NBA 2K14 News Post

Like most sports games, NBA 2K14 uses a 0 to 99 rating system as its primary means of deciding what happens during a given possession of basketball.

The addition of 50-plus personality badges and signature skills is where Visual Concepts' algorithms differ from traditional sports gameplay models.

Signature skills like lockdown defender, for instance, can be the difference between forcing a difficult, contested shot and getting shamefully posterized.

This guide compiles information from NBA 2K14's menus about how each signature skill impacts the on-court action.

Read More - NBA 2K14 Signature Skills Guide

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 03/24/14 10:45 AM
Some of those percentages are crazy high. Like pick pocket at 50% !! No wonder people reach so much.
# 2 NUH_UHHHHHHHHHHH @ 03/24/14 12:04 PM
ya i have pick pocket + active hands. U really gets lots of steals with ppl who dont have ball security maxed out.
But i didnt know lockdown defender was so important. will add to my collection haha thx op!
# 3 Coolade @ 03/24/14 03:30 PM
My Player couldnt dunk with a max dunk rating until I spent VC on the Sprite Posterizer perk. Pay 2 Win in a $60 retail game. sigh.
# 4 IamLe9end92 @ 03/25/14 09:42 AM
Lockdown Defender signature skill dosent even ****ing work.
Pick Doger do not work either
Chasedown Artist gives you the wrong blocking animation so you can't get a Chasedown.
# 5 YourHazard216 @ 03/25/14 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by Coolade
My Player couldnt dunk with a max dunk rating until I spent VC on the Sprite Posterizer perk. Pay 2 Win in a $60 retail game. sigh.
Bruh you tripping. My players first dunk was on a fast break and his dunk was only a 30. Idk what your doing wrong but your doing something. And buying a Sig Skill is not a "Pay 2 win" unless you actually spent real money on VC to buy it....which is hardly needed for Sig Skills
# 6 jpshua15 @ 03/25/14 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Coolade
My Player couldnt dunk with a max dunk rating until I spent VC on the Sprite Posterizer perk. Pay 2 Win in a $60 retail game. sigh.
You need to have a dunk package animation applied ...

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# 7 jyoung @ 03/25/14 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by hakeemdaprince
I don't want stuff popping up on my screen while I'll playing.
If you press up on the dpad during gameplay, it will make the signature skills box disappear.
# 8 WildcatZ @ 05/01/14 07:08 PM
Nice Post!

Here is a list of all players and their signature skills! http://basketballplayerratings.com/nba-2k14-signature-skills/
# 9 El_Poopador @ 05/02/14 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by jyoung
If you press up on the dpad during gameplay, it will make the signature skills box disappear.
off topic but is there a way to get the teammate grade/stats box in my career to disappear?
# 10 dopeismarcus @ 05/24/14 09:34 AM
You forgot Ankle Breaker...
# 11 ballbasket111 @ 05/27/14 03:37 PM
Quick question I know this is the wrong forum. But is it possible in association for players to earn new signature skills or are they stuck with what they have. For example, let's say I'm the bobcats and use MKG a lot. Is there any way he develops or I can assign him not signature skills in addition to scrapper that he already has in edit player or anything like that?
# 12 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 05/27/14 03:50 PM
I really liked 2k better before these were introduced
# 13 jaateloauto @ 08/15/14 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by KehliahoMauiFootball
Idk how anyone can disagree with the idea of signature skills. It makes players unique and more real to life. But how it was implemented and if some are over-effective is another story.
That's the problem. When you give on/off skills that represent great qualities on a player they tend to get exaggerated and be on so many players that using a player that doesn't have one an issue.

Attributes like dimer, posterizer, lockdown defender etc. could be just on attributes that go on 25-99. If you have 99 passing you're a dimer and gradually lowering that attribute removes that bonus.

A better way would be maybe make the signature skills just badges reflecting player attributes. A player with 90 dunk would have a posterizer badge, but the badge itself wouldn't do anything. It would be just an easy clue for the user to know without having to look at all the attributes. Some could be a combination of attributes, like eraser could be using block + strength + vertical.

And some signature skills should just plain be represented by attributes. Why is there a brick wall signature skill? Shouldn't setting screens be an attribute from 25 to 99?

Most of the signature skills could be done this way. I'm curious whether there are any that could not? (Maybe floor general, defensive anchor?)
# 14 Number999 @ 08/15/14 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by mars5541
I really liked 2k better before these were introduced
It helps separate guys who deserve over others who don't. I see all the time what's the difference between this guy and that guy in Madden, I think 2k at least allows it so that superstars with these abilities are different from the rest of the pack, albeit I think they may be a bit OP. (especially the stealing ones)
# 15 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 08/15/14 07:19 PM
I'm not about to debate you guys over something I posted in may lol 15 bout to come out we'll see
# 16 lb1294 @ 08/16/14 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by jaateloauto
Most of the signature skills could be done this way. I'm curious whether there are any that could not? (Maybe floor general, defensive anchor?)
Naa they could be attributes under the mental category, maybe a sort of Offensive and Defensive Court Prescence attribute or something

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