MLB 14 The Show News Post

Operation Sports reader tedus captured a few videos from his MLB 14 The Show hands-on in Taiwan. He also grabbed a couple of screenshots showing off the new front end, which confirms online franchise.

Below are a few of his impressions, after playing for 10 minutes. More info is sure to come soon, but until then, enjoy.
  • The field/batting camera changed!
  • Presentation almost the same!
  • Control felt good!
  • Base running animation felt some different!
  • Fielding felt more responsive

MLB 14 The Show screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 101 soxin12 @ 01/26/14 10:04 PM
Not sure if anyone has been to OPs Youtube page in the past few minutes, but the fielding looks incredibly refined. Especially that double play
# 102 Curahee @ 01/26/14 10:08 PM

# 103 dallas0112 @ 01/26/14 10:09 PM
Probably an early build, small thing I noticed, Ellsbury had his Boston beard on the Yankees. Looked good though.
# 104 soxin12 @ 01/26/14 10:11 PM
I think I speak for all of us when I say, thank you for being able to upload some gameplay for us.

You could have simply hid in the dark, but instead you shared the wealth, haha.

Although I plan on buying the PS4 and Vita versions only, it is great to have an idea of what to expect on this year's release!
# 105 bronxbombers21325 @ 01/26/14 10:12 PM
Still don't have the Orioles helmets right. I know there is nothing SCEA can do about it though.
# 106 Curahee @ 01/26/14 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
On a more serious note, I noticed the Pirates had no numbers on their uniforms, which leads me to think this is a very early build. Also I noticed with Boston they had a white jersey, with gray pants. Maybe this means we can finally mix and match every aspect of the uniforms this year. I'm sure the ball trail can be disabled. Everyone knows they put a million options in every year, so everyone should be able to set it up exactly like they want. Game looks great, really excited so far. Oh, and do hope they get rid of Jacoby Ellsbury's beard in the final build.
Thats why I said before, dont get TOO concerned with the presentation.
This is a demo version, so we have no idea what has or has not been added to the final version.
# 107 ShowTyme15 @ 01/26/14 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Curahee
Thats why I said before, dont get TOO concerned with the presentation.
This is a demo version, so we have no idea what has or has not been added to the final version.
You know how this goes its the same thing every year........early build comes out and everyone thinks it's the real thing…..........then they become a critic.
# 108 tnixen @ 01/26/14 10:33 PM
Guys i just can not imagine what the PS4 version is going to look like. I mean this is just the PS3 version and I think it looks awesome in its on right. This is only going to make the wait for the PS4 version that much harder. MLB 14 The Show is going to cause a lot of sleepless nights for all of that's for sure.

Simply put Sony San Diego Studios has the best game developers in the world!
# 109 Knight165 @ 01/26/14 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Guys i just can not imagine what the PS4 version is going to look like. I mean this is just the PS3 version and I think it looks awesome in its on right. This is only going to make the wait for the PS4 version that much harder. MLB 14 The Show is going to cause a lot of sleepless knights for all of that's for sure.

Simply put Sony San Diego Studios has the best game developers in the world!

Get it RIGHT!

# 110 smiley3 @ 01/26/14 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Curahee

Can't see this for some reason
# 111 Blzer @ 01/26/14 10:42 PM
Well... not going to dissect the videos, but the overall impression was positive (though surprising).

In the end, I think there is a larger demographic being reached here. This felt more like a video game. Not like wacky ball physics and every hit being a home run, but everything on the screen (including the new cameras) felt videogame-ish. And that's not a bad thing. If you saw my gameplay video in that other thread, you'd notice that I literally turn off everything for the 'authentic' experience. I just might change that this year if it coincides well and can just feel like a video game again.

The Show could always get a knock for feeling too realistic, in that maybe we would question that something is happening that's out of our control or was not programmed to function in a certain way. I think these dynamic cameras debunk a lot of that, and in a way they're a breath of fresh air. From what looks straight out of the MLB 2K playbook, I don't really know if I like the offensive one yet fully (once it goes into the field, as in if that's what I had to stick with the entire time), though it's super cool there's no actual cutaway from contact and the point after contact will feel suspenseful on possible home runs, and more so gratifying on no-doubters. Both feature awesome dynamicity, something I haven't really seen out of cameras in The Show before.

The information is still young-yet, and I'm holding onto hope that at the very least, the PlayStation 4 version of this franchise will ultimately feature a generic broadcast camera more true-to-life, and maybe even someday boast 30 unique broadcast cameras (one tied to every stadium) that are as representative to the television broadcasts that we see as humanly possible. Until then, I admire that they still pander to all audiences and look to be creating a combination of an ultimate video game experience and a baseball/MLB simulation, and I'll be with ya'll every step of the way!
# 112 Curahee @ 01/26/14 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by smiley3
Can't see this for some reason
Unfortunately I would have to say it is you because I can see them fine and so can others.
My suggestion to you is to watch a video you can see and select his channel and see his other videos there....

# 113 Yanks22 @ 01/26/14 10:56 PM
Looks cool but this is all ps3 footage so it's basically just same as last year. Waiting to see official ps4 footage as that is what system I will be playing this on
# 114 Bawstun @ 01/26/14 11:01 PM
Probably sound like a broken record, but love the new menu design, looks like SCEA took a page out of FIFA 14's book
# 115 pirates1fan @ 01/26/14 11:06 PM
Well this is exciting. Didn't expect anything on a Sunday. Just thought I might check at the end of the day to see what forums were up, and what do you know!

I am happy to see some things. I like the looks of it so far, but not going to comment to extensively. Really like the pitch count thing and the cameras though.

I am happy to hear this, but it just makes me all the more excited for the PS4 version. I happy to just see something though. And the PS3 version still looks great. I am kind of sad that I sold my PS3, especially if there is a two month difference in release dates. But oh well. Patience is a virtue.
# 116 I3RIS3H @ 01/26/14 11:29 PM
Awesome to come on here and see the videos. One thing was fixed that would probably go unnoticed and wouldn't bother anyone, but me, is the crowd in the first inning. In 13 they would be on their feet cheering through the entire 1st inning, minor, but annoying to me.. nice to see that has been fixed as evidenced by one of the videos .

Looks good!
# 117 ajblithe20 @ 01/27/14 12:09 AM
Looks like there's some nice new additions, like the pitch count. And I'm really excited about Manny Machado's new batting stance!
# 118 BSUFAN @ 01/27/14 12:46 AM
Great videos thank you. I like in the scorebug they give you the type of pitch and speed on every pitch, just another nice touch.
# 119 Curahee @ 01/27/14 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by NYGiants4Natic
I beg to differ since the fielding in the game is still all scripted

# 120 Woodweaver @ 01/27/14 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by NYGiants4Natic
I highly doubt that the PS3 version will be anything but a paint job from what we got last year. With PS4 in development you can expect the PS3 version to not get many if at all realistic changes.

You are incorrect.

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