Madden NFL 25 News Post

With next year's Madden game in development, it's never too early to start expressing what we'd like to see the future of the franchise contain feature-wise. With that in mind, we asked the staff what one feature they'd like to see the Madden team implement into the game for not only this year, but for future editions to come.

Predictably, everyone has their own idea for what they'd like to see. Be sure to read our ideas and add your own.

Read More - OS Roundtable: If You Could Add One Feature To Madden...

Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
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# 21 braves_94 @ 02/10/14 07:19 PM
I want a more intelligent throwing system. If QB's like Manning or Brady throw it in tight coverage, at least throw it to a spot where the receiver can only get it, specially if there is no pressure in his face. I want to see more incompletes when throwing it is tight coverage and less interceptions. Maybe institute more a lead that allows you to throw in the area of the receiver, but incomplete. I'm sick of every pass being touched unless you have a streaking receiver going down field and the CPU decides now you're going to over-throw it. And I want to see the right analogue used as a hit stick. And not the arcade-y hit stick of old. But so pressing down on it will provide with a tackle. Hit it too early, and pentalties like face masking and horse-collar will come in play. Hit it late to encourage more fumbles. Or perfect timing for a well executed tackle. Bring some skill back into defense. Make it about timing. Each tackle rating can have their own window. An all pro MLB will have a bigger window than a run of the mill corner back. People you know you love these ideas.
# 22 Gotmadskillzson @ 02/10/14 07:29 PM
I would prefer them bringing back the ability to tackle low or tackle high. Now all tackles are up high. There need to be a precision modifier button for defense. Have it for tackles, have it for swat attempts. There is no excuse for it not being in the game when football games had various ways to tackle depending on the button combination you pressed back on the PS2.

It would add more variety to the game.

1. Tackle high should be high risk and high reward. The reward being you separating the player from the ball. But the risk being either a face mask penalty or targeting penalty.

2. Tackle around the waist option.

3. Tackle low around the legs option.

I always thought it was funny how they highly marketed the all new hurdle system this year for NCAA and Madden but yet 99% of all CPU tackles are up high so you very rarely get to use it.
# 23 24 @ 02/10/14 07:32 PM
Create A Draft Class : With NCAA Football becoming a thing of the past this would be a huge feature. Take a page out of NBA 2k's book and make this happen. As much as I love all of the fun cpu generated classes I would like to create my own every once in a while.
# 24 malky @ 02/10/14 07:35 PM
CPU VS CPU IN FRANCHISE, took it out, put it back in please
# 25 piffbernd @ 02/10/14 07:41 PM
I like what Chris Sanner and Jason Young said in the roundtable. The joke is EA could patch that. I don't understand why EA didn't make a poll with 3 - 5 features and the best is in the next Game.
# 26 Iceman87GT @ 02/10/14 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Segagendude
What's that got to do with the NFL and Madden??
I can see the appeal in having the CFL, and they have created a CFL version of Madden in the past (it was a project of some of the developers as a training exercise or something like that I believe I read it on Kotaku, but I'm certain I found it via a link on this site). It would get some use from people (Canadians), and the ability to have a makeshift Minor League in the game would be great although unrealistic (as rarely does the NFL sign players from the CFL).

If it didn't mean taking up developing time I'd be all for it, but incorporating the CFL would undoubtedly cut into developer time, and would mean further money being put towards securing player, team, and league rights. Its something that would be good to see if Madden ever produces a game on the level of NBA 2K11 (where it is borderline perfect and you struggle to find a way to improve the game), but I think we are several years away from a scenario like that being remotely possible.
# 27 Iceman87GT @ 02/10/14 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by 24
Create A Draft Class : With NCAA Football becoming a thing of the past this would be a huge feature. Take a page out of NBA 2k's book and make this happen. As much as I love all of the fun cpu generated classes I would like to create my own every once in a while.
They said they were working on a way to make this possible this past year, obviously that didn't work out. I hope they haven't abandon that effort and that they will have support for NCAA 14 Draft Classes in Madden 15/26.

At the very least the next Madden needs to have a way to create Draft Classes that can be shared, while simultaneously working to improve the process by which draft classes are generated (I've heard reports that the difference between classes from one franchise to the next are the names, that the gems remain the same no matter what and it becomes a matter of discovering what the gem is named in year 1 of one CFM vs. year 1 of another CFM).
# 28 Bryzine21 @ 02/10/14 08:05 PM
I agree with Jason. Fix what is already there. especially penalties and special teams.
# 29 khaliib @ 02/10/14 08:34 PM
Since College is no longer being sold, I would remove modes outside of Play Now and Owner Mode and inject Playable Bowl games moving away from current format dealing with incoming draftees.

