NBA 2K14 News Post

Next-Gen NBA 2K14 certainly loves detail, as seen in the latest screenshot. Check out the detail of the basket, camera, shot clock, wiring, net and more. November 15th can't get here soon enough.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 swaggedout @ 11/09/13 01:31 PM
These guys are putting in work. The attention to detail is crazy.
# 2 EAGLESFAN10 @ 11/09/13 01:32 PM
The Details in this game is unbelievable ... just crazy
# 3 MarvinOida @ 11/09/13 01:37 PM
The only company who can post a picture OF A BASKET and no one really will care and show their fanboy-side.

Seriously, WTF? A week till PS4 launch and just barebones with details. No Livestreams of Gameplay? Like seriously. Enough with Screenshots, stop hiding and tell us everything. Would love to know Online, creation hub, classic teams, and a lot more.

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# 4 EAGLESFAN10 @ 11/09/13 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
The only company who can post a picture OF A BASKET and no one really will care and show their fanboy-side.

Seriously, WTF? A week till PS4 launch and just barebones with details. No Livestreams of Gameplay? Like seriously. Enough with Screenshots, stop hiding and tell us everything. Would love to know Online, creation hub, classic teams, and a lot more.

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I ain't no fanboy lmfao .... I just said the detail was unbelievable and crazy .... doesn't make me a fanboy
# 5 MarvinOida @ 11/09/13 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by EAGLESFAN10
I ain't no fanboy lmfao .... I just said the detail was unbelievable and crazy .... doesn't make me a fanboy
We don't need this pic though... We already know that the detail is amazing. No need to establish that with ANOTHER screenshot

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# 6 The 24th Letter @ 11/09/13 01:56 PM
I wish they'd give us something like a MyGM Insight....
# 7 quehouston @ 11/09/13 02:01 PM
The net still looks essentially unchanged. Net physics have always been off in 2k, it moves way too much. It may not be a big deal for a lot of people, but I hate when I hit a shot and the net doesn't act the way it should lol. Hopefully they toned it down a little.

I hope some time in the future they completely redo the look of the net, this design is just outdated. It's basically been the same since 2k6 last gen.

But everything else, looks phenomenal.
# 8 MarvinOida @ 11/09/13 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by swaggedout
Online online online, every year, online. Then the game comes out, then the cheesing start, and the hacking, and the connection issues. Online is always the same. Classic teams are in, create a player, custom rosters, ability to custom rookies. Mygm mode, a season mode for those who don't want to deal with all the gm stuff. Better animations, better footplanting, player emotion, unbelievable detail to graphics, a few gameplay videos to give an idea of what to expect, etc etc. They're not going to tell or show every detail. Never have.

I not a fanboy, but the level of detail is on point. Some people will never be able to enjoy anything, because they find ways not to.
But we are a WEEK BEFORE THE GAME COMES OUT. Like how long we can go in myGM? Can I play multiple seasons in the barebones Season mode? Specifically who's the classic teams? How does create a player work? How is CREATE A TEAM? Is there anything new with the creation hub? How do we play in the Park? What does the Park look like?

Lot of questions, little answers before launch. I don't need a screenshot to tell me the graphics.

Edit: where did that post go? Lol.

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# 9 Escobeats @ 11/09/13 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
The only company who can post a picture OF A BASKET and no one really will care and show their fanboy-side.

Seriously, WTF? A week till PS4 launch and just barebones with details. No Livestreams of Gameplay? Like seriously. Enough with Screenshots, stop hiding and tell us everything. Would love to know Online, creation hub, classic teams, and a lot more.

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Not to harp up on but they have been the only company to release 5V5 actual gameplay video as of yet.
# 10 Optik @ 11/09/13 02:06 PM

Oh please...

Can I practice plays on this super-detailed basket?


# 11 MarvinOida @ 11/09/13 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Escobeats
Not to harp up on but they have been the only company to release 5V5 actual gameplay video as of yet.
I know the gameplay footage, I expect improvement and this is 2K, we know that. But even the 5v5 was 2 minutes vs a full Livestream of gameplay, seeing how plays could work, the controls and how the play out, how the atmosphere plays, the full on presentation, etc. You all remember they had a Livestream of a full Current Gen game a couple months ago right? Why not now with Next gen?

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# 12 LingeringRegime @ 11/09/13 02:08 PM
That 3rd screw from the top looks a little washed out. Besides the NBA always depends on Hemmingway screws. That sir is no Hemmingway.

# 13 jimbo22 @ 11/09/13 02:19 PM
Thanks 2K, we dont give a sh** about gameplay, all we want is pics of stuff
# 14 swaggedout @ 11/09/13 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
But we are a WEEK BEFORE THE GAME COMES OUT. Like how long we can go in myGM? Can I play multiple seasons in the barebones Season mode? Specifically who's the classic teams? How does create a player work? How is CREATE A TEAM? Is there anything new with the creation hub? How do we play in the Park? What does the Park look like?

Lot of questions, little answers before launch. I don't need a screenshot to tell me the graphics.

Edit: where did that post go? Lol.

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I was trying to edit my post an mistakenly deleted it. But you know that 2k never tells us every little thing about the modes. A lot of info comes from people who get the game early. Unfortunately, people have the game, but no consoles. That a reason why we don't have a lot of detailed info.
# 15 MarvinOida @ 11/09/13 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by swaggedout
I was trying to edit my post an mistakenly deleted it. But you know that 2k never tells us every little thing about the modes. A lot of info comes from people who get the game early. Unfortunately, people have the game, but no consoles. That a reason why we don't have a lot of detailed info.
I'm just sick and tired of how they marketed 2K14 as a whole. Not a long time ago, we got written or video insights to every mode, like 2K12 had write ups of modes and 2K13 had 6 videos on some elements. 2K14 is both but to a very complete downscale.

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# 16 stillfeelme @ 11/09/13 02:32 PM
While they adding all those details go head and give me this as a replay option.

Dev's make it happen!

# 17 swaggedout @ 11/09/13 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
I'm just sick and tired of how they marketed 2K14 as a whole. Not a long time ago, we got written or video insights to every mode, like 2K12 had write ups of modes and 2K13 had 6 videos on some elements. 2K14 is both but to a very complete downscale.

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I hear you, but we should be use to this by now. I can guarantee that the same thing will happen next year. The difference will be the fact that people will get the game early and will have the consoles to post videos and impressions.
# 18 Boilerbuzz @ 11/09/13 02:40 PM
What is the point of posting anything when all that happens is hijacking of the thread for the complaint of the day. There should just be a sticky asking for 5v5 gameplay. Maybe even a separate forum. It's by far the most popular "discussion" across all of OS. The games don't even matter anymore.
# 19 plyrically @ 11/09/13 02:44 PM
Details are fine, But net is still terrible. Is there anything special about Mo-Capping the net? It's weird. The net is your only (about only alongside with crowd reaction) INSTANT feedback for your shot. The importance//Next-Gen Ability ratio here is huge, considering the fact it is a relatively small detail (correct me if i'm wrong) that can change your feeling on an every possession basis.

I remember the nets @2k6 for the PS2. Amazing, Accurate, Water-y. Bring'em back.
# 20 RangersCruz @ 11/09/13 02:45 PM
Exactly what am i supposed to be looking at in this picture?

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