like this can't happen without the support of many great individuals whom deserve a ton of credit - I hope I remember everyone and spell their names correct

ttbucsfan001 created our ratings spreadsheet
teeds - my partner in crime, created a ton of players, handled the transactions and organizing of players we needed to create and replace
cultbuscus - spent countless hours creating and helping input ratings
sky63 - assisted for several days importing the OSFM players
DarionC14 - did 90% of the hitter re-rate
mmorg - did most of the OSFM re-rate
totte - helped with testing the roster
davis25 - helped create players
shaneomac - helped with rating and player creations
authentic - ran the pitch edits
Iliveforthis - also on pitch edits
Waittilnextyear - assisted in running a ton of tests and finding/compiling needed corrections
Seanjeezy - his pitch edits make those possible

I ask that if you have constructive criticism that is fine but do not use this thread to complain. There is well over 100 hours poured into this project and several broken relationships and marriages.......lol

The roster is a little late this year, but I am very proud to put my name behind it. I hope everyone enjoys this.

Thank you to all the helpers and the community for helping us along the way with suggestions, transaction updates and just entertaining posts.

Note it is recommended that you play this roster with 30 Team Control - more info to be included shortly

The roster can be found in the Vault under the following name:

OSFM HYBRID 2014 V2.............psn Crapinmyshoe

How to use 30 team control is below

You set you profile up as you want - I tend to leave the banking and crap at auto but any player stuff is set to manual

Setting 2 should be set up as follows

Manual Control - 40 man roster, lineups, trades, waivers, rosters

Auto Control - Banking, Training, Management, Transportation

You can go into Gameplay setting and change injuries on both profiles to manual if you want to do the injuries yourself, off or CPU

I tend to do manual to start the year and disable any players out for the season

If you want to let the CPU make trades - when you start your franchise put CPU trading on but also turn off instant trades - check the transactions in your franchise every day - skim through and cancel any stupid trades the CPU wants to make.

Remember you can change on of the player 2 or your own settings anytime during your franchise

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 341 teeds @ 06/10/14 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by bigleaguechew
Is there going to be another update with more transactions? Thanks!
Yes, but it doesn't look like there will be an update before the all-star break at the rate I'm going. I'm correcting numerous errors throughout and going a division at a time. This includes fixing faces and adjusting equipment for minor leaguers and a lot more.

If anyone is interested in helping it could probably get done sooner. I particularly need a good "face" guy to go through teams and fix appearances but there's other things you can help with too. The Cardinals are one team that need some work. There's a particular process I'm going through, it's basically a sweep of the league one division at a time to improve accuracy (ht/wt, age, equipment, faces, players at proper levels, minor league ratings, 40 man rosters, positions, etc.)
# 342 Willard76 @ 06/10/14 12:27 PM
I just wanted to post a comment on sliders/skill levels/offensive numbers etc

I currently am 7 games into my regular season with my Blue Jays franchise and have seen several posts that don't correspond with what I have seen both in my franchises and testing before release.

Here are some observations and suggestions

I am using the suggested sliders that I posted, I use Dynamic hitting and pitching, timing hitting and meter pitching. I actually was seeing too much offense at first and also very good pitching. Now that the system has adjusted my skill level and the AI has adjusted to me, I still am pitching well - I always have in this game since 07 and my hitting has taken a bit of a beating but inly because I was very aggressive. I rarely walk in the past but have realized I need to play the game now similar to how I would IRL.

Aside from that to comment of this vs OSFM

OSFM teams were done on a very broad system of ratings - some guys don't even use Knights ratings values. When I did the rerate you could definitely feel biased in some cases or a general guess at some ratings. I don't like how some of my own prospects came out numbers wise and I did the Blue Jays but when I see how they are turning out now in the game I am ok with it now.

All I am saying is - this roster is aimed at giving real life gameplay - you have to have unbiased real to life expectations if you want this roster to work for you as well as use sliders properly to allow the rosters to work

# 343 MattFromTheWire @ 06/10/14 10:11 PM
So what roster should we use for our franchise. I see 4 of them in the vault. I read earlier to download version 2.1A but I don't see it online.

