NBA 2K14 News Post

The NBA 2K14 patch for PS4 is available now and according to Ronnie, will be available "later" for Xbox One.

The patch fixes MyCAREER save file and The Park connectivity issues. If patch notes are released, we'll update this post.

Let us know what you're seeing.

Simballer has checked in with some details.

Patch 3 is the big one folks. Lots in there, so it's requiring some solid development time. This patch just resolves a few key issues to get some people playing and to ensure a few key services are functioning correctly. The lead time on patches (from when we're done to release) for XB1/PS4 is upwards of 2 weeks depending on first party load.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 201 ManiacMatt1782 @ 12/04/13 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by manny2012
I think that's a bit extreme to say "grossly affected". They aren't done fixing it yet. I still am giving them a chance to redeem themselves. They are the best sports gaming company aside santa monica studios and won't leave there product the way it is.
Meh, They pulled an EA with the Next Gen release. No excuse to completely abandon online association, and replace it with an online league that made the 2k11 leagues seem full featured. You are moving forward in technology, you should not be moving backward with your feature set. Yes the gameplay has slightly improved off of current gen, But in general the game as a whole is a marginal step backward. And there simply is no excuse for that.
# 202 RajonRondo @ 12/04/13 02:02 PM
The injury bug still exist, a guy gets injured, is never seen again and will never play a game again unless you reset injuries. Unreal, I thought this patch was supposed to fix that?
# 203 ponderguy @ 12/04/13 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by cthurt
So crazy that this has to be patched into the game, what was 2k thinking when it came to this game, just alot of failed ideas it seems.
haven't had any of these issues on the xbox one
# 204 Sundown @ 12/04/13 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by ryantheplague
you know, if 500k people spent $10 in vc, that's an extra $5mil in their pockets. i think that's pretty reasonable to assume that's the case for 2k13/2k14. with all this extra money, why can't there be more testing or more devs hired to make the game even releasable? we know they didn't upgrade their servers, that's for sure.

someone should make a poll.
That's an extra $5mil to develop more VC-sinks.

# 205 2ksince07 @ 12/04/13 02:29 PM
This is the best & worst 2k i ever purchased. Cant get pass loading screen in My Player. MFML. MyGM is the only thing thats stopping me from pure insanity.
# 206 SPRINGS03 @ 12/04/13 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by manny2012
I think that's a bit extreme to say "grossly affected". They aren't done fixing it yet. I still am giving them a chance to redeem themselves. They are the best sports gaming company aside santa monica studios and won't leave there product the way it is.
Yeah, but they are the best sports game company by default, there's not that much competition for basketball games lol
# 207 SPRINGS03 @ 12/04/13 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by taterskin
Ronnie 2K 2K14@Ronnie2K 16h
There are things addressed in patch beyond two I mentioned earlier, including gameplay improvements. Hopefully you guys enjoy #NBA2K14

Can't understand why there are no patch notes to define the "things addressed in patch beyond two I mentioned earlier". The two he mentioned earlier are obviously the my career saving/freezing issue and the park. So WHAT else exactly did it address??
I'm sure they're being vague about the patch details on purpose honestly. That's pretty ridiculous, you can't just say "it addressed other issues". What exactly did it address? By being that vague you make it seem like you're not confident in the "improvements" it made and don't want to be called out on them. Seriously, come on now.
# 208 2ksince07 @ 12/04/13 02:38 PM
Don't get me wrong MyGM is broken too..But still playable. THJr was injured 4-6 weeks. Yet, he didn't play the whole season. Of course you can't trade or release injured players. (not that i should be forced too) But that makes it worse. Comical. So right now 2k is looking like a draft pick with hype & extremely high potential. Its either gonna be Kwame Brown or LBJ.
# 209 LorenzoDC @ 12/04/13 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by SPRINGS03
I'm sure they're being vague about the patch details on purpose honestly. That's pretty ridiculous, you can't just say "it addressed other issues". What exactly did it address? By being that vague you make it seem like you're not confident in the "improvements" it made and don't want to be called out on them. Seriously, come on now.
2k's history of evasion does not make me think good things.

