EA Sports UFC News Post

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EA Sports has released a brand new trailer for EA Sports UFC, along with some additional details, as seen below. Developer Diaries are coming soon featuring dynamic striking, submission battles, Living World and more.

Beyond Fighter Likeness
  • Reality is in the details. In the past, games could only recreate certain aspects of an athlete’s likeness. In EA SPORTS UFC, the true essence of each fighter’s appearance has been designed down to the very last detail.
  • After scanning fighters using the most advanced capture technology available, our developers have integrated high-res textures and dynamic lighting to bring an unparalleled level of realism to each and every character model in the game.
Emotion in Action
  • EA SPORTS UFC’s advanced capture process goes far beyond the surface to capture unique expressions and reactions, specific to the fighters themselves.
  • Instead of generic expressions, UFC stars will react just as they would in real life, providing a true range of emotion and credibility to fighters on the EA SPORTS UFC roster.
Octagon Awareness
  • Not only will athletes in EA SPORTS UFC each feature believable looks and personality, expect them to display a sense of awareness and intelligence throughout their fights.
  • From eyes that track opponents to facial expressions that change as each fight unfolds, every character in EA SPORTS UFC will act the way they would in a real fight.
Reach Advantage
  • Faces don’t win fights, and for that reason just as much attention has been put into each fighter’s unique physical attributes as we did their features.
  • Arms, legs and torsos have all been recreated to scale in-game, providing fighters the same advantages in EA SPORTS UFC that they would have in the real Octagon. Whether you’re powering through takedowns with Benson Henderson’s massive legs, or picking opponents apart with Jon Jones’ reach, every action in the Octagon will feel accurate and authentic.
Signature Moves
  • The UFC’s biggest personalities all do things a little differently. EA SPORTS UFC has captured hundreds of distinctive fighter animations ranging from walkout rituals to knockout celebrations that make the fighters feel more like themselves than ever before.
EA Sports UFC arrives in late Spring for Xbox One and PS4. Quite a few hands-on previews are popping up online today, check them out below.

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Game: EA Sports UFCReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 aholbert32 @ 02/20/14 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Batum Shaka Laka
No, swatting jabs down is different from what will be done in this game. In this game it's an auto hard counter that freezes your opponent for an opportunity at a huge counter after successfully parrying.

I other words good luck doubling up your jab or sticking to it on this game. Simply does not happen with any regularity in real life.
You made an assumption that isnt necessarily true. One of the people who reported that the parry system was automatic also reported later that he spoke to Brian Hayes who confirmed that it wouldnt be automatic in the retail version.

With that said, I still disagree with your original statements that parries dont happen in MMA and shouldnt be in the game. We all agree that they shouldnt be automatic and shouldnt have a counter window but I (and others) believe they should be in the game and do occur in MMA.
# 82 Find_the_Door @ 02/20/14 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
You made an assumption that isnt necessarily true. One of the people who reported that the parry system was automatic also reported later that he spoke to Brian Hayes who confirmed that it wouldnt be automatic in the retail version.

With that said, I still disagree with your original statements that parries dont happen in MMA and shouldnt be in the game. We all agree that they shouldnt be automatic and shouldnt have a counter window but I (and others) believe they should be in the game and do occur in MMA.

I respectfully disagree. A handful of professional fighters parry with any regularity. My favorite fighter of all time Big Nog is one of them.
# 83 LingeringRegime @ 02/20/14 08:33 PM
If it doesn't have a promoter mode I will be disappointed. My guess they will say, "We are on a three year plan we can't get everything into this year's offering."
# 84 RyanLaFalce @ 02/20/14 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by LingeringRegime
If it doesn't have a promoter mode I will be disappointed. My guess they will say, "We are on a three year plan we can't get everything into this year's offering."
I would be sad

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# 85 LingeringRegime @ 02/20/14 08:37 PM
At the very least it SHOULD have a CPU vs CPU function. If I remember right EA MMA didn't have that option. But THQ's UFC games did.
# 86 RyanLaFalce @ 02/20/14 08:46 PM
In my opinion, the game would be so boring if it only had exhibition mode, career, and online. It NEEDS GM mode.

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# 87 Money99 @ 02/20/14 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by RyanLaFalce
It needs a GM mode too!

I'd love to have to manage a stable of fighters - all with different personalities and static attributes.
It would be far more rewarding guiding an above average fighter to a title fight, or even winning a belt.
You have to make sure to match him (or her) against fighters who match well with their style.
Maybe you have a fighter that refuses to train and is always battling weight?
Perhaps you have a fighter who was recently cut from the UFC, so you have to start them over in the lower circuits and hopefully get them another UFC contract.

