MLB 14 The Show News Post

Trevor Long, over at EFTM, has posted a quick MLB 14 The Show gameplay video from the PS4 version.

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 41 SVCbearcat10 @ 03/24/14 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Extremely disappointed, considering that this was one of my more anticipated PS4 titles.

The same swing and miss follow through mechanic is getting difficult to stomach. I was hoping the catcher's gear would fit better. Was looking forward to better player models. Was also hoping for the pitcher to be a bit more "active" on the mound prior to the pitch. Yes, clearly it's a short clip, but these are some recurring things that kills the realism for me.

Will more than likely cancel my Amazon preorder for 2014. Will wait for 2015. My last baseball game was MLB11. I can wait another year for improvements that meets my expectations. Lowering my expectations when more information rolls out.
I don't think you'll ever buy another game again because it sounds like you have unrealistic expectations.
# 42 ShowTyme15 @ 03/24/14 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by SVCbearcat10
I don't think you'll ever buy another game again because it sounds like you have unrealistic expectations.
Seems to be the common theme around here this year from most users.
# 43 PsychoBulk @ 03/24/14 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Extremely disappointed, considering that this was one of my more anticipated PS4 titles.

The same swing and miss follow through mechanic is getting difficult to stomach. I was hoping the catcher's gear would fit better. Was looking forward to better player models. Was also hoping for the pitcher to be a bit more "active" on the mound prior to the pitch. Yes, clearly it's a short clip, but these are some recurring things that kills the realism for me.

Will more than likely cancel my Amazon preorder for 2014. Will wait for 2015. My last baseball game was MLB11. I can wait another year for improvements that meets my expectations. Lowering my expectations when more information rolls out.

Such drastic opinions formed on 35 seconds on a blurry monitor.

Let me just say that again, 35 seconds.

If you still have these views when the official SCEA stuff starts coming out in April in terms of video of the game in motion then ill be damned.

Give them a chance
# 44 Blzer @ 03/24/14 02:34 PM
To be honest, I too haven't liked that foul ball follow-through from the first time I saw it, except I thought it was cool they had a different follow-through. It's been played out though and can probably be refined.
# 45 Rubio809 @ 03/24/14 02:42 PM
Nothing to see here (literally). Move along.
# 46 bwiggy33 @ 03/24/14 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake

The same swing and miss follow through mechanic is getting difficult to stomach.
That swing and a miss follow through is what it should look like when a guy times the pitch that poorly. If you don't want to see the animation then don't miss the ball by that wide of a margin. Now for the CPU obviously you can't control that but honestly how do you want it to look if a guy misses a pitch by that much? To each his own though. If you think MLB 11 isn't worth the upgrade to MLB 14 on PS4, then I cannot possibly take you seriously.

Also I hope it's a port. If they port over the gameplay and then accompany that with the vast amount of additions they can make with the PS4 (animations, frame rate, 1080p, graphics, presentation, and more advanced little things) then this game will continue to be fantastic and improve every year. The gameplay doesn't need much improving. Maybe tuning here and there to ball physics and whatever else that may come along, but that's about it.
# 47 SVCbearcat10 @ 03/24/14 03:37 PM
I'm thinking we are AT LEAST 2 weeks away from PS4 videos. Definitely nothing this week as their energy should be spent on the PS3 release. Then nothing next week because of the PS3 release.
# 48 baseballsim @ 03/24/14 04:27 PM
It says the video is no longer available.
# 49 TerryP @ 03/24/14 04:28 PM
Despite all the complaints, would have loved to seen it, but looks like it's been shut down. I guess everyone can stop complaining at least for now.
# 50 Pezell04x @ 03/24/14 05:29 PM
Bummed I miss this >
# 51 tnixen @ 03/24/14 05:34 PM
glad I downloaded it as soon as I saw it
# 52 nemesis04 @ 03/24/14 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
glad I downloaded it as soon as I saw it
If two guys show up at the door...****n!!!!!!

# 53 PVarck31 @ 03/24/14 05:51 PM
This is a general warning. STOP jumping on people who don't share the same opinion as you. Positive or negative.

A poster expressed his opinions, and they were valid. He did NOT troll. He posted them in a mature manner and did not bash the developers or anyone else who otherwise does not agree with his opinion.

This is not up for debate or discussion.

Thank you.
# 54 MrOldboy @ 03/24/14 05:52 PM
A member here already took the original guy's video and posted to his youtube account while the original was still up. I won't say who or post the link just so that video can stay up a bit longer, but its in another thread if anyone still wants to see the clip. I don't agree with taking someone else's content, but its there.
# 55 Curahee @ 03/24/14 07:58 PM

# 56 d11king @ 03/24/14 08:18 PM
Never played the Show in my life, and I'm still playing ranked matches on MLB2K12 just to satisfy my baseball thirst. I cannot stress enough how much excitement I'm going to have to when this game comes out!!!
# 57 Knight165 @ 03/24/14 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by d11king
Never played the Show in my life, and I'm still playing ranked matches on MLB2K12 just to satisfy my baseball thirst. I cannot stress enough how much excitement I'm going to have to when this game comes out!!!
You'll love it.

# 58 Pezell04x @ 03/24/14 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by d11king
Never played the Show in my life, and I'm still playing ranked matches on MLB2K12 just to satisfy my baseball thirst. I cannot stress enough how much excitement I'm going to have to when this game comes out!!!
Yeah I haven't played since 10. Seeing if I can't get a Vita somewhere on the cheap and play 14 until the PS4 version comes out

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
# 59 LetsGoBucs @ 03/24/14 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Feliz__7
If I could ask a question to Red Sox Nation (LETS GO BUCS), is the green monster the right color?
Looked much better to me (compared to an earlier pic where it looked too bright), but will hold judgement until it's from a better screenshot/video.
# 60 DR Russell @ 03/24/14 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
I bet he'll go ecstatic.
It's a dream come true for most...

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