The one with pitch edits, beard edits, discipline edits.

# 344 PleasedToMeetMe @ 06/11/14 12:35 AM
The roster from May 30th.
# 345 Xcavs31x @ 06/11/14 03:29 AM
Does anyone use these sliders? And too what success? Or failure? Seems like the hitting is too good
# 346 Totte @ 06/11/14 03:58 AM
I use the sliders Willard posted in the first post if this thread. Works good, looks good
# 347 Willard76 @ 06/11/14 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
I know I've wavered on this in the past few days, but now that I'm using the suggested sliders, I too am seeing a bit too much human offense. I think having contact at 7 and power at 6 coupled with CPU pitcher control at 3 and CPU strike frequency at 3 is causing way too many meatballs that get crushed. I'm still working on this, but those 4 especially need adjusting it would seem.
I dropped contact to 6 and pitcher control and strike frequency both back to 5. I find the dynamic hitting and AI really fixes the rest. The pitchers have owned me for a few games now after I had a hot start.

Originally Posted by MattFromTheWire
So what roster should we use for our franchise. I see 4 of them in the vault. I read earlier to download version 2.1A but I don't see it online.

The one with pitch edits, beard edits, discipline edits.

I would say as releases come out - always uses whatever is the highest edition. Right now my last release was V 2.1a

If anyone is using the PS4, I found a couple of corrections with hair and beards

Kaleb Cowart -LAA is sporting a Kid'n Play a haircut

Aaron Poreda - Tex needs a trim job on his beard

Dalton Pompey - Tor needs to switch to Fade A
# 348 Willard76 @ 06/11/14 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
I think increasing CPI strike frequency back to 5 is too much. They were already throwing way too many strikes and that coupled with CPU pitcher control at 5 causes too many borderline strikes, forcing the user to swing at too many borderline pitches and lowering the chance of making solid contact. I've done some tinkering with sliders using these rosters over the past few weeks and I'm close. I'll update my sliders in the thread I started in the sliders forum and post the link here. Give me a few minutes to update them, the currently posted sliders are old.
That would be great. Personally I like the borderline pitches myself - it seems the way things are being called and pitched in the majors this year - but that is me.

Glad to see guys enjoying these!
# 349 teeds @ 06/11/14 12:53 PM
To the guys that know their teams systems pretty well, can you give me some names of minor leaguers that are missing that should be in? It'll save me time in having to do this research. I'm thinking this might apply more for guys in AA.
# 350 sxaalex @ 06/11/14 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by teeds
To the guys that know their teams systems pretty well, can you give me some names of minor leaguers that are missing that should be in? It'll save me time in having to do this research. I'm thinking this might apply more for guys in AA.
LAA Angeles Brian Moran , LAD Dodgers Scott Elbert 60-Day DL both Tommy John surgery
# 351 sxaalex @ 06/11/14 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by teeds
To the guys that know their teams systems pretty well, can you give me some names of minor leaguers that are missing that should be in? It'll save me time in having to do this research. I'm thinking this might apply more for guys in AA.
Im going to complie a list of missing prospect and post it up shortly.
# 352 sxaalex @ 06/11/14 05:20 PM
A,AA,Additional MilB List

