05:15 PM - March 24, 2014 by RaychelSnr
Let's face it, everyone has that one pitch which they just can not hit. This inevitably leads to facing a pitcher with said pitch which just ends in frustration. Last year, I developed a sudden inability to hit big, bending curveballs. Who knows the exact reason why, but at the onset of my time with MLB 13 The Show, curveballs were automatic swings and misses.
This year, I'm sure I'll have a new 'least favorite pitch' to engage with. What about you? What pitch(es) are impossible for you to hit? Which pitchers present you with the most problems?
Sound off with a comment below!
This year, I'm sure I'll have a new 'least favorite pitch' to engage with. What about you? What pitch(es) are impossible for you to hit? Which pitchers present you with the most problems?
Sound off with a comment below!