NASCAR '14 News Post

It is about that time again folks.

Forty-three drivers and teams all have hopes of winning the Great American Race, better known as the Daytona 500. If you’re a video game fan of the sport than you already knew that, and you also know that Eutechnyx and new publisher Deep Silver are on the verge of releasing NASCAR The Game 14', a fully licensed title that gives people the chance to jump behind the wheel of their favorite 800 horse-powered machine and hit the track.

We had the chance to sit down with Ed Martin, the Executive Vice President of Eutechnyx, to discuss NASCAR '14 and why fans should be excited to get their hands on this year’s title.

Read More - NASCAR '14 Interview With Ed Martin

Game: NASCAR '14Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 3 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 DKHardee @ 02/14/14 10:15 PM
I was looking forward to this game until I read this interview. I think I'll stick with NASCAR Racing 2003 on the PC.

Hopefully we have better luck on next gen with NASCAR.
# 2 hgg @ 02/15/14 01:05 AM
Only thing I'm worried about is that xbox360 version to be region free as stated at Deep Silver twitter account just to be able to play the freaking game.
# 3 bigdoc85 @ 02/15/14 07:37 AM
I think it will only be a slight improvement to the prior version but It's under $50 and Amazon is offering a $5 pre-order credit so I think I will just go ahead and get it. I'm so bored with the lack of games on the next gen systems right now.
# 4 fnz21 @ 02/15/14 08:57 AM
Any word on whether we can play a season [offline] but change drivers after each race? I remember being able to do this on PS2 versions of the EA's title.
# 5 scottyo60 @ 02/15/14 12:47 PM
My question is why does he bring up sonys rules on user generated content... Wwe games have had community share as have the 2k games now for awhile. Sounds like a cop out to me
# 6 ShottiePippen @ 02/15/14 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by scottyo60
My question is why does he bring up sonys rules on user generated content... Wwe games have had community share as have the 2k games now for awhile. Sounds like a cop out to me
Yeah, his responses regarding the PC version make me think the developers don't really want modding.
# 7 Aggies7 @ 02/15/14 01:32 PM
I still want to know how the career mode will work in detail. Do you start out in K&N and work your way through trucks and nationwide.

And honestly with a baby on the way due April 2nd I can't afford a good PC to load my version on NASCAR 2003 on so I am stuck with console version. And I need a NASCAR fix as I passed on the last one due to EU's lack of fixing issues in their first version
# 8 bluengold34_OS @ 02/15/14 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
I still want to know how the career mode will work in detail. Do you start out in K&N and work your way through trucks and nationwide.

And honestly with a baby on the way due April 2nd I can't afford a good PC to load my version on NASCAR 2003 on so I am stuck with console version. And I need a NASCAR fix as I passed on the last one due to EU's lack of fixing issues in their first version
I do not believe that the game carries the K&N through the Nationwide series yet - but I didn't get that confirmed. Congrats on the newborn though!
# 9 Proof21 @ 02/15/14 03:05 PM
I doubt they could get the lower series in this year..that would be awesome. I expect more of the same from career mode..I'll still pick this game up though.
# 10 bluengold34_OS @ 02/15/14 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Proof21
I doubt they could get the lower series in this year..that would be awesome. I expect more of the same from career mode..I'll still pick this game up though.
You going console or PC Proof?
# 11 Proof21 @ 02/15/14 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by bluengold34_OS
You going console or PC Proof?
I am leaning towards the PS3 as opposed to PC (Just have NR2003 and IRacing) on the PC..what about you?
# 12 bluengold34_OS @ 02/15/14 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Proof21
I am leaning towards the PS3 as opposed to PC (Just have NR2003 and IRacing) on the PC..what about you?
Well I get my review copy for the PS3 today, and a Steam key for access on the PC on Tuesday - so both. In conjunction with Eutechnyx and Deep Silver, we are giving a random member of our OSFC league a free Steam key for NASCAR 14' after the Daytona 500 - So there might be your chance.
# 13 Proof21 @ 02/15/14 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by bluengold34_OS
Well I get my review copy for the PS3 today, and a Steam key for access on the PC on Tuesday - so both. In conjunction with Eutechnyx and Deep Silver, we are giving a random member of our OSFC league a free Steam key for NASCAR 14' after the Daytona 500 - So there might be your chance.
Wow..that is awesome they are doing that! Looking forward to your reviews of the PS3..I will need to add you on PSN.
# 14 bluengold34_OS @ 02/15/14 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Proof21
Wow..that is awesome they are doing that! Looking forward to your reviews of the PS3..I will need to add you on PSN.
Do it man - bluengold034(PSN)
# 15 bluengold34_OS @ 02/15/14 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Segagendude
Ok, and?? Is that a yes or no?? I'd like to know if we can change Harvick, for instance, to a Budweiser sponsor.
That was Ed's direct quote and the way I took it was a no - but that was just the way I interpreted it.
# 16 Aggies7 @ 02/15/14 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by bluengold34_OS
Well I get my review copy for the PS3 today, and a Steam key for access on the PC on Tuesday - so both. In conjunction with Eutechnyx and Deep Silver, we are giving a random member of our OSFC league a free Steam key for NASCAR 14' after the Daytona 500 - So there might be your chance.

Are you aloud to post videos and talk about the game or is there a ND in place until Tuesday?
# 17 BurghFan @ 02/15/14 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
I still want to know how the career mode will work in detail. Do you start out in K&N and work your way through trucks and nationwide.

And honestly with a baby on the way due April 2nd I can't afford a good PC to load my version on NASCAR 2003 on so I am stuck with console version. And I need a NASCAR fix as I passed on the last one due to EU's lack of fixing issues in their first version
Oh how much I would love the lower series in the game. EAs FTTT modes in 2005, 07, and 08 were among my favorites just because of having all the series. (06 was a glitch fest on PS2 and 09 was half-***ed garbage). But I think if they were in, we'd have heard about by now.

Also, congrats on the expected arrival.
# 18 bluengold34_OS @ 02/16/14 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
Are you aloud to post videos and talk about the game or is there a ND in place until Tuesday?
Not until Tuesday from what I have been told from the Publisher - and I will absolutely abide by that(sorry) My copy didn't show up today because of weather I am assuming - so nothing to show or talk about anyways
# 19 Cubfan @ 02/16/14 01:01 AM
Pre ordered the PS3 version from amazon.com and i will be sending you friends request as well Bob.
# 20 bluengold34_OS @ 02/16/14 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Cubfan
Pre ordered the PS3 version from amazon.com and i will be sending you friends request as well Bob.
Always room for another Cubs fan on the friends list!

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