Orioles: Matt Bischoff
Tigers: Manny Pina
Red Sox: Matt Spring,Jonathan Roof
Cubs: Charles Cutler, Elliot Soto
Rangers: Phil Klein,Pat Cantwell
Angles: Brian Moran,Maikol Gonzalez
Twins:Tyler Duftey,Taylor rogers,Brad boyer
Diamondbacks: Justin Fitzferald, Gerson Montilla
Yankees:Tyson Blaser,Dan Fiorito
Reds: Jon Moscot,Chris Berset,Steve Selsky
Indians:Matt Packer
Rockies:Carlos Hernandez, Tim smalling,Devin Burke,Chrisitian Bergmnn,Joey Wong
White Sox:Jefferey Wendelken ,Michael Johnson
Dodgers: Scott Elbert, Casio Grider
Marlins: Alex burg
Brewers:Tyler Cravey
A'S:Dusty Coleman ,Seth Frankoff,Shawn Haviland ,Blake forsythe
Phillies: Anthony Phillips,Peter Lavin
Padres:Adam buschini,Casey Mcelroy
Mariners:Nathen Melendres,Leury bonilla ,Mike Dowd
Giants:Steve Okert,Joe Kurrasch
Cardinals:Kyle Hald,Matt Williams
Blue Jays:Matt Newman
Nationals:Kevin Keyes, Quincy latimore
# 353 tonybologna @ 06/11/14 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by sxaalex
Im going to complie a list of missing prospect and post it up shortly.
You going to post them here in this thread or a new thread? Thanks!
# 354 sxaalex @ 06/11/14 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by sxaalex
A,AA,Additional MilB List

Orioles: Matt Bischoff
Tigers: Manny Pina
Red Sox: Matt Spring,Jonathan Roof
Cubs: Charles Cutler, Elliot Soto
Rangers: Phil Klein,Pat Cantwell
Angles: Brian Moran,Maikol Gonzalez
Twins:Tyler Duftey,Taylor rogers,Brad boyer
Diamondbacks: Justin Fitzferald, Gerson Montilla
Yankees:Tyson Blaser,Dan Fiorito
Reds: Jon Moscot,Chris Berset
Indians:Matt Packer
Rockies:Carlos Hernandez, Tim smalling,Devin Burke
White Sox:Jefferey Wendelken ,Michael Johnson
Dodgers: Scott Elbert, Casio Grider
Marlins: Alex burg
Brewers:Tyler Cravey
A'S:Dusty Coleman ,Seth Frankoff,Shawn Haviland ,Blake forsythe
Phillies: Anthony Phillips,Peter Lavin
Padres:Adam buschini,Casey Mcelroy
Mariners:Nathen Melendres,Leury bonilla ,Mike Dowd
Giants:Steve Okert
Cardinals:Kyle Hald,Matt Williams
Blue Jays:Matt Newman
Nationals:Kevin Keyes, Quincy latimore

To the guys that know their teams systems pretty well, can you give me some names of minor leaguers that are missing that should be in? It'll save me time in having to do this research. I'm thinking this might apply more for guys in AA.
# 355 Willard76 @ 06/11/14 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by sxaalex
A,AA,Additional MilB List

Orioles: Matt Bischoff
Tigers: Manny Pina
Red Sox: Matt Spring,Jonathan Roof
Cubs: Charles Cutler, Elliot Soto
Rangers: Phil Klein,Pat Cantwell
Angles: Brian Moran,Maikol Gonzalez
Twins:Tyler Duftey,Taylor rogers,Brad boyer
Diamondbacks: Justin Fitzferald, Gerson Montilla
Yankees:Tyson Blaser,Dan Fiorito
Reds: Jon Moscot,Chris Berset
Indians:Matt Packer
Rockies:Carlos Hernandez, Tim smalling,Devin Burke
White Sox:Jefferey Wendelken ,Michael Johnson
Dodgers: Scott Elbert, Casio Grider
Marlins: Alex burg
Brewers:Tyler Cravey
A'S:Dusty Coleman ,Seth Frankoff,Shawn Haviland
Phillies: Anthony Phillips,Peter Lavin
Padres:Adam buschini,Casey Mcelroy
Mariners:Nathen Melendres,Leury bonilla ,Mike Dowd
Giants:Steve Okert
Cardinals:Kyle Hald,Matt Williams
Blue Jays:Matt Newman
Nationals:Kevin Keyes, Quincy latimore
Matt Newman from the Jays, I will try to get done - although I don't consider him much of a prospect
# 356 Side Effect @ 06/11/14 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by sxaalex
A,AA,Additional MilB List

