NBA 2K14 News Post

PlayStation 4 owners have exclusive access to NBA 2K14 for a week or so, and if you own the game be sure to post your impressions below!

Our full review of NBA 2K14 is coming next week!

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 261 WTF @ 11/16/13 12:45 PM
I had to change the listen mode, kept cycling through Theater, Movie, etc on my receiver til I found one that allowed the announcers to be prominent.
# 262 lnin0 @ 11/16/13 12:46 PM
I don't understand...everyone just seems to want to complain but doesn't have realistic expectations. They way I see it there are three realistic options and people are going to complain about any of them.

1) Last gen dressed up as next gen with ai and graphical tweaks and all the modes your familiar with. (this is what 2k did last gen and got railed on for and is similar to EAs football strategy this gen)

2.) New next gen engine that focuses on true next gen gameplay leap and sets the foundation for the next five years. Development time limits feature/mode set that can be included with initial release. (2K has taken this approach and similar to EAs approach last gen)

3.) No launch version and a year's wait to have your cake and eat it too.
# 263 j3nkins29 @ 11/16/13 12:49 PM
Like others have said the gameplay and presentation is amazing. It does suck that they have removed many things that are in current gen currently. I assume they had to because they created a new game instead of just porting the game. Hopefully everything returns in 2k15.
# 264 RGmoney @ 11/16/13 01:13 PM
Guys, there is a Q&A thread now, here: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...-q-thread.html

Please use it for your questions,and leave this thread for Impressions.

# 265 Knux-Future @ 11/16/13 01:30 PM
To not come off as a debbie downer and a ***** I am going to talk about soe of the good things.

The gameplay is awesome. You have to play real defense, gambling is penalized heavily now. Stay with you man. Also you cant spam block and steal and get buy because now dudes will score on you and not go into set animations.

Some things I need to tweak or get sliders from here but gameplay wise the game is great.

Too bad it is getting dragged down by some questionable omissions. The whole they didn't have time excuse is legit but it doesn't sit well with me because of the extra stuff they did add. That feels like it should have been something they saved for 2k15 when they did have time. Plus some decisions feel really stupid. Such as being able to save your own rosters....only when you are offline. I found this out as the servers are spotty right now. So the capability is there but it is only if you play offline like fully offline.

Still having fun but I won't play as long as I have in the past. Just no real incentive to do so when 2k left out some personally crucial features.
# 266 eslimm @ 11/16/13 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Ricky Rozay
PC doesnt even come close to this, wtf you talking about? 2K13 with mods cant touch this...
He's basically saying now that the consoles has caught up with the graphics and all that can now be incorporated to the PC and from there the mods can go further with customization with great graphics now

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# 267 cb1115 @ 11/16/13 01:45 PM
Forgot to mention earlier that the crowd has been improved dramatically. It's not perfect but it feels way more alive than current gen.
# 268 Csquared @ 11/16/13 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by cb1115
Forgot to mention earlier that the crowd has been improved dramatically. It's not perfect but it feels way more alive than current gen.
Thank god! Friday can't get here any sooner!
# 269 MannyFresco @ 11/16/13 02:03 PM
Can't wait to get thing game for my xbox one. Thanks to all you PS4 guys for sharing your experience.
# 270 CMH @ 11/16/13 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by cb1115
Forgot to mention earlier that the crowd has been improved dramatically. It's not perfect but it feels way more alive than current gen.
Yes. Crowd really gets pumped and seems to understand the situation much better than current gen.

It's almost scary how good they are because just as I'm about to pump my fists, I hear the crowd working with me.

Also never noticed this before in current gen but maybe the crowd is just so much more prominent I'm paying attention to them: I was taking crucial free throws and they went silent. And somewhere between the ball leaving the shooter's hands and going into the basket, you could hear a few thousand start cheering and it then grows into a stadium cheer when it clears the net. Very nice little touch.

I'm gonna use that word again. Organic.
# 271 erkizzlemynizzle @ 11/16/13 02:11 PM
This is, hands down, the BEST sports sim of all time gameplay wise.

The menu/server/roster situation, however, is testing my patience. It is almost ruining the entire experience for me.

The menus, whatever. It's dumb but I can get used to it. But to have your custom rosters dependent on the server actually working and not being able to save them to your own hard drive is asinine, asiTEN, asiELEVEN. I can't come up with one logical reason they would do this.

Like right now, I can basically only play quick games with the default out of box roster because the servers are apparently down. UNACCEPTABLE.
# 272 Mckinley Cash @ 11/16/13 02:15 PM
As happy as I am with NG NBA 2K14.......


As for this year's edition, I give it an 8.0/10. Strictly for comparison, I'd say Madden 25 NG is a 5.5/10. There's room for for improvement in both but NBA has come out of the gate stronger.

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# 273 Knux-Future @ 11/16/13 02:24 PM
They fix the roster stuff (just give us the option to save it to our harddrive...it's there. With the servers down you can stil ledit a roster and it comes up as custom) and perhaps CAP even in it's current limited form and this game is fixed for me.