Let's see: either they had to do a ton of stuff and they don't want to publicly acknowledge how much of the game at launch was an incomplete, hot mess


They only did a couple of things and don't want to get slammed in another round of volleys for all the things they didn't get to.

I'm guessing #2 is right. This fix must have been about some real basic accessibility breaks in the game that became apparent right after launch. They worked on those, tested them, and shipped it to Sony & MS for approval. Then they got his with a wave of experienced gamers actually playing the game and finding a ton more problems, some of which they're trying to address in Patch 3, immediately in the works after this patch.

Maybe patch 3 will be out by Christmas.
# 210 cblazosek @ 12/04/13 03:02 PM
No, but I have a problem in myGM where instead of loading to the normal screen it loads my save file right to a discussion between the trainer and GM, but there is no text or prompts on the side. It is purely blank
# 211 WTF @ 12/04/13 03:03 PM
Yep. Likewise for me. And I refuse to start again. I'll patiently wait for it to be fixed.
# 212 bodymore @ 12/04/13 03:22 PM
At least I have player of the game highlights online now. Does anybody know how to look at the highlights for each player?
# 213 canucksss @ 12/04/13 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by ryantheplague
you know, if 500k people spent $10 in vc, that's an extra $5mil in their pockets. i think that's pretty reasonable to assume that's the case for 2k13/2k14. with all this extra money, why can't there be more testing or more devs hired to make the game even releasable? we know they didn't upgrade their servers, that's for sure.

someone should make a poll.
If the patch number 3 is the big thing, simballer mentioned this and honestly i dont know what he meant by that, and it will be released before Dec. 15 for us to enjoy during Christmas break then all is fine with me.

BUT if patch #3 will not address the glaring issues on myCareer and myGM, I would really hope 2K will give us A BIG DISCOUNT for 2k15 And no not in VC value but real MONEY. For common people, like me, $60 is a big money and I hate to think that I WASTED my hard earned $$$ for a product that is not fully functional.
# 214 itbeme23 @ 12/04/13 04:06 PM
All I have to say is.....Yikes.

After reading all 22+ pages of this thread, I'm shaking my head in disbelief. Seems like the patch did more breaking than patching, that's for sure. I'm not a big My Player guy, but I did start one just to get a break from playing quick games with the Clippers. I haven't experienced any freezing or errors up to this point, and I'm in late November of my season. I'm normally an offline Association guy, and I don't even know if that's going to be possible now. My GM is what they replaced Association with, right? So the issues that continue to plague My Player and The Park, I can live with for right now. But the inability to locally save sliders and rosters is just beyond ridiculous. It's so annoying that I have to re-input sliders for every Quick Game that I play. I do it, but I figured this would've been a somewhat "easy" fix for 2K, and obviously, it wasn't even addressed in this patch. I'm going to continue waiting for the big 3rd patch that's supposed to be in the works, because this really is a great game, but this was by far one of the most painful threads I've ever read on OS.

# 215 WitIsWisdom @ 12/04/13 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by dat boi Q
Are you serious. We'll if it is true I am done with this game.
Yeah.... I still crash every game in the 2nd possession with error code CE-34878-0.... so frustrating. I will not start over. Shame, because I liked the game. If this problem is not resolved this will be the last product I EVER buy from them... and I buy plenty.
# 216 ryantheplague @ 12/04/13 04:39 PM
this and the comments made me LOL.


the whole thing is just making me madder.
# 217 HenryClay1844 @ 12/04/13 05:33 PM
I just bought this games and it is disheartening to read about all the freezes and problems and lack of communication. The EA mode of gaming business is winning out. Does no company care about their customers?
# 218 NDiLeo25 @ 12/04/13 05:35 PM
STILL no individual defense settings
Playbooks STILL do not work

2K you are a joke flat out joke ... EA here i come
# 219 itbeme23 @ 12/04/13 05:55 PM
Is there anyway to bypass this patch??? I don't want to have the volume issues that some are experiences. The fixes to My Player don't mean as much to me, but the volume/music issue will just kill the immersion factor of the game for me.
# 220 South318 @ 12/04/13 06:15 PM
The focused too much on implementing VC, now look!

I know NOT to buy another NBA 2k game until they get it together.

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