Orioles: Matt Bischoff
Tigers: Manny Pina
Red Sox: Matt Spring,Jonathan Roof
Cubs: Charles Cutler, Elliot Soto
Rangers: Phil Klein,Pat Cantwell
Angles: Brian Moran,Maikol Gonzalez
Twins:Tyler Duftey,Taylor rogers,Brad boyer
Diamondbacks: Justin Fitzferald, Gerson Montilla
Yankees:Tyson Blaser,Dan Fiorito
Reds: Jon Moscot,Chris Berset
Indians:Matt Packer
Rockies:Carlos Hernandez, Tim smalling,Devin Burke
White Sox:Jefferey Wendelken ,Michael Johnson
Dodgers: Scott Elbert, Casio Grider
Marlins: Alex burg
Brewers:Tyler Cravey
A'S:Dusty Coleman ,Seth Frankoff,Shawn Haviland
Phillies: Anthony Phillips,Peter Lavin
Padres:Adam buschini,Casey Mcelroy
Mariners:Nathen Melendres,Leury bonilla ,Mike Dowd
Giants:Steve Okert
Cardinals:Kyle Hald,Matt Williams
Blue Jays:Matt Newman
Nationals:Kevin Keyes, Quincy latimore
Not on the PS4 right now, but Manny Pina of the Tigers was just acquired today from the Mariners. Did you check their roster?

Also Phillies recently signed Rusty Ryal and Nate Spears for AAA and they're not on the roster. Phillies' Adam Loewen is in the roster as a RF. He's converted back to a pitcher for this year.
# 357 sxaalex @ 06/11/14 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Side Effect
Not on the PS4 right now, but Manny Pina of the Tigers was just acquired today from the Mariners. Did you check their roster?

Also Phillies recently signed Rusty Ryal and Nate Spears for AAA and they're not on the roster. Phillies' Adam Loewen is in the roster as a RF. He's converted back to a pitcher for this year.
Manny pina was on the Mariners AA roster traded to the tigers.http://www.milb.com/milb/stats/stats...pbp&pid=444489
# 358 Side Effect @ 06/11/14 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by sxaalex
Manny pina was on the Mariners AA roster traded to the tigers.http://www.milb.com/milb/stats/stats...pbp&pid=444489
I know. I meant maybe you didn't see him on the Tigers AA roster, but was still on Mariners in game.

My bad, Just saw he's not on the M's roster either.
# 359 The Kid 24 @ 06/11/14 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by sxaalex
A,AA,Additional MilB List

Orioles: Matt Bischoff
Tigers: Manny Pina
Red Sox: Matt Spring,Jonathan Roof
Cubs: Charles Cutler, Elliot Soto
Rangers: Phil Klein,Pat Cantwell
Angles: Brian Moran,Maikol Gonzalez
Twins:Tyler Duftey,Taylor rogers,Brad boyer
Diamondbacks: Justin Fitzferald, Gerson Montilla
Yankees:Tyson Blaser,Dan Fiorito
Reds: Jon Moscot,Chris Berset
Indians:Matt Packer
Rockies:Carlos Hernandez, Tim smalling,Devin Burke
White Sox:Jefferey Wendelken ,Michael Johnson
Dodgers: Scott Elbert, Casio Grider
Marlins: Alex burg
Brewers:Tyler Cravey
A'S:Dusty Coleman ,Seth Frankoff,Shawn Haviland ,Blake forsythe
Phillies: Anthony Phillips,Peter Lavin
Padres:Adam buschini,Casey Mcelroy
Mariners:Nathen Melendres,Leury bonilla ,Mike Dowd
Giants:Steve Okert
Cardinals:Kyle Hald,Matt Williams
Blue Jays:Matt Newman
Nationals:Kevin Keyes, Quincy latimore
Are all these in the vault?
# 360 sxaalex @ 06/11/14 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by The Kid 24
Are all these in the vault?
No I believe teed and willard will be working on this list.

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