In my opinion, a GM (or Managers mode) was built for combat sports.
# 88 aholbert32 @ 02/20/14 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by LingeringRegime
If it doesn't have a promoter mode I will be disappointed. My guess they will say, "We are on a three year plan we can't get everything into this year's offering."
Yep and that would be a legitimate excuse. My suggestion for everyone is to lower your expectations. Exhibition/Online/Career mode are automatic. Anything else is extra. Building this game from the ground up may not allow EA the time to do things like a GM mode or even Event mode (which I love in THQ's UFC games.
# 89 jeremym480 @ 02/21/14 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by RyanLaFalce
In my opinion, the game would be so boring if it only had exhibition mode, career, and online. It NEEDS GM mode.

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I completely agree. The #1 item on my wishlist for not only this game, but even for all games combined would be a MyGm mode for EA UFC.

I'm just not into single player modes, like My Player or Road to the Show. I'm an Association/Franchise guy and for me a GM mode is a no-brainer.

It doesn't even really have to be that deep because the user should be making up cards and basically all the game has to do is keep track of everything. I've written in detail about this in the past, so I'll save it for now. I just really hope that this is added, if not this year then in the future.

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Yep and that would be a legitimate excuse. My suggestion for everyone is to lower your expectations. Exhibition/Online/Career mode are automatic. Anything else is extra. Building this game from the ground up may not allow EA the time to do things like a GM mode or even Event mode (which I love in THQ's UFC games.
My expectations are low when it comes to a MyGm mode, heck as soon as the full fighter list is revealed I'm going to get to work on updated my spreadsheets.

I would be really disappointed if Event Mode isn't in, but I guess it's not the end of the world.
# 90 woody2goody @ 02/21/14 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by jeremym480
I completely agree. The #1 item on my wishlist for not only this game, but even for all games combined would be a MyGm mode for EA UFC.

I'm just not into single player modes, like My Player or Road to the Show. I'm an Association/Franchise guy and for me a GM mode is a no-brainer.

It doesn't even really have to be that deep because the user should be making up cards and basically all the game has to do is keep track of everything. I've written in detail about this in the past, so I'll save it for now. I just really hope that this is added, if not this year then in the future.

My expectations are low when it comes to a MyGm mode, heck as soon as the full fighter list is revealed I'm going to get to work on updated my spreadsheets.

I would be really disappointed if Event Mode isn't in, but I guess it's not the end of the world.
We need Event Mode at the bare minimum. That was one of my favourite things to do against a friend, pick 8 fighters each and see who can come out on top over the duration of a pay-per-view.

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# 91 CaliDude916 @ 02/21/14 03:41 PM
I'm loving what I'm seeing so far. As long as the parry system isn't like Fight Night, I'll be happy.
# 92 aholbert32 @ 02/21/14 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by woody2goody
We need Event Mode at the bare minimum. That was one of my favourite things to do against a friend, pick 8 fighters each and see who can come out on top over the duration of a pay-per-view.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
I want it to be in the game. Event mode is probably the mode I've used the most in any game in the last 2 yrs. I just have a feeling that it wont be in there.
# 93 jeremym480 @ 02/27/14 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Maverick32093209
When I all comes down to it the modes don't matter. If they get the gameplay right then we will want more modes and buy the next game. if the gameplay is wrong...it wont matter what modes are included it will be a dud.

for me if they can make gameplay good and online connections solid...I will be happy with almost whatever they put out

# 94 strawberryshortcake @ 03/14/14 09:24 AM
After seeing this trailer, my excitement has significantly tapered off. Yes, I'm going to hear it from those that say you can't really give much weight to trailers, small clips, etc.

Small gameplay footage: @1:35 mark onward, striking has that EA signature robotic movement. Even the grappling looks "tame" with no force. I guess the word I'm looking for is "lifeless" so to speak. Yes, it's in slow motion but you can sort of extrapolate what might happen during live gameplay. Secondly, I'm hoping the entrances has more dynamic camera angles. I was hoping the PS4/XB1 could allow developers to inject more soul/life into these characters.

Personally, disappointed. Now, the waiting game for a more definitive impression.
# 95 fballturkey @ 03/15/14 05:04 PM
I'll be pretty surprised if there is no event mode, even if it's a really basic one. It's just a series of exhibition fights in a row in the same arena with a little extra presentation.

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