NBA Live 14 News Post

Press Row Podcast host Rich Grisham checks in today with a hands-on preview of NBA Live 14 for next-gen consoles. Here are a few nuggets from the article:
  • Controls are layered, meaning anyone can pick up and play -- but there's a good bit of depth to be mastered as well.
  • Defensive controls are done mainly via the left stick. The LT puts you in a defensive stance wherever you are at on the floor.
  • Overall the game plays solid, but Rich is hesitant on giving it a ringing endorsement but instead says its a solid foundation for next-gen basketball.
  • There will be a day-one patch.
What do you think about what you read? Sound off below!

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 cepwin @ 11/13/13 08:42 PM
Both RipCityAndy and scottyp180 make some good points. While showing gameplay would be nice perhaps they are concerned in that their graphics aren't 2Ks so they're trying to emphasize their strengths. I decided it's worth picking it up but it is a foundation for the future so decent sales now will allow them to build.
# 62 c1979h @ 11/18/13 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by cepwin
Both RipCityAndy and scottyp180 make some good points. While showing gameplay would be nice perhaps they are concerned in that their graphics aren't 2Ks so they're trying to emphasize their strengths. I decided it's worth picking it up but it is a foundation for the future so decent sales now will allow them to build.
Its not worth picking up if its not even worth a next gen price tag, sell it for 29.99 like 2k was doing when it was better than live. In what world should consumers pay top dollar for gameplay and no graphics, only in EA's world lol. Gameplay is not there either, I know you were being generous, they could have sold it on the arcade or the playstation store
# 63 GisherJohn24 @ 11/19/13 11:16 AM
It will be 49.99 after Christmas

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