But of course they wont. Its sad that them 2k dudes get ghost when things aren't going well and only appear to post good news on twitter. They are big jokes
# 274 sooner1 @ 11/16/13 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by BChizzle
Is there a way to just play Season mode? And is the game skipping a bit for anyone else? Like, it's not...."smooth"
Yes mine is skipping and freezing up!! I just deleted everything and gonna try again
# 275 gabrielfbenachio @ 11/16/13 02:50 PM
Does the next gen have the Euroleague teams?
# 276 TeeDogg @ 11/16/13 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Knux-Future
They fix the roster stuff (just give us the option to save it to our harddrive...it's there. With the servers down you can stil ledit a roster and it comes up as custom) and perhaps CAP even in it's current limited form and this game is fixed for me.

But of course they wont. Its sad that them 2k dudes get ghost when things aren't going well and only appear to post good news on twitter. They are big jokes
I hope they can patch this in, I NEVER play with default rosters.
# 277 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 11/16/13 03:03 PM
Kyrie is so spot on I sware .
# 278 LiquidGotti @ 11/16/13 03:43 PM
Anyone notice that the crowd in OKC stays standing up at the beginning of the game until the thunder score their first point?
Not sure if that's in current gen but that's nicest attention to detail
# 279 solofx7 @ 11/16/13 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
I had only limited time with it because somehow my PS4 got stuck installing and I needed to reboot it before it would progress. All I got to play was the Quick Game between the Heat and Spurs. I had to quit out-- I got really antsy and annoyed having my first impression of this beautiful game be a quick game with no commentary that felt more like a scrimmage backed by a soundtrack I've already heard 100 times.

I would personally recommend letting the install finish and getting the full in your face experience.

Anyway, my quick impressions:

Cinematics-- I was blown away by the pre-game intros. These sequences in the game actually look as good and move as smoothly as all the glitzy trailers we've ALL been watching. I watched and studied them for months and I still said, "are you serious?" when I had to force myself to believe it was being rendered in real-time.

Gameplay-- again, very limited time with the sticks. But the game DOES NOT feel like current-gen. Sure, it's extremely similar to current-gen and has 2K's DNA all over it, but it does NOT feel quite like 2K14 CG with a graphical port. Somehow they managed to make the game feel more planted AND smoother and more responsive at the same time. No, it's not perfect, but it feels a lot more loose and a lot less suction-y (which I don't have a big problem with) from what I could tell.

New animations are everywhere. The game clearly looks like a video game, but it's littered with little, new, lifelike animations that keep making you go "whoa", especially when you're used to looking at and playing past games. I love the contest animations. I love that they seem more contextual and responsive again (after the sluggish contests/hands-up of CG 2K14). I can't wait to play a full, proper game with my Warriors.

In-Game Visuals-- NONE of the streams do this game justice. They show of the game engine's flaws, but NONE of its smoothness. It really runs at a buttery 60fps when everything we've seen of gameplay so far shows it chugging at 25 or so due to the capture and video bandwidth. The game runs incredibly smooth.

Editing-- Editing options look solid and then some. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that we can edit not only WINGSPANS, but also SHOULDER WIDTH and BODY LENGTH! THAT I did not expect at all. After a few tweaks-- wider shoulders, shorter arms, longer body-- David Lee looked even more like himself. Gave Curry slighter shoulders and he looked a bit better too (though not sure if more accurate). With the ability to tweak body proportions, the players of our team will resemble themselves even more on court on top of their uncannily accurate face scans.

NBA Today-- the map idea is neat but I almost prefer CG's implementation that lets you get to games quickly. Actually what I'd REALLY like would be an NBA Today that looks more like the League Pass apps or the NBA.com website where you see schedules and scores of games. Selecting one should allow you to play or watch highlights from the game if they exist. I was also hoping NBA Today allowed full access to the day's various highlights and didn't just automatically play Daily Zap in a cropped box. Ah well. Still cool to get a quick look at action around the league whenever I play 2K.

Also love the emotion badges, though I didn't quite agree with some of the for the Warriors, nor really got to try them out.

That's it for now. Can't wait to play the game proper.
I agree, I am blown away by the intros as well as many other things. I must take my hat off to 2K for making a next ten title and not a port. They did not take the easy way out at all. I do love the daily zap and wish we had control of it, but think of it this way, look at other games, they don't look to innovate at all. At least 2K tries new ideas. I love them for that. The live scores and updates of games that are going on, with announcing about those games? That is insane. This is next gen.
# 280 solofx7 @ 11/16/13 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Comduklakis
So the consensus I'm seeing from reading various threads is the gameplay and graphics are spectacular. Unfortunately people are unhappy about the menus, lack of editing ability, incomplete rosters, and the use of VC in My GM mode (among other things such as lack of editing, no 30 team control, etc.).

Seems about par for the course. Next gen system that wanted to look great and play great, add a fancy new feature that sounds great (MYGM) but didn't fill in some of the details that were needed.

I'm on the fence. I only play sports games and I might wait to get a PS4 until The Show comes out unless I hear some very positive things about the trade and free agent signing logic in MYGM mode and some very positive feedback on the quality of the rosters and draft classes. In the meantime 30 team control on the ps3 it is.

lol, a little joke about allen inverson and "practice." to be honest... we have a game that looks so next gen it looks real and it has 2K DNA all over it and plays better than current gen. Yes there are some small things missing, but overall we have the best looking, best playing next gen game by far. So I personally have nothing to complain about. I started on Lakers v Celtics on the genesis, so you know I am impressed. There are so many little things I would not know where to start....

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