EA Sports UFC News Post

EA Sports continues their EA SPORTS UFC Gameplay Series with their second EA Sports UFC gameplay video, titled Feel the Fight.


You’ve seen how real the fighters look before the fight starts, now witness them in action. Today EA SPORTS™ UFC® released “Feel the Fight”, the second video in the EA SPORTS UFC Gameplay Series, spotlighting how a fighter’s body reacts to being pushed to the limit (and beyond) in the Octagon®. Powered by EA SPORTS IGNITE, the next-generation of sports games has arrived, where athletes act and react with unparalleled realism. Shockwaves ripple through an opponent’s body after a powerful strike, muscles flex and bodies contort as a submission hold tightens, and bodies breathe, bruise and bleed as the fight goes on - all in real time. With the most realistic damage in any fighting game, not every win will be pretty and sometimes it hurts, even when you come out on top. Watch all the athleticism, intensity and power come together in EA SPORTS UFC Gameplay Series: Feel the Fight now.

EA SPORTS UFC Gameplay Series is a collection of developer videos that go deep into the core features of EA SPORTS UFC with brand new gameplay details and all-new in-game footage. Be on the lookout for more videos in the coming weeks that explore dynamic striking, submission battles, living world, and more.

If you missed the first developer diary video, click here.

Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
EA Sports UFC Videos
Member Comments
# 1 woodson312 @ 03/18/14 12:01 PM
will be gotton
# 2 BDKiiing @ 03/18/14 12:02 PM
I like that armbar from Ronda.
# 3 MattyEdgeworth @ 03/18/14 12:26 PM
Looks great to me, maybe the strikes look a tad stiff but nothing major. It'll be great to see the striking dev diary.
# 4 unfriendlyghst @ 03/18/14 01:11 PM
Looks good. The damage is realistic and not over the top. So far.
# 5 Blitzburgh @ 03/18/14 01:31 PM
It kind of looked stiff to me...It didn't look very fluid and the facial expressions seemed pretty zombie like for only having two people in the ring... I expected much more... just my .02...
# 6 Hooe @ 03/18/14 01:38 PM
The amount of stuff EA has going on here from a graphics standpoint is, to me, simply staggering.

I don't know enough about UFC to say whether the game will play great, but it at least looks really shiny.
# 7 aholbert32 @ 03/18/14 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by RateSports
I feel like I am the only one that thinks they look like clay, emotionless robots.

Edit : Blitzburgh gets me.
Emotionless? I see more facial animations in this trailer than in every UFC game created combined
# 8 dudeitszoltan @ 03/18/14 02:38 PM
EA just doesn't know how to make models, be it basketball players, football players, or UFC fighters. It definitely looks robotic. Classic EA
# 9 Factzzz @ 03/18/14 02:53 PM
This game looks crazy, i think some people expectations may be too high, can't wait to get this game.
# 10 LingeringRegime @ 03/18/14 03:06 PM
I think it looks phenomenal. I dislike EA as much as anyone, but my hype score went from 8 to 9.5 after watching that.
# 11 shutdown10 @ 03/18/14 03:12 PM
Now this is what next gen visuals are suppose to look like. Why does NBA Live or Madden not possess these visuals?
# 12 JazzMan @ 03/18/14 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by RateSports
I feel like I am the only one that thinks they look like clay, emotionless robots.

Edit : Blitzburgh gets me.
Originally Posted by dudeitszoltan
EA just doesn't know how to make models, be it basketball players, football players, or UFC fighters. It definitely looks robotic. Classic EA
Attachment 74505
# 13 allBthere @ 03/18/14 03:53 PM
models look great, hit reactions look pretty good, striking animations are hit and miss with some lacking oompfff and many looking "frame-y" (a big thing across many EA titles I've seen) Best strike sequence to me was thai knee's.
# 14 aholbert32 @ 03/18/14 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Maverick32093209
First off...I am happy to see any sort of gameplay

Strikes looks stiff..and some of the combinations seemed a bit unrealistic. Especially Silva's kick combo. Also...it seems that there are ONLY haymakers I didn't see anything that resembled quick strikes are any truly fluid striking combinations.

As much as THQ sucked...the gameplay was going in the correct direction.
Its a hype trailer. The trailer is only 2 min long. 30 seconds of the trailer shows striking (The rest is grappling, submissions and fighters celebrating).

Even though its a hype trailer (which are designed to show exciting moves not jabs etc.) and only 30 seconds of it shows striking. I saw 4 "quick strikes" in the video:

Gus throws a cross at :9 in the video

Chael throws a jab at :15 sec in the video

Cain throws a short elbow at :24

Rory throws a jab to the body at :37.

There is nothing in this video that would lead you to believe that the game is haymaker heavy.
# 15 LingeringRegime @ 03/18/14 05:00 PM
The share button is going to be incredible with this game.

Exposing cheesers online, and knocking them out, is going to make for great entertainment.
# 16 DaSmerg @ 03/18/14 05:01 PM
Started out real good and then the sizzle faded as the trailer wore on.
# 17 ManiacMatt1782 @ 03/18/14 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by rman
I call BS on this video, this is just like the Madden next gen video that hype the game. When the game actually came it was nothing like the video.
Except the madden video never said taken from actual gameplay footage. This one did. Critique it for what its worth. I am on the side thst thought the animations looked a little stiff, but if it all flows in in feel when actually controlling it. I can give that a pass.
# 18 ERA @ 03/18/14 06:22 PM
This is BY FAR my most anticipated next-gen game.. We need a release date.

I'm amazed by the trailer, I think people put their standards to high. I'm very happy with how it looks!

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# 19 scottyp180 @ 03/18/14 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Its a hype trailer. The trailer is only 2 min long. 30 seconds of the trailer shows striking (The rest is grappling, submissions and fighters celebrating).

Even though its a hype trailer (which are designed to show exciting moves not jabs etc.) and only 30 seconds of it shows striking. I saw 4 "quick strikes" in the video:

Gus throws a cross at :9 in the video

Chael throws a jab at :15 sec in the video

Cain throws a short elbow at :24

Rory throws a jab to the body at :37.

There is nothing in this video that would lead you to believe that the game is haymaker heavy.
Hype trailers are always over analyzed. With madden its "looks like all catches are highlight catches" or "all the tackles are big hits". Then with nba its "way too easy to drive. Looks like you can cross your defender and dunk all game". If these "hype" trailers were just basic average moves or plays it doesn't make the game look exciting.

Hype trailers are like commercials for upcoming ufc events. They don't show fighters dancing around the ring, throwing light strikes, laying on eachother with a voice saying "get ready for these two fighters to go the distance and fight to a decision." Instead they show knock out strikes, submissions, blood, two guys calling eachother out with the overlay voice saying "get ready to see two warriors in a battle for the belt" with dana white chiming in saying "someones gna get knocked out".
# 20 eye guy @ 03/18/14 07:13 PM
Looks better than what I thought it would... Some strikes did look stiff, but it's not as robotic as MMA was.


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