MLB 14 The Show News Post

IGN is hosting a livestream of MLB 14 The Show (PS4 version) now.

Hunter Pence of the San Francisco Giants and Yasiel Puig of the Los Angeles Dodgers will battle it out, while Sony San Diego designer, Ramone Russell talks about the game and answers questions.

UPDATE: For those that missed out, here is the replay.

Here is a direct link to the Yasiel Puig vs. Hunter Pence gameplay.

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 301 ryanmc564 @ 04/16/14 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
Not just those two things either, you could point arrows to the entire backdrop.

Looks way too dark to me in those shots.
I kind of thought it look too dark when i watch the video but didn't research it to see if it was or not, but still thought it look good. but those signs should definitely be lit up. I won't be overly disappointed if they aren't this year but should totally be fixed next year.
# 302 Blzer @ 04/16/14 11:23 PM
Too bad they couldn't get BP Village in this year. I don't blame them because these stadiums must have been built long ago, but Phase 1 alone already gives the stadium a more complete feel. Of course, it wouldn't much matter if it wasn't lit up like everything else over there.

I can't wait for Phase 2 to be complete in real life as well, but that makes me think the game will be a year behind for that whenever that is too. Maybe someday they'll patch in things like this, but I know it requires a lot of lighting restructuring and such.
# 303 ryanmc564 @ 04/17/14 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Too bad they couldn't get BP Village in this year. I don't blame them because these stadiums must have been built long ago, but Phase 1 alone already gives the stadium a more complete feel. Of course, it wouldn't much matter if it wasn't lit up like everything else over there.

I can't wait for Phase 2 to be complete in real life as well, but that makes me think the game will be a year behind for that whenever that is too. Maybe someday they'll patch in things like this, but I know it requires a lot of lighting restructuring and such.
I didn't get my hopes up for ballpark village, and it does make the stadium look more complete even thou its not attached to the stadium. I haven't seen what phase 2 is supposed to be like and if you will be able to see it or not within the stadium.
# 304 Blzer @ 04/17/14 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
I didn't get my hopes up for ballpark village, and it does make the stadium look more complete even thou its not attached to the stadium. I haven't seen what phase 2 is supposed to be like and if you will be able to see it or not within the stadium.
I saw one picture of Phase 2 once, and now can't for the life of me find where it is. It included a bigger building behind the batter's eye, in view from within the ballpark.
# 305 OUSOONERS#1 @ 04/17/14 12:43 AM
From every video or screenshot ive seen of night games the backdrop and all around the stadium look to dark .. Hopefully they were all early builds or something jus wasn't turned on ;-)
# 306 headzapp @ 04/17/14 03:58 AM
Looks like the outfield wall at bush stadium doesn't have the retired players, and Molina doesn't have the tats on his arm. I am just pointing out what I noticed. I'm not complaining and it's no big deal. I do love how they put Stan Musial's 6 out there. Almost brought a tear to my eye.
I do have have to say this game is beautiful. I appreciate what this team has done. A lot of long nights, and hard work rebuilding the stadiums, and making 3 full games with only 75 people!
It almost bugs me when I read reviews from past games, and people say they don't notice a difference. I don't know if they are trolls or what, but every year I notice the little changes, and it makes the game that much better year after year. I notice a huge leap from ps3 to ps4. It's night and day to me. I can't wait until this comes out. I also like how Ramone gets on here and gives input to the posters. That's really amazing.

If you guys go to the ign ap on the ps4 they put of most of this stream. They left out the second part though. You get to see what this game will almost look like when we get to play it. It looks even better than on the computer.
# 307 ryanmc564 @ 04/17/14 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by headzapp
Looks like the outfield wall at bush stadium doesn't have the retired players, and Molina doesn't have the tats on his arm. I am just pointing out what I noticed. I'm not complaining and it's no big deal. I do love how they put Stan Musial's 6 out there. Almost brought a tear to my eye.
I do have have to say this game is beautiful. I appreciate what this team has done. A lot of long nights, and hard work rebuilding the stadiums, and making 3 full games with only 75 people!
It almost bugs me when I read reviews from past games, and people say they don't notice a difference. I don't know if they are trolls or what, but every year I notice the little changes, and it makes the game that much better year after year. I notice a huge leap from ps3 to ps4. It's night and day to me. I can't wait until this comes out. I also like how Ramone gets on here and gives input to the posters. That's really amazing.

If you guys go to the ign ap on the ps4 they put of most of this stream. They left out the second part though. You get to see what this game will almost look like when we get to play it. It looks even better than on the computer.
I have never seen answers in regards to the left field wall on why they haven't had the retired numbers, my only guess is that The Cardinals (A) keep changing the wall, its been changed every year for the past 3 or 4 years. or (B) there is some licensing issue to where they can't add it in.
# 308 Russell_SCEA @ 04/17/14 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
what is it Russell? A or B?
Yes. ...............
# 309 ryanmc564 @ 04/17/14 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Yes. ...............
I'll take that as a yes too both. totally called it, LOL
# 310 headzapp @ 04/17/14 03:54 PM
Whoops, I meant busch stadium not bush ha ha. I was thinking about the quick counts and how fatigue affects things. If your starter is in the 7th and he is tired will the quick counts give out 2-0, 3-2 counts?
# 311 cubby blue @ 04/17/14 10:27 PM
I have to say it's definitely an upgrade to ps3 version. The crowd, stadium, players, and lighting are all definitely an improvement. I think the animations are similar to the ps3 version. I have the ps3 version and totally love this game. There was a few issues I was having, but with a few slider adjustment, I have it feeling right now.

If you have youtube on your tv, look at it at 1080P on your big screen. That scoreboard at Wrigley looks real to me. Can't wait to put this game in the ps4!!!
# 312 Grub @ 04/18/14 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Yes. ...............
What a bummer. It'd be an awesome feature to add numbers and player graphics to the wall when they retire to the hall of fame over the years in franchise/rtts.
# 313 allgames @ 04/18/14 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
I'm not sure you understand how this works it's a players face which is his likeness. You can't edit those things per MLB rules.

Why can't developers remove/add beards when they update the rosters?

Will you be able to add Grady Sizemores name to the game? He is now only referred to by number.

Thank you Russell!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 314 trombonegod2000 @ 04/18/14 11:02 AM
i didnt have any problems watched the whole thing!1 looks great 2 me...
# 315 Bremser_Rules @ 04/19/14 03:46 PM
9:06 mark is that Hugo from lost in the stands.
# 316 Grub @ 04/19/14 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by allgames
Why can't developers remove/add beards when they update the rosters?

Will you be able to add Grady Sizemores name to the game? He is now only referred to by number.

Thank you Russell!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think a part of it is when they got their face scans, they still had beards. You'd have to get two scans, one with a beard, one without, to get that sort of flexibility.
# 317 nevadaO @ 04/19/14 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Grub
I think a part of it is when they got their face scans, they still had beards. You'd have to get two scans, one with a beard, one without, to get that sort of flexibility.
Yeah it's a little weird. Adam Jones for example has never had more than his tiny mustache he can barely grow and in the PS3 version he looks like Wolverine. Not complaining at all, I love this game and bought the PS3 for The Show and just did the same thing with the PS4 a week ago, just curious as to how some of these guys ended up with so much facial hair.

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