The static way of "Scouting" needs to be revamped from pressing a button just to receive predefined generated data and given some life.

This would open a door for additional $$$ to be made via DLC College Packs (which we know EA loves to make money).

The current Storylines idea would gel perfectly with this concept, as well as adding some additional value to the game.

One can always dream, but back to reality now!!!!

Since it was OK for NFL teams to be exchanged for some fictional teams with some really questionable uniform color choices, at least make an attempt to catch up to all the other games and provide an editable aspect that's suggest you're serious about it.

At minimum, allow Draft Classes from prior NCAA '13 and/or '14 to be used in the game (esp if you're really not going to make any improvements to the drafting aspect)
# 30 Stikskillz @ 02/10/14 08:50 PM
Dynamic injuries within CFM. Allow teams to play with injured players, affecting ratings and thus ability throughout the course of a season. Use percentages that could be tied into ratings (i.e. 'X' player has 100 SPD, but is dealing with a lingering hamstring strain, making him 85% health, causing his speed to be an 85). And resting them would benefit 'X' player so their injury could fully heal, but AWR and/or PRC could decline slightly since he has been out any number of weeks.
# 31 UH53 @ 02/10/14 09:00 PM
Something as simple as the Weather Channel implementation to get live weather like NCAA had in the play now mode. Every now and then I enjoy playing the games of the week and having 65 degree weather in Lambeau or any other cold stadium because I don't want to play in snow is stupid, especially when NCAA has had this feature for a few years. Also I'd like individual player edits like cleat colors, cold weather options like the head gear, individual sleeves, etc. I know these are aesthetic features but they've been sorely missed in this game for a long while. NBA 2K, Live, and FIFA all encompass these features.
# 32 blackngoldfan @ 02/10/14 09:15 PM
I know this would NEVER EVER happen, but I would like to see ALL networks that are involved with the NFL in the game, including network specific commentators. NFC games on FOX, AFC games on CBS, Sunday night games on NBC, Monday night games on ESPN, and Thursday night games on The NFL Network. During exhibition games, choose your preferred network.

Oh yeah, it would be nice to BRING BACK custom cameras and in-game saves.
# 33 Gotmadskillzson @ 02/10/14 09:20 PM
In game saves are already in the game.
# 34 atc43 @ 02/10/14 09:28 PM
Lol Im with Profit...just allow us to mod the game. That would be all we'd ever need.
# 35 shaneralphie1993 @ 02/10/14 09:39 PM
Why can't they just fix the problems we have for the current game before adding new features? I can't get a Connected Franchise started, because it keeps freezing up. I played for 2 and a half hours yesterday to get a Browns rebuild project started. I started altering my roster by signing free agents, cutting players, and adding to my trade block. Then I simmed a week and did a few trade block offers, then checked free agents again. I continued simming, checking, and signing until simming to week one. Then I tried to go to practice mode to check out my new team. It froze trying to load. Wouldn't do anything after that. I lost everything.

I decided it was a fluke and tried again this morning. Signed, Traded, Cut, and Simmed like I wanted too. Checked free agents on last time and it froze while changing positions.

Why can I not get this to work? Fix this EA!!!
# 36 SnakeEyez @ 02/10/14 09:56 PM
full staffs (OC, DC, etc)
# 37 Dewayneknicks @ 02/10/14 10:07 PM
I would love to see ESPN integration. I mean they have the license and they really don't use it at all.
# 38 TreyIM2 @ 02/10/14 10:26 PM
Jayson said it all. Hmph...then Caley said more. The rest, eh. IMPROVE THE DAMN GAMEPLAY AND IMPROVE ON WHAT I SEE TO BETTER CORRELATE WITH WHEN I WATCH ACTUAL NFL FOOTBALL GAME!!! Tired of all these extra bullet points when their core football game needs a ton of work...
# 39 CyberRudy25 @ 02/10/14 10:30 PM
Sportscentre Show in online league and offline leagues. I want a recap show ith all teams and trades and rumor and draft picks. I want Chris Bergman, Mel Kiper and Erin Andrews. We should be able to upload our highlights to madden connected website and be able to watch online leagues on line from Madden webiste instead of twitch. I think Battlefield the uploaded highlights to a website. EA does Batttlefield. So I assume ut would not be hard to do. If another online league game is happening we can see or view game highlights while playing my game. Full media blitz. Billboards, radio station, magazines, twitter, facebook, website, nfl network. , pagers, smartphones, movie scripts. rap alblum, cars, mansion, condos. airplanes buses. women strip clubs, suspension. drug testing. Have a rookie into a star. Music celebrity at halftime. local broadcast and national broadcast.
# 40 wampler13 @ 02/10/14 10:31 PM
It'd be great if there were a way to bring classic teams back.

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